Today's South Korean anti-jap activity

>The students said their cross-country bicycle ride is primarily aimed at publicizing the issue of comfort women as an infringement on the human rights of all women throughout the U.S.

Why do South Koreans easily forget more savage infringement on the human rights of all women made by South Koreans themselves?

this thread could be banned

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Other urls found in this thread:朝鮮人日本兵吉田清治_(文筆家)

Best thread!

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imagine killing a guy, stealing his land AND turning his wife into a cum rag
fucking based lmao
truly honorary aryans


In short, shut up, Pak Chon IL

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Do you know what Koreans in those days thinking of Japan?

Koreans who were kamikaze pilots? They were thinking good things about Japan I suppose.

>Koreans who were kamikaze pilots
I don't know/think that kind of koreans were. maybe a little number of that were, though.
basically it was difficult for koreans to join jap army, although shit-loads of koreans loved to do it.

you can see 志願者数 in this page朝鮮人日本兵

This is bantz or just grudgeposting?

of course bants
what do you think of South Korean obsession with Jap ?
they are always along with commie China and Nork.

How come South Koreans don't learn their own comfort women way more savage infringement than jap do?

I bet no south korean come in this thread.

That guy sounds like an old Amerifag

But that is true, they didn't have power to compete against Russia.
this is what Korea was like before Jap merged with Korea.

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Didn't say it's not true. I'm still watching the video and to be honest it's quite interesting.

thanks n bump
>pic of Pope prostrating to Korean

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Why are Japanese posters so qt?


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wtf are you talking about anyways. this is such a stupid thread with an obsessed jap and a bunch of weebs. why don't you waste your energy on stopping the fukushima leak instead you weakling jap. stop antagonizing peaceful koreans and admit your mistakes already. you've already admitted it to america so fuck off

calm down park
whats this?

South Korean serve those comfort women including foreigners.
How did they manage those foreign hore business?
thats all South korean business.

you have fucking aspergers. anyways, it's too hot so have a nice summer you zitto animale

Do you know this thread is about infringement on the human rights of all women that South Korean looking for.

calm down park
I am supporting the South Korean students who standed for infringement on the human rights of all women.
So I suggested they should also learn what they did.

>let's forget japan's war crimes because this other thing

anyway, this vid could be soon deleted out of YouTube, cuz a vid in where some South Korean talking about Anti-jap in South Korea and uploaded to YouTube this April was soon deleted in like a week after I introduced here in Jow Forums Jow Forums last month.

lets talk about infringement on the human rights of all women that THE SOUTH KOREAN looking for.
They don't know what they did and what they are doing.

damn son
you guys certainly hate us more

How do I get a netouyo gf?

Wait wait, We don't at least do campaigns about South Korean war crime unlike you south korean keep doing it for decades.

you know when american posters say OBSESSED when europeans shittalk them?
it's like that times 10, ever seen videos of their rallies to shit talk us?

truly O B S E S S E D,

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Apologize to her like you always make jap students do. maybe you get it.

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don't worry. just a 'healthy' rivalry

it's the same japanese poster every thread. he has a combination of aspergers and weird humor

Do you want to watch other cases?
I am pleased to do, though.

but why

>it's the same japanese poster every thread
moron lol
If you want , I might do every day , though.
I rarely make a thread .

by the way we should keep watching the two korean in order for the human rights of all women and for SK idols. although there are no idols who suffered by South Koreans. I wonder why they forgot their own hores?
anyway do you know their Twitter/YouTube/Facebook accounts?

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===A WARNING!!!===This Is The Infamous Zainichi Korean ""Netouyo"" Schizophrenic From The Shin Okubo Psychiatric Ward With A Multiple Proxies! He Runs A Blog Called All-Nationz In Order To Generate The Ad-Revenue And Traffic! Please Ignore Him! Thank You For The Information ~ ~ ~

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We should've accepted when Korea asked if they could build a comfort women statue here.

Why are you so obsessed with Korea?
They are insignificant desu.

Is it tru that koreans attempt to undermine your govt while infiltrating yakuza?

also who are the enemies of the japanese nowadays? I'd like to know so I don't end up interacting with them by mistake.


koreans love japan

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NORK and China for the obvious reasons.

Yeah, but how do they project themselves? I'd imagine they send people to japan and infiltrate colleges like the URSS did back in the day, you know, anything that Yuri Bezmenov mentioned.

Maybe the jews too? I know there are about 20 masonic lodges (though this info is kinda dated) in Japan, but I don't know if the guys in the govt are so naive to join that kind of organisation.

Also I wonder if the guys from this agency:

monitor any religious establishment that isn't buddhism or shinto. IIRC there was an approved law that allowed them to do so. But, if you read the article, you'd figure they're really secretive on the matter.

apparently both koreas especially south
Do you want to know what they are doing more?

Eh, sure.

Maybe you are 南宮 kun?
He used to use both S korea and Singapore flags, though.

especially what kind?
for ex. media, politics, or comfort woman

All three if possible or just the first two.
I ask because maybe in the future (talk about 7-8 years) I'd consider doing some graduate stuff there in the electronics field, if you guys keep the edge in that field, but I'd rather not be an unaware baka gaijin when it comes to national issue.
So I'd like to know how things are going, I'd check r/japanlife but I doubt they're honest or bold enough to talk about this kind of stuff.

>All three if possible or just the first two
they are too many to explain.
So first about media

Its difficult for you to identify which is korean dramas. but there are shit-loads of korean programs in free tv channels.

Do they force any narrative with these shows?

why does it happen is because of 電通 that is zainichi korean company.

this 電通 is dealing with tv program's CM. So almost Japanese major medias can't run without 電通.

So what are these shows about? Do they run propaganda of any knd?

Do you honesty believe a normie Korean and Japanese hate each other with murderous intent? Just ignore politics, both nations appreciate their cultures.

Oh I figured it out, so what you're saying is that 電通, this korean company has some sort of monopoly on everything Ad related in Japan?

I wouldn't say murderous intent but I'd understand if they are suspicious about each other.
I don't understand this comment though, are you implying that there can't be some sort of negative motivations behind some people's actions? Excuse me but that sounds kind of naive.

STFU and give me a qt netouyu gf

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and Jap medias can't broadcast any news inconvenient to South Korea.
If one say something bad to SK or Koreans or its will, the guy soon disappear out of screen.

Last two are the case.

Does the government not care about this topic?
Are they compromised as well?

what the fuck is this thread?
Seek a therapist seriously.
You need medication to cure schizophrenia.

Shut up David.

your cultures are literally identical. Your people are literally identical. Stop fighting already

>what are these shows about?
those shows itself don't have any kind of politics propagandas.
Just make japs be koreaboo. and the boos try to protect South korea without any thought.

Do you really believe this?

wait I can't explain everything at once.
So lets talk about medias first.

Sure thing.

>All these red dot posters shilling and one gookposter shitposting as usual ITT

Japanese major newspapers that also run tv are well connected with South Korean ones.

韓国文化放送(MBC) 〒135-0091 東京都港区台場2-4-8 18F

フジテレビジョン 〒137-8088 東京都港区台場2-4-8

韓国聯合TVNEWS(YTN) 〒105-0000 東京都港区赤坂5-3-6

TBSテレビ 〒107-8006 東京都港区赤坂5-3-6

大韓毎日 〒108-0075 東京都港区港南2-3-13 4F

東京新聞(中日新聞社東京本社) 〒108-8010 東京都港区港南2-3-13

京郷新聞 〒100-0004 東京都千代田区大手町1-7-2

産経新聞東京本社 〒100-8077 東京都千代田区大手町1-7-2


朝鮮日報 〒100-0003 東京都千代田区一ツ橋1-1-1

毎日新聞 〒100-0003 東京都千代田区一ツ橋1-1-1

韓国日報 〒100-0004 東京都千代田区大手町1-7-1

読売新聞 〒100-0004 東京都千代田区大手町1-7-1

東亜日報 〒104-8011 東京都中央区築地5-3-2

朝日新聞 〒104-8011 東京都中央区築地5-3-2

韓国放送公社 〒150-8001 東京都渋谷区神南2-2-1

NHK放送センター 〒150-8001 東京都渋谷区神南2-2-1

Interesting, carry on.

Sorry for being too normie but what is a comfort girl, is it another word for prostitute?

>this korean company has some sort of monopoly
yeah, exactly . it works for Koreans.
So sometimes celebrities or entertainers disappears after they stated something about South Korea.

disappear as in, they get threatened so they end up jobless in that industry? or they get directly killed?

That means nothing though.
It's normal to have foreign TV broadcasts renting a space from Japanese major broadcasts.
Not just Korea. Stupid propaganda.
ABC(Australia) and ABC(the American one) share the building with NHK for examples.
Other exapmles.
BBC(英, SBS(韓)⇒日本テレビ
ザ・タイムズ(英),韓国日報, オーストラリアン新聞⇒読売テレ
AFP通信(仏),ドイツ通信, 中央日報(韓)⇒時事通信社)

The situation is similar for Japanese broadcasts in Korea.
NHK Sseoul Branch is in KBS, Fuji Seoul Branch in MBS, etc.
You just cherrypicked.

>they get threatened
No, it doesn't need to threaten them, it can just tell tv medias not to use them.
without it , tv medias can't run.

this is a TBS's case that it was taken over by it.
same kind of things probably happened in other tv companies. you don't understand Japanese in this vid, though.

hi lee
you can get in this party

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anyways, to the jap who was talking to me, thanks
if you wanna talk to me about the other subjects feel free to send me an email:

merryweatherpostpavilion (at) mail (dot) ru

Japanese medias use zainichi koreans and shills to make pro-south-korea public opinion.

Sorry I wanna protect my privacy , what I said in this thread would trigger some extremists.
So please delete your address soon.

don't worry, it's a trash email.
When I learn enough Japanese I'll ask around.

Take care.

You will regret this if you see her face

Ok, but I don't want to show any infos about me, if its the kind person like you.
so sorry.

*even if

Don't worry, stay safe.
For your next incursions consider using a VPN, I think nordVPN is a good choice.


thanks but sorry.
I will introduce something along with the theme in this thread or what we were talking about if you like to know more, in this thread.

Why don't south korea give enough moneys for comfort women to live off?
if they want an infringement on the human rights of all women, its not fair.

this Japantimes is also pro-South-Korea , so maybe the article could try to mislead something.
ex. the period of time.
the hore business started in 1950. but the year described in the article can be read as 1960s. but still have some truth.
why it try to do so might be relevant to another comfort women.

SK government have given nothing to compensate its comfort women for its treatment, so they lied they were comfort women of Japan imperial army to get money to live off.

An Inconvenient Truth of Comfort Women

jap and weebs shitty thread as usual the finished japan try to appear somewhere

thanks do you want a trash email?

吉田清治 who worked for KCIA and USSR. he set fire to comfort women fever.
a brief summary of his career吉田清治_(文筆家)

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吉田清治's real name was 吉田雄兎.
and according to a graduation list of his high school in 1931, he already passed away at the point in time.

> say that Japan is at fault for something and have to pay
> they do it
> accept it
> say they're at fault for the same thing and have to pay again
> they also do it
> repeat ad infinitum
And people still claim that Jews are the ultimate scammers.

Yeah. They were Korean women who were forced to have sex with Japanese soldiers during WWII.

吉田清治 had two sons. one was his real son. and another was an adopted man who was "4 YEAR OLD YOUNGER" than 吉田清治 and was korean.

Masonic lodges are just a way for business owners to LARP as some secret occult organisation while discussing cattle shipments. They do not have power because they are masons, they are masons because they gave power.

吉田清治 was an official of Japan-Russia association in Moji Japan at 1970.
His both sons studied abroad in Moscow, although he couldn't pay a rent.

> they have power
Obvious fix.

He was also working for normal company in Moji Japan. but after the fact that he was a member of Japan-Russia association, he lost his job.
and his sons quit Moscow university on the way.