What games does Jow Forums like?

what games does Jow Forums like?

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Russian Roullete

I don't like games anymore

Japanese games

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Is that Firmino?

I play dota because I hate myself and like to inflict pain on to others.

Any well written, single player game usually does it for me. From Mass Effect to Heavy Rain.
Playing Red Dead Redemption right now. 10/10.

World of Warcraft when there's stuff to do.
Otherwise Factorio and DF


Unironically enjoy Steamworld, and lots of old Mario through emulators.

This. Currently enjoying The Witcher 3.

>enjoying The Witcher 3.
good thing, but OP said games

Crusader Kings 2

Some meme I missed I guess. Well it's a great game either way.

Stupid /v/edditor

>enjoy western trash
>call me a redditor

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ck2, stellaris, total war (medieval and shogun only)
also im poor so cant afford better pc to play games

Hollow Knight, dark souls

kill yourself immediately animeautist

shut the fuck up

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