I look exactly like the 56% face. What do I do?

I look exactly like the 56% face. What do I do?

Should I move to USA to be accepted?

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post face

Post a pic of yourself


what the fuck

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Face pic

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La creatura...

isn't this meme about the spicification of the US? always wondered why new worlders use this meme, it's like making fun of yourself

dios mio

no, it's about the majority of white americans being mixed with atleast one other heritage.

la creatura maligno ..

el oscuro...

joke only works from a european, and i'm asian

Come home, mutt man

el goblino...

I know your pain bro

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El aborto perturbador

Dios mío...

Fuck off

already have to deal with hearing your garbage language in my classes from your half-retarded chicano gangbanger cousins, please don't make me read it here too

Like looking at the mirror, huh?

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el duende siempre negro...


No, brazil should be used as mutt containment grounds

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>mothers parents are pure french
>fathers parents are pure off the rez native americans
>look 100% like my mothers father

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your paternal side most likely has a lot of European blood.
t. dad is native american, mom is from spain, look like my maternal uncle

I guess it's possible, I don't know a lot about my dad's side except that his parents grew up on a rez and that my mothers parents are actual french migrants and even moved to the french quarter of Louisiana so they would have less trouble fitting in, when I shave my facial hair I'm a 1:1 with my mother's dad though and still have family living in france whereas I know nothing of my dad's side other than that