Telling french people I can't eat meat/dairy/eggs?

Hey - I'm going to france shortly for two weeks, but I'm vegan.

I heard that sometimes french people / european people can't be very accepting of vegans - what's the best way to tell the people that I'm staying with that I don't eat meat/eggs/dairy?

Would appreciate any advice - not sure if i should tell them straight up that i'm vegan (they might not honour it? or try to feed me meat out of disdain for vegans?) - so i've been thinking about telling them that i'm allergic? The problem with telling them it's an allergy would be that my mother and sister are coming at the tail end of my visit, and they're also vegan, so that'd have to be one hell of an allergy.

would really appreciate any advice
picture unrelated

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>I'm vegan

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Wtf. Just tell them the truth, anything else is highly autistic. Do you really expect them to bully you because you're a vegan?

Stupid American just eat it and don't be a baby
Hate hearing people complain, like just go to McDonalds then if you can't eat anything with any spice or gluten or soy or milk or egg or flavour

"Je suis un américain autiste."

mcdonalds literally doesnt have anything vegan

and i cant eat it for religious reasons - i'm buddhist

Stop with your religious excuse dumbass. There is no god.

>and i cant eat it for religious reasons - i'm buddhist


"Je suis de la jacquette, donnez-moi votre saucisse s'il vous plait"

okay - really sorry but i doubt im going to change something ive been doing for 20+ years in the next week

hoping to just get advice on how i can break it to them

seems like the best advice so far

Why purposefully reject the wonderful, varied experiences of carnivore cuisine ? Why ? You're not going to make any meaningful difference anyway. Might as well enjoy meat.

There's 0 chance you don't like meat. It's biologically ingrained in us.

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Stop limiting your life based on retarded fads or ideologies or whatever the fuck. It's not that long.

That's not the question
Good luck if you plan to find meals without buying ingredient and cooking it yourself.
Also, don't try explain too much why you don't eat meat, france is not england and is really not friendly with that (i know what i'm talking about, i don't eat meat and i've always had to hide it).

It would piss me off enormously if an American retard came to my country and expected everyone else to conform to his retarded eating habits. maybe you should just stay home?

Just tell them you’re vegan in French and maybe look online before going to the restaurants you plan on going to you fucking autist. Does no one have any goddamn common sense??

Have you not thought that you can prepare your own food?

The french themselves are lactose intolerant though

Wtf ?

Please stay in california

French people can't drink milk, notice how you never see milk anywhere in france?

what do you mean conform to his eating habits? he's not asking them to be vegan, he's just telling them why he wouldn't eat certain foods


imagine you have to study every label of everything you buy and eat, even a candy bar

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shouldn't be eating candy anyway

In fact everybody should do that...

I'm a Buddhist and I eat whatever the hell I want

you will be reincarnated as a McRib


Killing is bad karma

plebbit is here. If he was being vegan for soyboy reasons like "the clerk at Starbucks told me Hillary is a vegan" you would say "wow good for you" but because he and his family seek enlightenment you reject his mode of thinking.

What is a mcrib ?

an eternally reoccurring McDonalds delicacy

Attached: us-food-society-mcdonalds_18634179.jpg (800x592, 95K)

no one really knows

>but I'm vegan.

just be straight with them, the french don't like it when you beat around the bush
>Je suis un pédé
>J'aime me faire enculer régulièrement
they should understand what you mean straight away

Bread is too small desu (webm not related)

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there is a proven correlation between eating meat and cancer; i would go vegan personally but it's very difficult to maintain the amount of protein that you need to bulk with only plant-based foods

do some research, plan your meals, notify your hosts, and if someone disrespects you then grow a penis and tell them off

karma isn't like magic good boy points as in a video game

Karma is for the next life, you can be a real son of a bitch in this life if you want, you will not be this life, but in the next one..
So you suffer in this life because of the karma of the previous life, you will suffer in the next one cause of all the shits you have done and will do in this one.
That's how it supposed to work.