Have you seen american debt?
is big
Have you seen american debt?
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Don´t matter.
They can imprint money from thin air.
And if they need money, they just oblige Japan and Germany to borrow then money
It does matter because eventually it's gonna blow the fuck up. It's not exactly a sustainable trend to wizard up shitloads of money with zero intent to ever pay it off. Then all us mutts can start fleeing to Brazil.
no one will ever pay back debt anyway
Holy fuck! What the hell have Bush, Obama and Trump been spending all that on?!
Protection racket
who cares?
dont be a little bitch russia the amount of dept doesnt matter as long as the economic growth you can produce from it is higher then the interest rates you have to pay on it
War, obviously.
It's not a debt if you can afford to not return it.
it's not like you were exactly saving up on that before, what made it explode like that? found some expensive gadget?
Most of the internally owned bonds are owned by less than 100,000 people.
Lynch those people, tell the Muslim debt holders to get fucked, and pay no interest no longer and bam.
Not even a problem.
Shouldn`t you "free" worlders consider anyone who says shit about you overlord`s national debt as a proxy-putins or something?
Clinton and the NeoCon Congress deregulated the banks and did some other nasty shit, Bush 2 presided over massive tax cuts, two wars and expanding medicare, Obama was a nigger who did absolutely nothing he was elected for.
Trump was handed a shit platter and Congress absolutely hates him.
Several expensive gadgets. Drones, satellites, MRAPs, you name it. The defense budget's waxed and waned over the years, but it fucking exploded after 9/11 and has kept growing ever since.
id rather be "free" with a full stomach then russian
ahh right i forgot 9/11
i guess all intelligence work also falls under war category? that's pretty consuming
That`s exactly what you do while pretending you are something different. If you catch my drift.
Just how the fuck did they garner so much debt
Ask the billionaires after we're done lynching them
you really asking this?
ok here:
war against terrorism and removing sadam
financial crisis from 2008
lowering taxes for companies
if trump really does everything he promised, american debts will go nuts.
1. the wall to mexico
2. the great infrastructure programm
3. more money for the military
4. invest in nuclear weapons
wow, that's big
for u
2010 we have finally paid back our last debts that we took from ww1.
in another 200-300 years we will probably pay our ww2 debts back.
Americans need to pay their damn debt.
they export debt and import goods
America is currently robbing the whole world and getting away with it, America will never repay it's debt
THIS is 3d chess, THIS is the robbery of the millennial
Russia was always poor, is poor and will be poor. Not because of the USA, but because of Russians. Just look at China, they are humans, not subhumans. They don't need their country to be placed on thousands killometers of stolen land full of most precious natural resources to live better than you and improve 10x faster. That's because they have brains and souls, Russians are golems, you are muppets.
>that flag
>that post
That's a big debt.
Anal-fenced country.
They still have to pay 250 billion in annual interest on it
Does that include the 850 billion you owe to Poland?
>That's a big debt.
I know that you don't give a fuck but 8/10 Polish experts on geopolitics claim that you are already fucked, no matter what you do. Not because of debt but because of the growth/size of China. Combined GDPs of Third Reich and imperial Japan were less than 1/4 of your GDP but you needed a help of the Soviet Union and the most deadly war in history of humanity to finish them off. The Soviet Union never crossed the barrier of 40% of your GDP, and its economy was globally isolated, it was a centrally planned autarky suffering from critical structural problems, and you needed half of century of unbelievable investments and effort to _wait_ for its interal demise. You _waited_ for it, you didn't bring the Soviet Union down, you just waited for the Soviet Union to fuck itself, because everything which is managed by the Russian subhuman goes down sooner or later with a big boom. The Chinese economy is already 70% of your nominal GDP and 110% of your purchase power based GDP. It is interconnected with everyone, whole fucking globe, everyone trades with China usually to much bigger degree than with you.
Destroying China is like destroying whole humanity now, because their economy is so globalized. You can't do it without a total thermonuclear war.
You will never pay back WW2 debts. If you do, (((they))) will invent more indemnities and reparations for you to pay.
I wish China nothing but success. I also hope a federal EU evicts all American troops and bases. Watching our defense department and politicans screech and moan over the rise of multipoliarity will be delicious.
>owe 850 billion
nvm I thought this was the avg Chilean dick size over time graph
>multipoliarity will be delicious.
Not for Poles. We will be butchered here again by all these maniacs around us. And the most fucked up thing about it is that we won't be even able to escape to the USA, at least partially, because Trump closed the borders :(
>23 trillion
that's quite a bit bigger than the entire US GDP
Is the US like a poor person who lives in a mansion using a credit card
Even your "ally" the UK thinks that demanding reparations from Germans is a bad idea
Only one patriotic ethnically British MP Daniel Kawczyński supports Poland's efforts and even wants to join them with British efforts to make Germans pay.
I think you mean if the -taxes- on the new economic growth is greater than the interest payments
>watch boston legal
>one lawyer talks about USA being 8.5 trillion in debt and how nobody can pay that much back
>couple of years fly by
>it's 23 trillion
fortunately for them, they can probably just change the rules of economics and make being in debt a good thing.
it's all rigged anyway.
more like a big shot businessman that can go bankrupt and then magically keep all his shit and come back richer than ever a couple of months later
while all the other cunts are like poor people who get their houses confiscated for paying a 300 euro bill one day late
word, god
you alright
BAD (Big American Debt)
Usa president 1940: franklin d roosevelt (democrat)
President 1975: gerald ford (republican)
President 2001: george w. Bush (republican)
What does these 3 presidents have in common?
i can't wait 200-300 years for ge*ms to pay back the money they owe
work harder, spend less, i don't care. you already have it way too good for my liking. sell all your shit and pay debts
That's not debt it's spending and isn't counting for inflation.
Essentially we spend money then approve the budget later. It's like a credit card it's "debt" but if you pay the bill every month it doesn't matter
What happens when we stop paying the credit card though?
You get fucked with late frees
>mfw greek denbt is 55 times smaller from muts
>poor people who get their houses confiscated for paying a 300 euro bill one day late
The people who got their houses confiscated went out and bought $250,000+ houses with non-fixed rate loans and were shocked when their mortgage payments went up $500 or more a month after a few years.
They should have never taken out the loans, and never been given the loans but the government's own big mortgage companies started giving them out so the politicians could brag about increasing home ownership among minorities and all that and started pushing the private lenders to do the same, which they did.
They're not going to let the whole banking system collapse so people who borrowed way beyond their means can feel avenged over something that was primarily their own fault.
I stayed renting shitty little places until the bubble collapsed and bought a house for $35,000 some assholes drug dealers had payed $180,000 for the year prior.
America is so big, we have everything!
Did you know that we have D-E-B-T?
>but greek economy is 100 times smaller than mutt economy making their debt per capita almost two times larger than the mutt debt per capita
ton économie est beaucoup plus petite que 55 fois plus petite
i get you but i was trying to make a different point really
Ummm... so, how do Trumpanzees explain this?
Same user
I am moving to Austria before the debt crashes so I dont give a shit
What? No that’s our total debt we are supposed to pay off
They're politicians.
Their whole game is making expensive promises they'll be out of office or dead before the consequences catch up.
I don't know why anyone ever expects politicians to actually spend less money.
They best they do is shift it around.