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At what age did you stop being right wing?

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I'm neoliberal.

Is that right wing?

Basically yes

Sometime in Obama's second term.


I thought Obama's second term is when a lot of young Americans turned either far-left or far-left.

What counts as right wing in the US is different from India.

Our right wing would be the centre or center right in America probably.

I became right winged at age 32. Before that I was a left winged socialist

I was left wing until mid highschool, then became vaguely libertarian.

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14. But then after high school I got a job and became Republican again.

I was never any wing. I honestly don't know what the difference is between it.
I hate politics.

Answer in terms of your own country then, not America

I don't think most young Americans are really left-wing, they're just liberals who like the Che Guevara aesthetic and support ridiculous social policies because it's trendy.

American right = less government
American left = more government
Trump is a new devolopment

>don't want illegal immigration
>want public healthcare, education, and worker's rights
why isn't there a party for me buds

Living in the USA is a human right

But Wallstreet, Holywood and Silicon Valley are all Democrats.
That guy with the suit should be Democrat

right away wrong
Massive government
Slightly smaller massive government
Less government

14, Harper really opened my eyes to the evil the right wing represented domestically and emboldened me to study to the evil it represent in an international and historical context

I think was 21 when I stopped being libertarian.
I had read all the Milton Friedman, all the Austrian economics stuff, and I still think that’s an interesting school of thought, but they actually reject empirical evidence and the scientific method.
And I was never able to reconcile free-market philosophy with protecting the environment.
It’s just a dated philosophy.

>bigge gurbbermint
>smol grubbermint
>amerga has speshal spectrim for polictcs

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man I was cringy

>Muh free market

when literally every single corporation can send their crooks to the government

two party system

In terms of my country , I support he current Modi government who are considered pro business. I also want the government to support camera who are very vulnerable right now and help make agriculture high tech,(get agri and water management tech from Israelis and Japan fast) while stopping retarded shit like farm load wavers, Dislike Luddites and full blown commies, Sacrificing a bit of nature for progress is O.K until we get rich, focus on STEM education. Dislike constant minority appeasement especially muslims(they literally have separate marriage laws which are in accordance with the sharia law, hence I want uniform civil code).

While at the same time I don't want rampant US style capitalism and feel having some government oversight is certain industries like O.K.(like Banking, healthcare, schools etc)...

I guess that would make me right wing here I guess.

I'm the same way, I think we might be a "silent majority". Unfortunately I think that many of our ilk fell for the Trumpepe meme.

I voted for McCain in 2008, and Obama in 2012.
Looking back on it, I’d vote Obama in 2008 because Palin was such a nutjob.

Farmers* not camera lol.

You have much to learn about American young friend

He was genuinely a decent, stable president

Loan waivers not load*. Shit so many mistakes.

Im just like you.
But instead of worker’s rights and free education I want
-cheaper education
-a good national train system and funding for buses and transit infrastructure
-legalized marijuana (I think this would hurt the cartels and stop a lot of the immigration anyway).

I’m pretty free-market but I could never vote Republican again after this Trump shit.

Well I'm a fascist which of course is a left wing ideology

>austrian econ
there literally isnt a mainstream party who are austrian its literally a meme tier within a meme tier ideology.

friendman is not exclusively libertarian, he works just fine with a liberal framework

Hayek remains the most important political figure of this century and the last

Why would anyone oppose worker's rights? Chances are you are a worker, your friends are workers, your family is composed of workers and your children will be workers.

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how is your first year of college

I've become more right-wing from 17 onwards. I would say it's more like removing incoherent idealism and its rhetoric than anything, so not really right or left anymore. I'm sceptical of the entirety of political theory and modern-day activity of """politics""" . I don't think any of the labels paraded around have any legitimacy outside of a vague feeling or inclination, not at all as coherent systems or ideas. I don't know if these terms work without specifying a very limited context. But in terms of Australian politics, I generally vote centre with a few specific outliers in local/state, and centre-left in federal. It's pretty hard to discern the quality of politicians and what they'll actually do, especially at a federal level.

He didn't say he opposed it.

He probably thinks worker's right are communism

> Ever being right wing

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Um, they are sweaty.

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I am trapped in a meme hell between red fascists pushing typical american college liberal agendas and neo-con soiboys pushing basically the same except we bend over to Amerika instead of Cuba.

>Jow Forumstard in my teens
>Then became hardcore anti-semitic libertarian
>Then reactionary monarchist
>Then actually engaged with leftwing views and became sympathetic
>Stopped caring about politics entirely afterwards

All I want is the roads fixed, decent infrastructure, and social mobility. All these -isms are derived form autism at the end of the day.

Never was because I'm not a retard

If you give workers too many rights you remove the corporation's ability to operate in the first place. Obviously this isn't nowhere near the case in most countries but if you go, for example, commie-tier autism and make it so that workers get 100% of the profit they generate then you remove the whole point of a corporation.

This was me pretty much in college. Got really into pol because I was lonely, then mellowed out when I met other people. Now I just want really simple goals achieved and forget about extreme, complex political ideas. A lot of the time it just makes be annoyed hearing about politics. Everyone thinks they are morally superior

i dont know how but you managed to go backwards

I was a huge Jow Forums tard when I left highschool and dropped out of uni. But nowadays I have my shit together again and am not really into politics. Still think fringe left wingers are retarded but most of the things I used to browse/support make me cringe nowadays.

The point of a corporation should be to produce goods and provide a living for it's workers, not get some faggot at the top insanely rich just because he had capitol.

But how can a corporation grow and expand without gross profit? Assuming that the heads of the company care about expanding their business and have some foresight, which isn't always the case.

Vote Fascism, my friend :3

>being a Jow Forumstard is the endgame of politics
Hopefully the final step is actually suicide and you get there soon.

>decent, stable president
The racial tensions in the US increased tenfold during his term, also mass shootings.

How was he stable or decent?

It's pretty fucked that the two party system eliminates any room for other ideologies like yours, but when a third player enters like trump, he's an incoherent mess.

The racial tension increased because whypeepos couldn't handle a BLACK BVLL in the Oval Office.

Right wingers are such fucking retards

I am white. I am not going to vote for people who want me to be a minority. So never.

The same way they do it now while losing a ton of money on paper. The cost would just get split among everyone, same as the profit.

I don't know why people keep pinning de facto racial tensions on Obama. It's not like de jure segregation in the books he can break up- police shootings are really a county-by-county issue in terms of how police are trained to engage suspects. It's not like Obama could make a law telling them to stop being afraid of black people.

He also tried to respond to shootings but his efforts were blocked hard.

He's certainly more stable than Trump is. Trump takes racial issues and just dumps gasoline on them.

>not caring about politics should be the endgame

this is why people hate us canadians

Look, I haven't slept in like 20 hours, so excuse me if i'm getting this wrong. But if there is no clear direction and a leader, and profits that belong to the company exclusively, then what you'd get would just be a bunch of smaller yet also fat cats, while the organization as a whole would stagnate.

>Trump takes racial issues and just dumps gasoline on them.

He's done nothing different from other presidents, he is just hated by the media, you can't blame him for being smeared by his enemies.

Nice try. We all know about your hindu nationalist, science denial, mainstream party.

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What the hell are you talking about? A perfect example is when there was that neo-nazi rally, and when one of them ran someone over with a car, he took a tacit stance and said it was both side's faults.

Another example is how involved he gets with that stupid NFL kneeling controversy.

He's done a shit ton different than other presidents, and I think it's willful ignorance to say otherwise. That's why he has a huge following- he does shit differently

>neo-nazi rally

It was just a fucking Jow Forums autists meet-up. The guy that ran a person over with a car wasn't even a part of it.

Reminder that if you arent a nationalist ready to curb stomp all the undesirables (including children and women) out of you country then you are part of why the world is fucked. Spics, niggers, gooks, russians, arabs? Fucking gas them all already. You need to take back your future and make minorities minorities again

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That's irrelevant to Trump's response on it.

Why am I even arguing with South Americans on American politics. We are just a TV show to you people. I have to hear this shit every single day


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I believe education and healthcare to be a right not a privilege but I want immigrants to fuck off

What should he have done? Be a good goy and condemn a bunch of people that literally didn't do nuffin to please the people who shit on him 24/7 and are constantly pushing to remove him from office?

Late 17 or thereabouts. Before that I was pretty much a nationalist, strongly supporting anything I saw as making Sweden unique and special, and seeing everything as good so long as it could be seen as a symbol of Sweden. The monarchy, the actions of every government, the language, basically everything stopping just short of the germanic race.

After that I just started getting out more and stopped hanging around my nationalist circle at school. After finishing secondary school and having left all that stuff behind I started to find an interest in the labour movement and socialism.

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Aidstonia, you're barely even a country and you're definitely short on a national identity to rally around.

I dont know how it is in america but in my fatherland the youth is mostly ultra nationalists, we have been denying undesirables entry for the past 10 years. The biggest minority here are russians who we are opressing as hard as possible. They are forced to live in separate parts of towns and in eastern side there is a separate town for them. Segregation is the key to victory, race mixing is wrong

29 too, forgot that

How many times do i have to explain that 92% of aids carriers in estonia are russians. Also a strong national identity is the leading factor behind our success, look up the singing revolution if you ever doubt we have no national identity. Although it is difficult for a mongrel to understand how things work in the old world where nationalities have been separate for thousands of years

at least the alt right died out. Now if you want to talk about a cringey political movement, there you go.

such parties are rare though
only danish people's party, true finns and front national fit into this as far as i know

I was never right wing. I'm 37 now and all the real world has done to me is push me further and further left.

Kill yourself.

it's strange because mass immigration is the thing that makes those systems less sustainable

Hungarian here living in England.

Was a massive supporter ir Fidesz and other right wing retardations for a ling time. In 2016 (at my age 35) I realised finally these ideas are cancerous and I became one of their biggest haters.

Viktor Orban ruined his country for a short term, but his counterproductive policy will teach hungarians to support democracy and european values.

Still not a fan of neoliberalism though, but they are less wrong than nationalists.

Pretty much every political test has put me as Centrist. Every political issue should be faced on its own based on what is best solution then.
Ideologies are good but are easily manipulated to pull in lowest of tribalistic brainlets who are easily carried by black and white thinking.
From my experience Britbongs, United Statistians, Leaflanders and Emu Islanders are the worst offenders when it comes to this.
>inb4 fenceshitter, durr no opinion etc

Listen here you filthy undesirable, i dont care what you do in your shithole of a country, just stay out of mine. I like it here, i like my race and nationality.
