Why did they decide to stop speaking like human beings?

Why did they decide to stop speaking like human beings?

Attached: Finland.png (470x278, 4K)

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They speak uralo-altaic language which is very unfamiliar and thus weird sounding to speakers of indo-european languages.

>uralo-altaic language
why didn't the swedes beat them into speaking a more sensible language?

I want a Finnic momy gf to perkele me in a Finnic language.

Average person considers them Scandinavian and fraternal to viking nations culturally so I think Sven did the job on perspectives other than language.

Yrittivät, mutteivät onnistuneet. Ei muuten tärpännyt venäläisilläkään.

Swedes should have exterminated the Finnish language.

Germanic languages are overrated.

Just the language?

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Why is this one australian so butthurted towards our god chosen Master Race?

Is poop measured in liters? Does this mean that /desi/ is around 1 desileter of poo?

I'm starting believe the Finngolian meme. Finnish language even looks Asian

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He's a l2 haploshit half-pole balkanoid self-hater. He ruins my shistposting, should be exterminated.

Explains a lot, he is clearly obsessed, lost in need of serious help and caring parents


I think Finnish sounds cute


Finnish language is actually related to Sumerian language.

1. Sumerin abba 'isä' -suomen appi

2. Sumerin al 'alhaalla' - suomen ala-, alhaalla, alasti

3. Sumerin amma 'äiti' - suomen ämmä

4. Sumerin ár 'autiomaa' - suomen aro

5. Sumerin badar 'astia' - suomen pata

6. Sumerin be 'päällikkö' - suomen pää

7. Sumerin bil, bíl, bìl 'palaa' - suomen palaa.

8. Sumerin billu 'pilvi' - suomen pilvi.

9. Sumerin bur 'ateria' - suomen puuro.

10. Sumerin bur 'liikkua sinne ja tänne' - suomen purjata

11. Sumerin bur 'savimalja' - suomen purnukka.

12. Sumerin bùru 'tehdä reikä' - suomen pura

13. Suomen dag 'iskeä, takoa' suomen takoa

14. Sumerin di 'tie, tietää' - suomen tie, tietää

15. Sumerin eme 'äiti' - suomen emo

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They lost everything in the great war.

What do you mean "stop"? Are you retarded? Finnic languages are old

Why can't I get a cute finland bf?

Because Finns like men

But I am a man

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the more i stare at it the weirder it looks

this is not a language. no word needs this many ä's

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Isn't ä the same as e anyways?

*kill you*


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Kun rämäpää määrää määränpään, on päämääränä rämäpään määräämä määränpää.

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Mida vittu sa teed?
Kek! close your mouth

t. Eesti

We WON the Hyperwar. Learn your history!

Only in Swedish. Ä is pronounced as ä in Finnish. It's the same sound as the a in american Cat

got tired of pretending to be lower lifeforms

Swedes tried hard

Even Russians gave up on the language forcing experiments

Attached: finn-binn.png (440x254, 19K)

it's pronounced the same in Swedish

Then how do you pronounce "a"?

a in Finnish is like the a in the English words "atonement", "affront"

Pronounce it like ''a''

like ass youtube.com/watch?v=AChjMtzU6oM

im pretty sure finnish people actaully speak english/swedish to eachother and just spew out this monkey shit near foreigners so they piss off

>it's pronounced the same in Swedish

>Pronounced sei-jer
Juuh elics

off by one

>älska, ära, använd

>uralo-altaic language which is very unfamiliar and thus weird sounding to speakers of indo-european languages
literally the closest language family to IE

>have been here for a shorter time than germanics

shit people
shit language
shit country

maksa velkas

>implying wh*Te people can speak
LMAO how new are u



Attached: greece flag.gif (200x133, 6K)

Yeah well those are similar words, are there any more studies on that and where did you get that from?

u wh*Te as snow nigga hahahahaha
rich coming from the highest gay percentage country in the world

keep takin dem ls wh*Teys

what the fuck is up with Jow Forums and tripfags



Boring little faggot.

>getting butthurt for no reason whatsoever
Is this the power of the American people?

Not for no reason whatsoever, but for something that has no reason whatsoever, which is all the reason ever needed to hate it.

Yksikseskös yskiskelet, itsekseskös itkeskelet, yksikseskös istuskelet, itkeskellen yskiskelet

But he wasn't even muttposting.

You don't even know that mutta means but in finnish :DDDDDDD Tyhmä mutti

>t. the same person that ran an english sentence through google translate into swedish and subsequently tried to pass of as someone who could speak swedish

>8. Sumerin billu 'pilvi' - suomen pilvi.

It's like someone fell asleep on their keyboard

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lmao no

>tfw can only swear, order food and introduce myself and even then people always go straight to english

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unironically i want to learn finnish but i'm too autistic to find a finn who would be willing to let me practice with

He is right. You have no idea how many times i've had to correct foreigners when they've mistook us for scandis or viKANGZ online.
And our culture is mostly a ripoff from Swedish culture. Only our language remains untouched

Attached: apu kieli kiinni RK.jpg (1023x654, 130K)

Is it true that they tend to speak English rather than Finnish in their everyday life just like irish people speak English instead of Irish?


No. I haven't spoken a single word of English since highschool and most Finns have a horrible Finglish accent and i'd rather not hear that everyday.
It's either Finnish or Swedish in some small towns in western Finland

>literally the closest language family to IE
lol no

No. At least not outside Helsinki, but Helsinki is full of homot and neekerit so God only knows what they do there.

Technically it is

Good to know. I thought they usually spoke only English since I seldom saw them post in Finnish here.

Mutteivät is a plural form of a coupling of the word 'but' and a negative word.

In my opinion it would be better to write them separately, but however he wasn't insulting you.

t. knower


Finns have never been and will be humans, thus they have never spoken a human language. The Finnish language is a demonic language.

but what is the closest non indo european group?

is it a, b, c, d or e?

a) Finno-Ugric
b) Altaic
c) Turkic
d) Kartvellian
e) Japonic

These are pretty much the only sane choises because it would not be sane to try to fit African languages in this context

Shut up, demon.

Norway was founded by the Finn Noorri according to Snorri Sturlusson

Also Armenian

Voski-gold, vaski-copper

That's a Finnic loan in Armenian though. Waski is well attested in every branch of Uralic but absent in all IE.

First picture of Noorri I found

Attached: Noorri.jpg (768x1024, 104K)


You don't understand what ripoff means then, because this country's culture is not a "ripoff", but a result of its history. Try thinking a bit deeper of that issue for a moment.

Person named after Noorri != Noorri the Suomalais-Kuningas(Finn King)

jäätävää tää tällänen

If you're being serious, let me correct your delusions.
Norway was unified into a single kingdom by Harald Hårfagre around ~872 AD.

no it's not

none of those are "sane choices" because no certain connection to those groups from IE has ever been established

Snorri Sturlusson thought otherwise. Who am I gonna believe, a liar or the greatest Icelandic historian?

Finnish tricks, the language sounds demonic when not sung by vixens.

This random person is more famous then your gay King LMAO

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>Kun rämäpää määrää määränpään, on päämääränä rämäpään määräämä määränpää.

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Why did they stop making funny memes ~3 years ago? Is that finnish chan still a thing?

are there even any "sane choices"?


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Great posts finnanon, 10/10

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it wos flooded with normies unfortunately

"meme makers" are underground now, I have been trying to track them down to find a supply of memes

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IE is bound to be more statistically similar to some language families than others. It just happens that it's most similar to those language families which originate from geographically adjacent areas to it's homeland, those being Uralic and to a lesser extent NW Caucasasian(Circassian).

>Why did they stop making funny memes ~3 years ago
*blocks your path*

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closest IE languages (languages that generally feel like they have some relation even if they don't) to Finnish would be Swedish (for obvious reasons), Greek and Latin for them influx of technical and science words and also Slovak (for unknown reasons)

Apustaja is decent imo

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