Should i convert to islam?
It seems the most based religiion
Should i convert to islam?
For some reason their god creator of everything everywhere cares if you pork instead of beef and if you drink a digestif after coffee
Islam is retarded. For that reason it suits arabs. Stick to Jesus and bunda.
>should i convert to another abrahamic religion
its the same shit, just different edition.
Good kaffir. Submit to the caliphate.
Fuck off with your shitty threads, macaco.
hurr durr
islam is the true religion
i've seen it in my dreams
>religion that makes you shave your armpits and pubes
>religion that proscribes the proper thing to wipe your ass with
>can't eat during the day for a whole month
>mandatory vacation to Saudi Arabia once in your life
If you want to follow a bunch of rules just join the military tbqh
You can't. You have to pick a denomination and be at perpetual war with all the rest.
>being religious
lol mate
source on finland being that high
even after refugees we ought to be 95% white at least
>religion that makes you shave your armpits and pubes
wait, what? explain this
Muslims have rules for literally everything including that they can't have long pubes or armpit hair.
Reminder that Muhammad peed sitting down and all good muslims are supposed to follow his example
>—Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) said: “Whoever tells you that the Prophet used to urinate standing up, do not believe him. He only ever used to urinate sitting down
>Islam is the true religion
Gee, sounds a lot like (((Jesuit))) missionaries lmao
Seeing the miracle that is a clean men's bathroom might actually convince me of their god
Jow Forumsyps always seem to be just a step away from it
Islam ruined my life and I genuinely regret that the Serbs didn't manage to exterminate us, I'm plagued by unbearable self-hate and inferiority complexes that make me want to compensate for my flaws by worshiping white Christians
>Because of the large Muslim population, many Herzegovinians don't eat pork. In an email to ACSH, Dr. Grasgruber says that the religious prohibition on pork may be largely to blame for the shorter average stature of Herzegovinians. Indeed, regions with a greater fraction of Muslims were shorter than regions with fewer Muslims.
>be muslim
>waste your Dinaric height genes and stay a manlet forever
No true God is this cruel buddy
well atleast they don't have teachings about giving all your shit to poorfags to be allowed in Heaven
>ooga booga amma give all my father's shit to poor
>goes in heaven for this after beeing beheaded
>Romanian """education"""
Also, theres a concept of Zakat and Sadaqah in pisslam too you fucking retard
s-sorry, I should've known this since we, romanians are 99% muslim and we are def being teached about this in schos
Zakat is like 2,5% worth of your total belongings you faggot.
thats a oximoron, herzegovians are by definition catholic
And total belongings were about disciples of Jesus, retarded mud.
>makes you a slave to god
sure, its based like having super controlling parents is based
boi im an amerimutt and i got taught this how fucked is your education.
based & redpilled
Dreams are facade of syaitaan. Please learn more instead of believing some dreams. Then you'll decide. Among other things, the matter of heart is difficult to dealt with if you're not carefull. If the intention was to join the extremist cult, please forget.
T. Reverter to Islam
First learn english and then try again retard.
The prime purpose of language is to deliver an information. It delivered that successfully.
Now fuck off back to MENA you inbred t*rk
>tfw you will never CRUSADE a qt moor boi
it is mashallah thank you brother based brazil Muslim poster.
pork is disgusting and these provisions were reasonable especially for the agrarian society it originated
no its not, because
1. It is the true religion
2. The other Abrahamic faiths are kuffar who do not even profess their belief in God but instead in their religions social "judeo-christian" values.
So many good Muslims come from Georgia; be one of them
>being a cuckold
You are not supposed to be like a dog, i.e. with a leg up in the air. Dogs are unclean.
People want the strongest sword. All other ideologies and doctrines are rusted, blunted swords. Islam is sharp. Monotheism is the strongest.
Except your parents are probably kuffar. Deal with them.
>implying its bad
Degeneracy of the west is a real world example of that anything without control, order and transgression.
>but sandnig are--
theyre the youth that's easily swayed, unprepared to see the world out of their sphere and culture shocked of the hedonistic freedom they've never saw before, so they acted like cavemens out of the cave despite being reminded daily to behave themselves but the influence of hedonistic is stronger.
we have the idea of forgiveness. The ideal of marriage by love.
how can you even talk about family values if a man can have several wives?
>how can you even talk about family values if a man can have several wives?
How can you even talk about family values if:
1. you believe in pre marital sex and adultery
2. your country is full of drugs and AIDS
3. you are alcoholic and beat your children when it is not their fault
4. you allow your daughters to become whores
5. you allow your sons to be cuckolds (See: World Cup sex tourism)
hes a shitposter
No I am not, I own a Quran, two Arabic textbooks, and I am enrolled in 4 semesters worth of Arabic classes in the next year alone. I just shaved my head yesterday so my kufi can fit closer to my skull.
also you wrote that it's a true religion. But what kind of it? There are a lot of them. Alawites don't have several wives too.
also you just showed, that you have a hate.
Muhammad rasul Allah
Islam is the religion of peace according to even George Bush.
nice cherrypicking
In Saudi Arabia in some regions women can show only eyes. Do you think it's fine thing?
because family values is when you married by love, and have only one women.
Alawites are shiites, and even that is dubious. For a long time they were not even thought as anything other than a fringe splinter sect of that too. They underwent a period of 'sunnification' under Hafez al-Assad that aligned some aspects of their religious behavior with more mainstream Islam, albeit they remain kuffar.
I do. Women have no place in the public sphere of influence. Maybe if you were a full man you would realize we have natural urges. We cannot become lazy and get distracted by women at every turn.
Then why does western world have a higher rate of divorce than the Islamic world
>1. you believe in pre marital sex and adultery
>2. your country is full of drugs and AIDS
>3. you are alcoholic and beat your children when it is not their fault
>4. you allow your daughters to become whores
>5. you allow your sons to be cuckolds (See: World Cup sex tourism)
1)nothing to do with religion
2)only one that doesnt apply to pisslamist shitholes is alcohol.
Also, check for nikah mut'ah and Misyar marriage.
you really suck at shitposting
>USA flag
and how you can comment that refugees raped women?
Yes, we as in men.
But you are not a real man I suppose.
Most of the refugees who commit crime are not even Muslim refugees from syria but rather economic migrants from central africa.
The purpose of many wives are to protect the women from prying eyes and enemies. Widows are preferrable to be the later wives, even when "women are stronk" preached these days. The precondition of it are quite hard to be fulfilled by beta men.
La illaha illallah
Muhammad'u Rasullullah
Aliyun Walliyullah
Wasiyur Rasullahallah
only insults and zero arguments
If you really love someone you have no need to have someone else.
that's because women should have a right to study and work. I hate the modern feminism, but it's the fact.
I just want to say that true chastity is not only about hiding everything except eyes. It's about becoming better.
>The purpose of many wives are to protect the women from prying eyes and enemies
It isnt, there are monasteries and charity to help them
Purpose of polygamy is to breed many slave-soldiers to die in jihad.
>If you really love someone you have no need to have someone else.
1. That is not what the Quran says, your words on Jow Forums are nothing
2. Men can be twice the size of women or larger. It is ridiculous to assume one woman can always satisfy us.
>that's because women should have a right to study and work.
You are suggesting their become slaves. No woman wants to learn about the biology of a fish, or do a mans job. Women want to have children and support their family IN the home.
> I hate the modern feminism
A symptom of your mindset.
>Purpose of polygamy is to breed many slave-soldiers to die in jihad.
There is nothing wrong with having large families devoted to religion. Allah has blessed us with provisions that allow us to create many sons and daughters inshallah.
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