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logang represent
dab on the haters of team 10

>haha le 69 dimensional backgammon strieks agen

>hurr duur DRUMPF BAD
Imagine being this much of a cuck. If families wanted to stay together maybe they should've stayed in their own countries.


Good. Apparently our PM talked him into it.

White genocide resumes

>americans elected an orange cheeto to the white house

>not the greatest tool of the patriarchy

BASED trump and BASED border jumpers


yeah I always wonder why they can't be poor in their homelands and be content with it

good. now go to jail and pay for it.

Oldest republican strategy in the book. Do something absolutely abhorrent, then go back on it a few days later to make yourself look “reasonable”.

Or you know maybe improve it

I honestly can't wait to hop a border and get free housing and money and a career and a car when the dems finally take over and institute their "instant citizenship" program. Forget American citizens, our allegiance should be to the billions of people outside america.
Dump blumf kerpflump

This executive order is legally invalid but it does throw the ball back into the D's court.

Republicans actually care about family values and this shocks the modern liberal who wants to destroy it through degeneracy like homosexuality and abortion

yeah so it's our responsibility to take care of them then

How will Jow Forums attempt to spin this one?

>went to Jow Forums before Trump's law that keeps families together
>Eveyone was happy about it
>they keep making fun of these people and discard any opinions that use any form of feeling
>Go to Jow Forums after Trump's law to keep families together
>everyone supports it
>blaming Obama for putting a law that deported illegals
>making fun of lafties because this law somehow btfos the communists and the left

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It's a cult at this point, user.

Unless it's something important, like guns, wars, outlawing the act of feeding the homeless etc.

Heavy mental gymnastics to make it appear like they're always winning.

SeeThey deluded themselves that the law hindered the left
>>Jow Forums175884257


so are all of you actually as dumb as your posts make you out to be?

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>do something stupid and unethical
>people tell you to stop doing stupid and unethical things
>see arent i the best

do you actually understand what is happening or are you this willfully ignorant

uh oh

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>Indefinitely detaining children
They can't do this even if they wanted to. Children can only be detained for 20 days thanks to the Flores Settlement, all that Trump's EO does is let them spend those 20 days with their parents before being sent away to a relative.


Okay, this is epic

yeah I always wonder why they can't improve their homelands, are they even trying

Stupid elephants! Why don't you just stay and die with your dry watering hole?

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stop being a retard

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You're the one defying humanity's most basic instinct. You might as well tell people to stop breathing.

I'm not convinced Trudeau could convince a dog to lick it's own balls.

If it's so important for them to leave their country why is it too much for them to do so legally?

unaccompanied children, yes

but they won't be unaccompanied now will they?

Well no, then they double down. I mean, it's barely even a strategy - just raw instinct and malice, but apparently that bodes well with some people.

Stupid elephants! Don't you know the regulations only allow for 2 elephants per herd?

do you honestly believe this is something that just started? deaf, dumb and blind is no way to go through life

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Nope, Flores v. Lynch in 2016 decided it was both accompanied and unaccompanied.

DOJ can disregard the 9th circuit court and it wouldn't be illegal

Other countries don't owe you the ability to live in them let alone undocumented and tax free.

>the executive branch can just ignore the judicial branch's decisions!!

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Did you even read your own picture?
>by keep families in detention

That sounds like a difficult thing to do

You've never had a dog before, have you?

It's not a law, so yes the DOJ does not have to comply in which case it would go back to court.

Kids were separated too you clown. This is not a new phenomenon.

cuck!! cuck!! cuck!!

>Its quite beautiful, actually.

>why don't they just come legally
>"because they can't"
>lol we don't have to let them in

>im mad

>source: because i said so
of course this is exactly what democrats want and isn't just some retarded strawman you came up to cope with the fact that you can't jack off to pictures of crying honduran children anymore

>It's a cult at this point
Say a bunch of retards which the only thing they have in mind is how buttblasted u mad other people are over ending something they deemed horrible.

Really shows the real concern.

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>Say a bunch of retards which the only thing they have in mind is how buttblasted u mad other people are over ending something they deemed horrible.

>Really shows the real concern.

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Ksjsksjdwkdno foda...

>It's a cult at this point
Say a bunch of retards which the only thing they have in mind is how buttblasted u mad other people are over ending something they deemed horrible.

Really shows the real concern.

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Hundreds to thousands of people immigrate every year, so obviously it can be done. If you are denied though it doesn't give you the right to ignore the law.

What if its a female dog?

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It spontaneously grows a set of balls when it feels the need to lick them and they dissolve afterwards.
Really it's like you know nothing about dogs.


t. Thomas Mancini

Reminder that this was a Democrat policy. Alongside his success in North Korea, Trump should be getting a Nobel prize for ending this.

dont rationalize your subhuman behaviour

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It unironically was, dems were the ones who pushed for it so they could use the logic
>better to let them go than separate families

r you a refugee or an identitarian

Welp. It finally happened, I had to dump Trump. I was a supporter from day 1, ordered every season of The Apprentice, stayed at Trump Tower in Chicago when I visited, bought all his books and highlighted my favorite quotes with the classic neon yellow highlighter we used back in school, I did everything to support this man. But, now, I'm just tired of it. I'm tired of staying up all night on social media trying to defend all of Trump's blunders, the countless broken promises, the way he bent the knee to the murderous North Korean regime, and the internment of desperate unaccompanied children trying to find a better life in America were just some of the latest. I'm tired of always being stressed out, wondering how badly new errors will hurt him in the polls.

It finally hit me, this man has been exposed countless times as a weak and ineffective President, so why am I staying up all night, every night to defend him? It's time for ALL of us to fess up, Donald Trump tricked us, he made us all believe he would make America great again, well he's NOT and I'm tired of pretending he is, I've spent nearly every night over the past three years trying to defend him, and I'm exhausted, angry and lacking so much sleep.

IT'S OVER, I'm sick of it! There's going to be a big, blue beautiful wave this year, and we may as well grab our surfboards and hang ten into 2020. Now I'm going to rest easy and catch up on some much needed sleep, but not before putting my MAGA hat into the garbage can.

Finally, peace.

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It's not fair that literally everyone else has to wait their turn for visa but mexicans think just bc they live next to the US they are someone worthy to come in illegally and other people can't come legally. There's an issue with mass migration: they don't assimilate.

We know, trust us, we know. The weird entitlement they think they have to be in the U.S. is something else.

drumpftards unironically believe they always win no matter what, it's hilarious

ikr wish the irish would fuck OFF

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Why do lie so blatantly?

Why the fuck would we want some serbnigger's opinion on US politics? Fuck off you subhuman or we'll bomb another part of your shithole into independence.

Piss off Diego

Ironic coming from a subhuman slavshit.

I was literally defending America and you got butthurt and said my opinion didn't matter. Clearly you're a mexishit

You weren't "defending" anything, Niko, now go back to drunkenly stabbing people.

Imagine being that mad. You seem pretty insecure about your nation. After all it is being taken over by hoards of illegal immigrants and there's nothing you can do about it. Hasta la vista.

i voted for this weak dude because i thought he was strong

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