Property protection from wife threat

Guys I have a problem and maybe an opportunity... I told my girlfriend from the start that I was investing in cryptos (not from the start of our relationship but from november 2017) so she knows about my future wealth. I am going to be a millionaire because I was able to accumulate quite the stack of reqs and linkies and I told her that it's gonna be all mine, my house, my car and she gets to use it but won't have any power over it. Then she was upset and told me if I really treat my property that way in relation to her she will trick me into having a baby (jokingly but wtf you don't say shit like that). So I now know she is a psycho but I really love her and eating her ass makes me happy and I actually want her in my life but my dad raised me well with money and he said that even in family you do not share your property rights and leave no debt unpaid because it will always get back to you even if the person has gifted it to you.

Is it simple to protect my property even if I have a child with her and maybe marry her? The opportunity would be that she would owe me and she'd know, I'd eat that ass and pound that squirtin pussy all over the villa.

Pic related is almost her, although darker hair but exactly as long and plushy.

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so is it a wife or girlfriend?

For now girlfriend but we're in mid twenties and I'd like to get it over with, there's no better options anyways... all women are crazy as fuck as I realised so you just gotta stay with the one you like

Wow, you're so lucky to have such a healthy relationship user

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It's almost as healthy as it gets desu.. I think she might be on the spectrum cause of her fucked up humour and she cries at least 3 times a week over the dumbest shit but then again that's a lot of women... they're mostly mental

Nah, she's getting all that shit no matter what you do if you stay in the western world.

Really? Hm, my dad showed me all his prenups with my mom and it seems pretty solid, only his kids have property rights to all his stuff. Are you saying family court/divorce is so fucked up in the west that even that shit can get overturned?

if she tries to take your money have her killed, its legit that simple. You have the money.
Don't over complicate it this is your future we are talking about that you have worked hard for while shes just spread her legs.

>he thinks crying 3 times a week is normal

enjoy your alimony

As far as I know it's not a 100% failure rate but you're basically gambling on the judge being vulnerable to crocodile tears and HE MADE ME DO IT, though that may as well be guaranteed if you live in a blue state. You can ask a lawyer, but even in other areas I'd consider the odds of you walking away from a shit hitting the fan scenario with the prenup standing as written slim to none.

Shit okay I'm gonna hide some money then and say I was retarded enough to buy into scams

this it's not normal OP wtf

>not beeing a millionair anymore
wife: uuuuh honey I don't love you anymore

Honestly user I would mention all this to your dad and get his opinion! I’d value the opinion of my dad before anyone on this Mongolian basket weaving forum...

* but I still get 50% of what you have + the house because of cucked faggots who made this possible
now gtfo of MY house or I'll tell them you raped me too

Kek shes gonna lose it

Nice larp.

Do your homework Kevin

Not normal at all. You're crazy if you don't dump her stat.

just don't marry her, marriage is a scam.


I know you’re larping and you’re a faggot but best you can hope for is a prenup.
Get a good lawyer to do a prenup for you, it also depends where you live, no idea about America but in Australia some judges will outright ignore the prenup if there is a kid involved and will give the house to whoever ends up taking care of the kid.
The builder that worked for my dad had this lawyer who lost everything to his wife, go figure a fucken lawyer.
He meet her well into his 30s, married and got a prenup, most of his wealth was acquired before he meet her, bulletproof right?
She claimed he abused her and with not witness or shit managed to get an AVO to remove him from the house then filed for divorce which was granted immediately due to the fact he had a restraining order for DV, she got full custody of the kid and then the judge gave her the house and now he is paying alimony, roughly 60k a year on top of child support ends up being close to 90k a year, and she kept the 5million dollar house which was the family home and he pays 90% of the total cost for the private school the kid attends to because she claimed “financial hardship” and has no job etc essentially he will paying alimony for a long long time.
If you think the bitch is crazy DO NOT MARRY.

>Is it simple to protect my property even if I have a child with her and maybe marry her?

Legaly it completely depends on where you live. Some countries have laws that allow a judge to overrule a prenup. I have some wealth but little status so finding a partner on equal financial footing is almost out of the question. This leaves covering your bases via a prenup and possibly hiding assets and the latter may fuck you over. As far is I'm concerned marriage is out of the question. Get legal advice if you're serious.....

>The opportunity would be that she would owe me and she'd know


>cries 3 times a week
My fiancee has clinical depression and she doesnt even do that


I will never understand why some guys are so beta that they think you must have a wife in order to tick some box for life achievements. Fuck me, she sounds like she has mental issues. Remember that it’s not until months after you break up that you realise how toxic your relationship was.

You want kids? Find a girl from a wealthy family once you become rich so there is a mutual understanding about money. Now you’re safe to have kids.

Feeling horny? Download tinder or go to a bar. If you can’t hookup in 2018 with all the hoes lurking these days you shouldn’t be breeding anyway.

If you think your life would be worse without her in it, just imagine it when she has half your shit and is fucking Chad in your house

>gf crazy

now that you've pumped her it's time to dump her

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listen to chad here boys, this is pure wisdom.

>Remember that it’s not until months after you break up that you realise how toxic your relationship was.

From my own experiences, this is so true.

After you paid your taxes for the last financial year, make no more transactions (do no sell your Crypto) and give away your crypto to your parents or siblings you trust. She can't get anything because it doesn't belong to you.

bad news: you can't really protect yourself if you have a kid with her
good news: link is a shitcoin so you'll never be rich anyway
additional news: the reason she's crying 3 times a week is because you're a stinky linkie who doesn't make her happy. she's staying with you for fear of being alone


A good tip from me. Never tell anybody about your Investment. Never.

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Your dad showed you his prenups with your mum. Your real mum?

Your dad sounds like a real piece of shit. Your mum has been there all this time and she is going to get nothing. Her life contribution means nothing!

By the way, you sound like a piece of shit as well.

Freeze your sperm. Have a vasectomy. If you get married, have prenuptial agreement.

This is the hard part. Her life contribution should means something, but she still shouldnt be able to run away with half of your belongings for allowing you to fuck her.

Friend, we are talking about when the old man dies. She should get it all. not the kids.

Fully agree. And she'll most likely pass it on to the kids afterwards.

Yep that is it and that is how it works in a "normal" family.

Men want money to attract a woman to nut in. Once we nut we want food.

Don’t put so much worth in females boys. When you find the right girl you’ll know.

Pro tip: if your girl can alpha your own mates (better banter, takes no shit, supports you like a mate not a transient hoe) it’s time to ring it

>I am going to be a millionaire because I was able to accumulate quite the stack of reqs and linkies
>link and req
>I now know she is a psycho
>but I really love her and eating her ass makes me happy

Listen here buddy, you're going to lose everything in your life because of your love for licking other people's assholes. But I guess your degenerate ass deserves it.
Find another gf and NEVER tell her about your crypto, N E V E R. Now kys.

infinite wisdom

your fiance doesn't love you. she is missing her previous lover. you'll never make her happy if she has clinical despression now lol.

Which means she should get some sort of payment to be with him this time.

As far as I know this is called paid prostitution, ok.

Fuck that fucking jews i want to slit their throath and stick my dick in i swear theyve destroyed this world. fucking animals

you marry
you get a kid

and get that shit waterproof

>Is it simple to protect my property even if I have a child with her and maybe marry her? T

>Considering marriage

With all that money you will be fucking hoes left and right and when she finds out she will take half your money

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lol 3D

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Stopped reading after req and linkies
Kys faggot

Guys I have a question.
If you take out a massive loan and use that to buy a nice car and a decent apartment. When the divorce comes, she cant claim half of everything can she?
Can she claim half of the debt too?
This might be the way out boys.

Somebody's enjoying this bread

This is the fucking stupidest statement I've ever heard from a man
Grab a copy of The Rational Male as soon as possible and read it twice
Do that or you're doomd

>she knows about my future wealth

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prenups run out in 10 years moron

HAHAHAHA literally with a nutcase

Enjoy losing half your portfolio bud

lol 3D
Just Monika.

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> says there's no better options

You sound like you're settling

>I am going to be a millionaire because I was able to accumulate quite the stack of reqs and linkies

user.. I don't know what to say. How can you be so delusional?

This, maybe she’s crazy enough to dump your bags on.