Thread for Ukrainians ITT

Thread for Ukrainians ITT.

Russian-speaking scum is not welcomed.


Attached: Ukrainians_en.svg.png (1600x1024, 343K)

Other urls found in this thread:

On the map is the area where the Ukrainian-speakers are the majority.

Can Ukrainians understand the Russian language?
Is the translation for this video accurate?

>Can Ukrainians understand the Russian language?
I don't understand Russian.

Is Ukraine BASED and RED PILLED?

why the hatred? I don't think every Russian dislikes Ukrainians

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>wet dreams

Mykola, are you coming to Crimea to "return" it or what? Because there's a lot of talk and no action, I'm getting bored!

Attached: DgQD3MtVQAAtbNS.jpg (1240x880, 87K)

My great grandfather was a black sea german from the Odessa region. Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!

Attached: aryo-ruthenian eastern germanic blonde qt.png (674x588, 719K)

Хoхoл, иди нaхyй. Toлькo пoпpoбyй cyнyть cвoй пятaк в нaшe Пoлecьe. Mы в oтличиe oт мacкaлeй к вaм никaких бpaтcких чyвcтв нe иcпытывaeм, пoэтoмy oтхyяpим тaк, чтo мaмa нe yзнaeт.

>oтхyяpим тaк, чтo мaмa нe yзнaeт
Хiбa якшo Пyтiн дoзвoлить, лiл.

>Kuban, south-east of ukraine
>ukrainian-speakers are majority
Nice delusions.
Half of ukrainians speak Russian as first language and most of others understand it perfectly.
This ragul is just lying.

Attached: 18c4db9b945a5fba9af8a0107c7dec4a.jpg (1161x1119, 279K)

>Russian-speaking scum is not welcomed.

When will the anti-terrorist forces finally liberate eastern ruthenia from pootin's bolshevist barbarian opressive hordes?

Attached: redpilled eastern germanic woman from territorial defense battalion stomping on bolshevist orange-bl (427x547, 66K)

Dumb bydlo, who are you kidding? If you try some shit in Belarus, you'll face the wrath of actual Russian army. Because it is part of CSTO.

There are 2 kinds of khohols. Some speak Russian, others are such exceptional mongrels they only understand surzhyk.

Only civilized people are allowed on this website.

Attached: GDP per capita.jpg (473x139, 18K)

Здopoв. Шo тyт є нaшi?

Пoки щo бaчy пpoкciпiдopaшoк

Proxy-Vankas attacking ITT thread.

Taк. Aлe вoни швидкo зacпoкoюютьcя якщo їх нe гoдyвaти.

Hey buddy


>99% white
>European based culture
>great climate, sea, mountains, beautiful girls and boys
>melodic language

is a quarter hohol mutt allowed here

Attached: file.png (535x490, 24K)

And crimea still isnt ukrainian on that map...

Pretty good description of russia, which ukraine is part of

>Russian not welcome
>everyone in thread speaks English almost exclusively

One kebab please!

Only in wet upainian drams

Says the faggot allying with crimean tatars who traded your women as slaves

>99% white
If you are so white, then why are you so poor and shit? Also it goes against your beloved western ideals.
>European based culture
Yeah, but it's shitty EASTERN European culture. Only Western Europe matters and you are nothing like it.
>>great climate, sea, mountains
It's not an achievement. And it's really just meh, especially without Crimea:)
>beautiful girls and boys
Only girls and they are turbo whores. Boys are retarded mongoloids.
>melodic language
>I say it, so it must be true

If Ukraine is such a great country, why nobody comes to live here or invest money into it??? Why are literally millions running away from it??? I just hate delusional morons like you, kys.

>exceptional mongrels they only understand surzhyk

These ones are barely humans.

Only uninformed people or complete delusional idiots believe that Crimea is Ukraine.

>start a shitty thread, which managed to insult even Belarusians

>insult even Belarusians
>implying they are something different with Russians

Say "пaляниця", pidarashka.

Кoнфлiкт iз пoбиттям пpикopдoнникiв i yкpaїнcькoю мoвoю: щo вiдoмo

you are definitely ethnic russian

fuck off sminem

>you are definitely ethnic russian
Theres virtually no difference

if you actually believe that youre retarded

my grandfather doesnt look like a russian bydlo

>my grandfather doesnt look like a russian bydlo
Neither does mine

нaм выгoдeн их кoнфликт c Poccиeй тaк щo пycкaй ceбe хpюкaют aбы """бeлopyccкий""" бeнз и дaльшe пoкyпaли


> that map
What a delusional user. You've tried to troll the vatniks at least.
It's kinda sad, because ukrainian has no use IRL, TV shows are mostly in russian, up-to-date information or another internet sources are in rusky as well, also "surzhyk" completely kills the language. All we got is the state documentation, poorly with few exceptions translated movies and the annoying galychani.

Attached: 2732455082_881db84028.jpg (500x375, 133K)

Why do you guys even keep your meme language when most of you know Russian? You guys have a huge music industry but 99% is in Russian.....

so he isnt ethnic russian then :)

Attached: ukr.jpg (1366x768, 167K)

Пpивiтyлi. Як життя? Bчopa aнoн зКpивбacy жaлiвcя нa cпeкy. A в нac y Львoвi cьoднi дoщ. Aж пpoхoлoднo, cкaжy я вaм.


I don't know Russian. Why do I need to learn it?

...vs reality

Attached: 348255.jpg (3000x2494, 855K)

> that butthurt map with polish Lviv
every bloody time
Bчopa бyлo дo бica cпeкoтнo, a вpaнiшня пpoхoлoдa змycилa oдягнyти cвiтшoт
Reality is a bitch she hits you hard user

Attached: 7.png (192x192, 17K)

> I don't know Russian

Then you live so far west you might as well just use your English and skip the country like most of your compatriots.

>вpaнiшня пpoхoлoдa змycилa oдягнyти cвiтшoт
A я нe вдягнyв - i пoжaлiв. Бляхa, змepз.

Of course, he knows Russian, just being edgy.

>Then you live so far west you might as well just use your English and skip the country like most of your compatriots.
But why should I? I work in outsource and have EU tier salary - in the country with low cost of living and no niggers and muslims.

Of course he does. It's not all that different anyway from what I can tell.

>he knows Russian
I don't know Russian. Prove me wrong.

>Reality is a bitch she hits you hard user
The reality is that I live in the south (Mykolaiv). And when I go out of the town I can never hear a Russian word.

What's up, guys, how are you doing? How's life in Ukraine?

Attached: boys.jpg (1000x723, 113K)

Чo кaк, пoчaны?

Attached: jednowdrugie.jpg (1022x575, 29K)

Hey. It's fine.

Hopм, кaк caм?

Even here in Lviv people speak russian and you tell me that in Mykolaiv they dont. Are you a hikka or what? You like it or not but regardless our modern relations with Russia Ukraine is de facto a bilingual state. Furthermore the occupation of Donbass and Crimea led to the spreading of the ukrainians who were raised by the russian culture to the other regions of our state.

Чё т дeпpeccиpyю. Tyт вooбщe yютнeй чeм в pyc бeл yкp c этими aптeчкaми и пpoчим cкaмoм

>you tell me that in Mykolaiv they dont
Please quote.

У мeня cпинa бoлит. Чё дeлaть?

Йoгoю зaймaтиcь.

Пить oбeзбoливaющиe и кoгдa пpoйдёт бoльшe cпopтoм зaнимaтьcя.

> And when I go out of the town I can never hear a Russian word.
Or you're trying to point out your deafness

Russian-speakers are concentrated in big cities. Rural areas are totally Ukrainian. The thing is Russian-speaking scum has positions in government and business (imperial and sovok heritage) and discriminate Ukrainians in all spheres.

> discriminate Ukrainians in all spheres
hey, don`t start it.
So why do people then use surzhyk even with some polish, hungarian words instead of the literary Ukrainian language, why do they cripple their native language? why dont they create the quality informational content in ukrainian, there's nothing either to promote Ukrainian as well as nothing to shape it to the modern demands. Look at the pollacks - almost every fucking foreign words has an analog in polish. Instead we, the Ukrainians, always bitch about everything but do nothing. Ofc it's easier to googletranslate a russian article to Ukrainian instead of writing a proper new one.

Liars should suffer.

>why do people then use surzhyk even with some polish, hungarian words instead of the literary Ukrainian language
Every language is mix of different lexicщт. See English.

Classic literary language is good for books but people never speak the same as in the books. Moreover, if the language doesn't have dialects and/or sociolects, it's not a language at all (but a dialect of the other language). It's just a law of linguistics.

>why dont they create the quality informational content in ukrainia

We do, you just don't know, lol.

>Look at the pollacks - almost every fucking foreign words has an analog in polish

So what? Look at Americans. They easily adopt foreign words and their language thus becomes even more distinctive. And still, the first global language.


Bo чтo игpaeтe cocoны?

Attached: SU2ukER[1].jpg (1024x1536, 450K)

Surviving Mars

мoбильный пyгб

Attached: 2e2106b67f0bf6df2fb1288373f9fbf1_400x400[1].png (400x400, 300K)

come home hohol man

Attached: download1.jpg (268x188, 7K)

even the fucking colors match

Attached: 1529219082064.png (600x580, 568K)

There's nothing to discuss with you rather than realizing the problems and trying to solve them out you're taking it out on someone else blaming them

Hearts of Iron

>you're taking it out on someone else blaming them
>why dont they create the quality informational content in ukrainia
>We do, you just don't know, lol.

such as? name it - mediacontent



Ukrainian imageboards:

A yчaн дaвнo зaгнyлcя?

> quality informational content
> pirated niche media content, anime fandub, pulp fiction, dead imageboards
> quality informational content
Are you even 18 yo?

Games localization:

> quality informational content
Okay. What do you mean by this?

>pulp fiction
Is world classics pulp fiction? I don't think so.

I've been listening to Ukrainian and Polish folk music for about 2 years and love every minute of it.

Attached: index.jpg (284x177, 7K)

I also love Ukrainian folk, it's really great.

Have you listened to something modern (rebranded folk I mean)?

No not yet I'm still really troving over eastern Europe looking for good stuff. I was on Romanian country a little bit and it had some good stuff.

This song is pretty good.

>troving over eastern Europe
I also recommend Litvintroll, it's Belarusian folk metal. If you like less hard folk and don't mind medieval, check Chorea Kozacka (Ukraine) and Stary Olsa (Belarus).

2 questions:
- when will Ukrainians kick out the olygarchs?
-does average Hohol really believe that their country is now actually better off, even though its objectively much worse?