Slavic countries should invite Greeks so we could impregnate your women and make your offspring superior

Slavic countries should invite Greeks so we could impregnate your women and make your offspring superior.

Attached: 1524476292282.jpg (640x553, 214K)

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That's what happened with the Balkans and we came out as the ugliest people in Europe

You couldn't

Your ancestors mixed with native savages, not Greeks.

All Greeks are already Slavs



Theory: iki is tsundere for Slavs and desperately craves their attention

i just lost interest in non whites

I've fucked some Greek women, maybe even impregnate one, because condom burst. As of your idea. If you tall, good looking and your hairline is still good, then go ahead, you can share seed with entire world, I don't care. But if you filthy balding manlet then fuck off, no one likes you.

you have a vivid fantasy

>Implying majority of greeks aren't balding manlets

many russians i know are short

And this is somehow changes greeks? Balding manlets, that's it. I'm not balding and not a manlet, so I'm fine with sharing my seed with greek women.

you are a weird slavshit
did you even open the link?

Yeah, I opened it. Greeks still balding manlets, that should welcome me as their savior. I can grant whiter skin, good hairline and nice height.

you are not the brightest one

You just in denial.

of what

That greeks are balding manlets.


Attached: 1516344778674.jpg (1024x1001, 68K)

But according to your source we've got the same height.

>Greeks are sub-180

Lol, pathetic.

Greeks are taller

you are a weird greekshit
did you even open the link?

you tried being friendly because you were banned too often
but now you are bursting because you are jealous

Banned? What? Jealous of what?

success breeds jealousy

I've got whiter skin, good hairline and higher height. Can't see a reason for jealousy.

look into the mirror

I'm doing it 4 times a day. You are jealous.

nobody is jealous of you because you are poor and ugly


Greeks should pay their debts the fucking oliveniggers.

I'm good looking, hence greek girls prefer me over greeks, and can afford life without debts.

>unironically linking plebbit

slav muslim or monkey?

a good looking russian who fucked Greek women and spreads misinformation on purpouse at Jow Forums for years

are you on krokodil again?

>10 years old memes
>spreads misinformation on purpouse at Jow Forums for years
You probably some schizophrenic.