The yugoslav wars was a coup of sorts orchestrated by CIA wasn't it?

the yugoslav wars was a coup of sorts orchestrated by CIA wasn't it?

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No. We really did hate each other

don't break my balls here, i want to blame usa

Is it true that the Bosnian people are called thickheads in the ex Yugoslavia states?

Yugoslavia hostory:

>Take islam into.
>Islamist claim their own islamic country because "muh culture".
>Serbia fight for tje integrity of the nation.
>NATO, as usual, support islamists.

Basically a preview of the next WW3 in Europe.

PD: Kosovo isnt a country.

Yes, Croats even had US generals advising them
There is a joke here:
>How did the first Bosnian came to be:
>A bear fucked a tree
Catalonia is Spain

More like Western organized crisis. They wanted to topple socialism, so they did, regardless of what came after you destroy a whole system and lifestyle

We just didn't have any use for Yugoslavia anymore so we said bye and the rest couldn't handle the only productive part of the federation leaving so it all went south after that

Confession of a CIA Agent: They Gave Us Millions to Dismember Yugoslavia
Did that group ever exist and what exactly you were doing in Sarajevo under CIA command?
No such group ever existed! Our headquarters lied to us. Our mission was to alarm and spread panic among politicians in Bosnia, simply to fill their heads with the idea that Serbs would attack. To begin with, we accepted the story, but after a while we started to wonder. Why were we raising such hysteria when the group clearly did not exist?

how come this isn't in the book 'Killing Hope' by William Blum?

Read the autobiography of Christopher Hill, the former US Ambassador to South Korea. He is also an expert on the Balkan conflict.

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fuck soros if he knows, but

America deliberately destroyed Yugoslavia. Read "To Kill a Nation: The Attack on Yugoslavia" by Michael Parenti, or listen to him.

thanks friend

this is it right fuckin here!!
same thing w/ libya, ussr, syria etc...

Parenti is a good source on this shit


>muh conspiracies

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>tito dies
>at the same time the economic and oil crisis hits the world
>unstable yugoslavia goes into deep economic crisis
>new politicians cant handle it, they just take loan after loan to cover past debts
>US meanwhile wants to expand into eastern europe
>CIA creates NED and other programs to create "democratic movements" in (enemy)countries
>US pushes yugo via the IMF and WB to allow reforms to the economy, much like today the EU is doing (troika)
>the reforms are neoliberal shit and only fuck up the socialist economy even more
>the NED program meanwhile funds separatism and anti-state movements (from hippies to nationalists)
>everything pops off when albos that migrated to kosovo suddenly want kosovo to be an albanian country
>croats and albanians go on extreme nationalist mode, start harassing serbs
>serbia goes on brutal mode
>slvenia and croatia also dont wanna play this anymore
>everyonenow wants to leave
>the problem is that you have serbs, croats and muslims living allover the country, not in just their respective republics
>ethnic tensions explode
>slovenia and croatia declare independance
>slovenia isnt that important(no serb or croat people there,small country)
>serbs only use slovenia to move the JNA(federal army under their control)up north on croatia, leave slovenia after 10 days of "war"
>croatia and bosnia see most of the war
>US and germany supply weapons to croats and bosnians because serbs want to keep whats left of yugoslavia strong and independant
>you have croats led by tudman
>muslims (bosnians) by izetbegovic
>serbs by milosevic (and serbs in bosnia by kardic)
>croatian serbs lose war(milosevic didnt help them because of NATO)but have big victories in bosnia
>all sides commit warcrimes and shit against ecahother
>US comes in and pushes everyone to sign the dayton accords
>hague tribunal is formed (by NATO and EU)
>serb genrals are to be put on trial for the warcrimes
>croat and bosnian generals are not because they were supported by the US


I bet those same US generals were somehow involved in Serbia receiving two goals from Switzerland. The Vatican is in on it, as well.

There are people who say that the US toppled Ceausescu too.

Useful idiot

Jugoslavija- a functioning Socialist state until CIA sabotaged it

>Free healthcare
>Very good healthcare to the extent that people from France, Germany and UK were flying over for operations and procedures.
>Free education
>Brilliant "arts thinkers" and science programmes so advance, they sold rocket technology to both the Russians and Americans
>Free housing
>Comfy and roomy homes easily capable of withstanding the schizophrenic weather that the Balkans endures (freezing winters, boiling summers)
>Comprehensive transport links
>You want to go to the coast? Jump on a train. Need to see your girlfriend's parents in another state? Smooth roads linking city to city.
>Full employment
>Work weighing you down? Enjoy more mandated leave than most countries in Western Europe
>Worried about overbearing external influences?
>Don't worry. Tito is playing both the Yanks and the Ruskies.

found your problem

You need to go back.

yes of course only the cia is capable of doing this

the people of yugoslavia lived in total harmony, peace and prosperity, everything was going just great communism worked perfectly

but then the big bad cia and nato got super jealous, on how well these different cultures assimilated, so they brainwashed islam into it

the cia was super smart about this, the more islam a region got, the more they wanted to not be part of yugoslavia and rather integrate to western europe and capitalism

slovenia got plenty islam, then Croatia wanted some islam too, and before they realized it bosnia and kosovo too

even to this day the regret is big because of the wrongdoing of the cia,a week ago the croatian and slovenian prime minister, held their speech on the annually ramadan festival and said this: ''I kinda regret not being in wonderful yugoslavia anymore, croatia is just not working and is worse than it was ever before, even even anglophone commentator on the internet have realized'

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Jesus this is hilarious, where did you find this pasta?

I am volga serbian :3

Outside intervention in Yugoslavian wars isn't a conspiracy, it's a fact, that both sides accept.

I am croatian but this is as realistic as it gets

I am against capitalism because my family was impoverished by it. My working class family (father was a miner, mother a cook in a school) lived well during socialism, after that we were actually poor. My parents managed to send my two older sisters to university whereas I had to live off a meagre scholarship and income from my part time work. My country's economy is shit now so I was forced to look for work outside my homecountry. In return for a salary (which is below average in fact) I am cut off from my family and friends and the whole network of life I know. I am not living, just scraping along, breathing with half a lung just waiting for everything to end.

I'm from Slovenia, the country that was proclaimed to be the model country for economic transition. The GDP has grown (though that too has plummeted after 2009), but so has inequality, unemployment and the number of people living below the poverty line. Unemployment in the 15-30 age group is nearly 30%, tens of thousands of young highly educated people have left and are leaving the country (including us STEMs). The average family has definitely not benefitted. Question: how do you rationalize the 2008 crisis and its consequences?
in 1976 the rent for an apartment took 3,9% of a family budget (socialized housing), now that share is between 30-40%.

Slovenia always existed better during Yugoslavia, i don't need your bananas, i can live without it, that's the only thing of benefit that wasn't in Yugoslavia that capitalism gave me, everything else we can happily produce on own and drastically lower the prices when we kill every single politician, capitalist and foreigner here, every one, even their children, they aren't worth any goddamn thing, they can be worth 1 trillion dollars, that translates to 1 million niggers in Ljubljana. Those capitalistic economists have no solution other than sell, sell, sell..etc. When they sold it all then they import cheaper labor, namely niggers and since China is building fast in Africa, raising the standard, they are in a hurry to import them. We on other hand only build on debt and chains of foreigners. Execute, execute, torture, burn their children, that's the only bright future economy. It's also time for another Stalin in Russia and another Hitler in Germany, it just is time.

I am Sava Saxon

Where did you save these from?

People got alnog with each other just fine.
Of course, the extremist nazi and islam movements existed, but they were weak. Then they got a lot of funding from the outside, then they got political power from the inside and their hatred started to spread through Yugoslavia like a wildfire, along with panic and insecurity

You do realise that post isn't serious?

You do understand that social benefits in Yugoslavia were simply not sustainable by the Yugoslav economy and are part of the reason we went to shit? You can't just say "free everything!" and expect it to last.

I traveled to the remotest mountain villages in Slovenia to obtain these pristine, rare pastas:

Probably the strongest out of all ex-commie countries, because life in Yugoslavia was really better for most of people from ex-yu countries comparing to what they have now.

And "Yugoslavia" for most of ex-yugos is not about "unification", more like about the political and economic system where everyone had a job, a stable life and peace. No one would really want "first" Yugoslavia (pre-WW2) back, except for some radical nationalist Serbs maybe.

Yugoslav nostalgia is not nostalgia for other nations, but for socialism, basically.

>extremist nazi
>Tuđman was a former Partisan
>General Bobetko was a former Partisan

>And "Yugoslavia" for most of ex-yugos is not about "unification", more like about the political and economic system where everyone had a job, a stable life and peace
It's about the comfy commie aesthetic and Yugo rock, desu.

Yes and?
And a whore was a former virgin. Their messages and actions were closer to ustashas than to partisan movement
And by extremist nazi movement I literally meant on ustasha sympathizers and diaspora who commited a number of terrorist attacks on Yugoslavia, not on Tudjman and Bobetko, but those two certainly wanted to gain love from nationalist fanatics

Tito was so weak since the startiing: he didn't even manage to annex Trieste / Trst when basically had the opportunity with the whole Jugo partizan army, and now Slovenja would have the biggest adriatic port after Bari.

Dej napiš kej v Slovenščini, da vidmo če si res Slovenc, men se zdiš kot en LARPer da sem iskren.

>tens of thousands of young highly educated people have left and are leaving the country (including us STEMs)
at least it includes her as well

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No. It was more complex. There were some reasons even without CIA.

Odgovoril si eni zelo očitni pašti, kamerad.

Why though?
Was it cultural differences? Ethnic? Region?

life isn't so bad in serbia afterall, it's like living in the bronze age

It wasn't CIA. Even Austria-Hungary had trouble keeping that area under wraps.Ironically the guy that wanted to help unite them and giving them more representation was shot in 1900's.

You guys have a pretty sweet horn festival though.

>da sem iskren namesto če sem iskren

spotted the Slobo