
has anyone here ever gotten advice that actually works? i mean everything here now is just shilling coins. like wtf

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Other urls found in this thread:

some user told me to kill myself
best advice i have received my whole life

whats your biggest pain point?

i'm trying to make content that helps newbies, being a newbie myself i think i have a good opportunity to chronicle my journey of knowledge.

Think about: in the majority cases they actually have an incentive to give you bad advice because it makes them money.

its still pretty shitty

The best advice is to do your own research and do your own thinking. This heavily favors the intelligent and those willing to take risks.
If you spend your free time reading research papers and thinking of the future, you will likely do well in crypto.

good financial advice that will allow you more financial freedom later to seek more good advice : grip origami network in the 6's on IDEX.

okay, time for bed, for real.


my biggest pain point is that nothing here can be taken seriously

also, do yoga, and drink more water. goodnight.

This place had a picture of a cute ant last summer and that helped me make my first 100k

Good advice is called fud

lol @ 'do yoga'

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my advice rn is to pull out of crypto 100%

Ding dong nip fong. Buy Chingchong Coin. Your funds are safe.

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Yes but you're not going to find it on Jow Forums or Reddit. Those who are successful in this space tend to keep it to themselves.

Yeah I bet you didn't take this advice as well

Quit being a whiny entitled bitch and take some fucking chance.

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fud is often misunderstanding mixed with confidence. A lawyer asked me why I would buy EOS since it didn't convey legal rights. I've since 30x in USD value in EOS alone.
Learn to differentiate transient issues and insurmountable ones.

after the golden bull crash its hard for me to re invest for some reason

Perfect example of an EOS shill giving ad advice

/biz is much more manageable and useful after creating a filter for the catalog

My count

> Filtered threads: 54

build your own filter list by copy pasting the shill terms in the subject lines

Or use mine

EOS | Last chance | Smenim | Sergey| Nazarov| Oracle| Sminem| Bogs | smart | money | accumulating | Teeka escortsCharlie | Leemainnet| Walton| Moon | mission| 0chain| undervalued| Poloniex| post | your | wallets| How does it feel| EOY | EOM | Metro | Coinmetro| Last | Chance | EOS| BitMEX | bitmex | BITMEX | Bitmex| salt | tron | moon | 0xBitcoin | Ravencoin | kys | suicide | apologize | skycoin |Oracle | MAINNET|APOLOGIZE | REEEEEEE | Sergay | moon | pump | dump | bitmex | Soros | soros | Universa | universa | RACIB | cryptoruble | Sochi | evangelist | Russia | Beijing | Shanghai | Huchzhou | Changxing | DAG | UnicornGO | HitBTC | UNTP | ELEC | ETH | GAME | COSS | Ambrosus | AMB | TRTL | Bitshares | blackpill | XRP | Ripple | Tenx | eos | prl | BNB | binance | Stinky | Linky | Stinkies | Linkies | IOTA | Dash | Trezor | Jibrel | NEO | coinmetro | powh | POWH | Eth | Omisego | OMG | req | Chainlink | VEN | Vechain | boys | IOST | ink | chainlink | stellar | XLM | lads

Haven't added in a while. Just keep adding until you are at a point in catalog where 80% of the threads are removed

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may i have some advice

I bought a zoin masternode for $4.5k, BTC at $600, NANO at $0.11.
I'm not an EOS shill, I'm an independent thinker, software engineer and futurist.

>Don't invest money that you're not willing to lose.
>If the person advertising it is overly excited it's a scam.
>If anyone promises you any % gain over a month, it's a scam
>20% gain get out

That's why I lived by and was able to take out 90k when the coin market bulled.

It's the same for everyone. Take advantage of the fear and do your own research.

Sure bro. Nice quads.

>i mean everything here now is just shilling coins. like wtf
Yup... welcome to nu-Jow Forums. Much like nu-Jow Forums was flooded with r/etards during the election never to recover, Jow Forums was also flooded with moron scammers and people willing to be scammed. Remember when this board used to talk about opening businesses? Tax avoidance? Stocks? Good times.

Biz can be solid at times. They put me on to zcl a few months ago. This place definitely has its gems. I will give you sound advice but it’s up to you to DYOR. Take a look in Phore (PHR). Privacy coin with segwit and smart contracts. I think that will be huge. 30m mcap only. Do the comparisons.

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how do i into Jow Forums

Because you're an insecure speculator, we've been there. If you're this emotional, you're probably spending money you don't want to lose. Take those amount out and buy cryptocurrencies at an amount you're willing to lose. Do your own research and there's resources like coingecko and others helping you assess project activity etc.

Phore also has a marketplace. It's based off openbazaar so I think the user experience is bad if the market host goes down (it's all decentralized). Syscoin is releasing later this month without that problem.
I have a phore node, purchased for $500 off coinsmarkets, before it was listed on CMC.