Explain This

Why would someone living in a first world country kill himself if he has a higher life expectancy, less poverty and no religions cult? I can't understand why would someone wants to end his life even if he had the hardest problems ever. death isn't a choice, I had a really hard times and many shitty ass life threatening problems but I had never chose to die and I kept going and I have never felt that I might kill myself, Are we just living in the matrix and you decided to stop powering them and killing yourself is the ultimate redpill?

Attached: Global_AS_suicide_rates_bothsexes_2015.png (1123x793, 56K)

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wow I guess skandi cunts aren't as great as they say

> Explain This
Geeze. It's almost like people with mental illnesses don't have the rational capacity of a healthy human being.

Wtf is up with western eu countries. Why are you so suicidal?

in a shithole like yours the standard is you live a shit life and if you make it you are looked up

in a 1st world country the standard is you made it, and if you for some reason fail and slip down the slope you are looked down, ppl hold you to different standards

When you live in a shit country and life is shit, you don't really know any better and just accept it.
When you live in a great country where everyone strive for greatness, if you don't achieve it yourself then life seems not worth it.

Also no muhammed, jesus or moses to say no to suicide lol

You'll notice the only real aberration is Muslim cunts. Lack of religion and a fear of going to hell means what's the fucking point of it all to some people, so they off themselves. That and pisspoor family management, as in kids are just left to fucking do whatever and raise themselves while Mom and Dad are out working 40+ hours a week just to get by. Muslims cunts the women tend to stay home more often still.

Less religious people are more likely to kill themselves. They have less community, less family ties, and less taboo against it.

I agree. 1st worlders are fucked in head. They're literally born with a silver spoon in their mouth compared to us.

If you can't see suicide rates are on average higher in 2nd/3rd world countries

Low test

That's retarded, killing yourself when you are 50, overweight, hated and didn't make what you wanted to do is considered stupid, you have to try another way, only retards kill themselves.
also people in the middle east are only 10% real religious it's not that common, hardly nobody prays, pays money to the poor etc..

Why do you try to rationally comprehend the motivations of mentally ill people?

Everyone in the Middle East has a great life, wtf u talking about

Muh oil money
Muh guaranteed easy government job, and it's no work at all
Free gf due to arranged marriage

Shut up

So that I don't become one of them.

Because human's aren't meant to live past the age of 50

Even nominal religion inspires community/family ties in a way that secularism doesn't. Simply a fact. Right now white guys in the USA (least religious, highest suicide outside of amerindians), don't have any traditions that aren't just rooted in consumerism, values that aren't rooted in bland platitudes, and community? Forget it. Maybe they talk to mom on the phone once a week.

This post makes me want to kill myself

Attached: 359-ritual_mayat_bangkit_dari_kubur_toraja_istimewa.jpg (600x409, 64K)

>Why would someone living in a first world country kill himself if he has a higher life expectancy, less poverty and no religions cult?
The fact that you don't understand or haven't looked up yourself explains why your kind and country is inferior

What do you think I'm doing here?

i refuse to believe that Iceland is that low

you mean nihilism maybe?

Then cure aging.

fuck off you fucking troll

Real question tho since I don't see Egypt much, how did this happen to Cairo? You guys have the most easily marketed tourism in the world yet it seems to have all gone to shit

Attached: COG A.jpg (537x359, 61K)

They take their meds so they don't kill themselves due to being too happy.

Attached: chartoftheday_4019_the_world_s_biggest_consumers_of_antidepressant_n.jpg (960x684, 343K)

>3rd world shitholes are the ones with most suicides
like seriously what's the problem

I don't care about the 3rd world.

Suicidal is a state of mind that someone who isn't suicidal simply can't understand. People can hate their life even if they are successful, rich, good looking, loved etc. Look at the Linkin Park guy.

>The countries with the best and cheapest healthcare also has the highest consumption of medicine


>and no religions cult
Very religious should be less prone to suicide since it would be sinful, wouldn't it?
>no US
Did the TV and movies lie to me?

Meant 'very religious people'

Egypt was a superpower until the industrial revolution happened, which made the country's temperature rise astronomically, which led to stupidity because the human mind doesn't function well in high temperatures.

>but I had never chose to die and I kept going and I have never felt that I might kill myself
Congrats, but everyone obviously is different. It's easy to tell a depressed person to stop being sad, just because you aren't sad.

Middle aged white men and Native Americans skew the suicide rates to be pretty high. Native Americans live in broken poverty that's pretty much third world, while middle aged white men probably kill themselves because so many are getting divorced and having their lives and purposes eroded away

Plus, a new report came out that showed that about a third of all americans are taking meds that can cause depression as a side effect

there are a ton of factors at play

Like the Trolls in Discworld.

>No religion
>People are more fulfilled
So are you like a redditor of Egypt or something?

Suicide is sinful and on top of that religious have more community bonds, virtue of "hope" etc. So it seems really weird OP would mention religion there at all, unless he's thinking of suicide bombers in particular (kinda more Islamic thing and even then extreme rarity)

>Religiously unaffiliated subjects had significantly more lifetime suicide attempts and more first-degree relatives who committed suicide than subjects who endorsed a religious affiliation. Unaffiliated subjects were younger, less often married, less often had children, and had less contact with family members. Furthermore, subjects with no religious affiliation perceived fewer reasons for living, particularly fewer moral objections to suicide. In terms of clinical characteristics, religiously unaffiliated subjects had more lifetime impulsivity, aggression, and past substance use disorder.

>Most studies have shown that religious involvement and spirituality are associated with better health outcomes, including greater longevity, coping skills, and health-related quality of life (even during terminal illness) and less anxiety, depression, and suicide.

>People with no religious affiliation are at an elevated risk with people who are religiously affiliated.
>People with high levels of general religious involvement, organizational religious involvement, religious salience, and intrinsic religious motivation are atreduced risk for depressive symptoms and depressive disorders
>Longitudinal research is sparse, but suggests that some forms of religious involvement might exert a protective effect against the incidence and persistence of depressive symptoms or disorders.

relative deprivation is worse than absolute deprivation, it's a known psychological fact
russia and e.g. liberia perform badly here because they look at the west with an envious eye whilst Islamic Republics have a rigorous discipline and consider all of us either degenerates or literally worse than Hitler

we can live and proser only with a true Catholic renaissance
the more Catholic countries in the west perform a little better than the rest of the west

That's the point, retard.
Even if antidepressants were free, if you live a happy life you shouldn't need any.
They don't have problems with violence, healthcare, unemployment, mass immigration, etc. Why the fuck would they need so much remedies for depression?

That's because they all die before they live long enough to commit suicide.

Per 1000%, it appears that less than 1% use anti-depressants though.

>not the most degenerate people out there

Per 1000 PEOPLE, not per 1000%. Are you high?

oh look, a macaco hasn't been Christianized enough
*sends more missionaries to Brazil*

Attached: we're going to BLESS the shit out of you.jpg (1200x800, 131K)

Africa have much worse life expectancy yet it's much more suicidal.

Catholicism was used by the nobles to prevent slave revolts and again used by the elites to prevent revolts by the poor, which didn't suceed too well. Kys.

I'm sorry you pair the two things together
I'm gonna pray for you soul

Attached: ego te absolvo, motherfucker.jpg (632x800, 53K)

You seem like a devout catholic. What are your thoughts on Bergoglio as Pope?

Korean rats kill themselves because they put work before family. They realize that work and social status isn't everything, but family and loved ones are the ones who give your life meaning.

That's why Korean rats kill themselves so much. They're obsessed with work and being accepted by society, that they cast away their own family.

Not only that, but killing yourself is the most selfish and hurtful thing you can do to your family as well.

In short, people without family values kill themselves.

>live in first world country
>constantly compared to everyone around you
>convince yourself that you have shit job and are just doing it to live in a shit house because the media is constantly shoving it in your face that some people have it better
>individualist mentality that's constantly drilled into your head also means it's entirely your fault you're not as rich and successful as others
>look for other things to attach to give yourself meaning
>communities don't really exist any more because of modern living structures
>religion is dying
>families are broken up because feminism has empowered women to be whores
>fail to find anything meaningful
>eventually accept that things won't get better and just end it instead of slogging through it all

more credible than Ratzinger, less credible than Wojtyla
Giovanni Paolo II has marked the last century with some modernizations on the dogmatic and legislative (codex iuris canonici) levels that really made the Church more true for the people
e.g. only in 1983 it has been marked crystal clear that husband and wife fuck for their own sake and fulfilment (ad bonum coniugum) and not just to pop children
this is something Bergoglio remarked too, albeit with an expression marked as too "vulgar" by some ("Christians should make children but not like rabbits")
I don't know of any particular dogmatic or legislative innovation introduced by Bergoglio, albeit His approach to appear more "poor" and to refuse some expensive treatments is appreciated

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how satisfied you are is what you have vs expectation
if you aren't making 50k plus a year with your own house and car having fucking multiple chick you're considered a failure
also since everythings so saturated now you have to pretty much be an exceptional person to get anything, gf, job, a chance

Common sense says that that being failure doesn't mean you should kill yourself.

well yeah its never common sense to kill yourself but its how you feel like shit when you live better materially than 90% of humanity which some people go into a mental health downwards spiral about

>no religious cult
In many religions including Islam suicide is forbidden, same was true in the West before it became pussified and dereligionized

>Egypt was a superpower until the industrial revolution happened

Attached: 1529271537045.jpg (807x802, 74K)

Attached: 640px-Egypt_under_Muhammad_Ali_Dynasty_map_en.png (640x722, 297K)

How did the Ottoman Empire let the Albanian do that?

Literal all backwards shitholes by 1805
Nice empire of sand


>regional power

>Muhammad Ali TRANSFORMED EGYPT INTO A REGIONAL POWER which he saw as the natural successor to the decaying Ottoman Empire. He summed up his vision for Egypt as follows:

>I am well aware that the (Ottoman) Empire is heading by the day toward destruction... On its ruins I will build a vast kingdom... up to the Euphrates and the Tigris
in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muhammad_Ali_of_Egypt#Rise_to_power

Long, dark winters and bad weather take a toll.

>Look at the Linkin Park guy.

What about him?

The point is it wasn't as shitty as today.

There's an approximate 4% lieftime risk of suicide in those with alcohol problems. Psychiatrict comorbidity is important, as it social isolation, physical ill healt, and repeated failed attempts at abstinence.