Why is Iberia disrespected by other nations? Considering we started the age of discoveries. Yes, Colon was a Genoese...

Why is Iberia disrespected by other nations? Considering we started the age of discoveries. Yes, Colon was a Genoese, but nothing would have come out of his project without our resources, our manpower and all the administration that had to be done later.
>After the age of discoveries, European culture *literally* brought civilization to most of the world. What thanks do we get? We are called "lazy" and "moors", and our efforts unappreciated. Some such efforts, like raping natives and converting them to christianity, were misguided, but well-intentioned and meant to bring the world towards a greater quality of life.
>What does your country think about Iberia, generally speaking? Why are we so hated?

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spaniards are sandniggers. nobody owes you shit.

Why are your former colonies so shit?

Don’t you have some war crimes to deny and some civilians to test viral diseases on

how come spain has never apologized for its role in destroying amerindian civilization?

Iberians getting here first was probably the worst thing to ever happened. I wish actual white people had come instead.

>Why is Iberia disrespected by other nations?
Bad economic choices and raging feminazi presence.

>What does your country think about Iberia, generally speaking? Why are we so hated?
Children in Kinder are taught to hate Spaniards because "muh Inca empire". But once you are older you realize that this is complete shit and proceed to get along with Spanish tourists (the ones most well behaved for what I could see).

I don't disrespect Iberia, especially not with history
Only brainlets would do that

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What have you ever done for us.
It is more like ripping the leaches off of our skin. You take advantage of our relaxed inmigration laws to come here, get and European passport, never contribute anything and then move to a wealthier country. The relationship between Spain and Latin America is one of a parasite and a host. It's time for us to stop being so kind.

At first, get your shit together. Spain is like russia with good weather.

fuck you fucking spic

Thanks for veggies Hiszpania

Iberia is unappreciated because the Fr*nch helped destroy your empire, and because your colonies by and large aren't very successful.

I still like you though.

The average norwegian just thinks about vacations whenever Iberia is mentioned

fuck off spanjool

I want to have sex with Spanish twinks >w

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Why are s*uthrons so gay?

only thing I can think of is the ridiculous level of sjwness you've reached lately. It's hard to respect someone who doesn't respects himself in the first place

I wanna have sex with old Spanish men

this but unironically

Because it's a fucking shithole that had a whole continent for itself to stop being a shithole and failed, and that rejected every chance of reform with violence, maybe

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Who said i was being ironic?

This, also balkanization when?

What will balkanization accomplish?

Everyone is so obsessed about being respected, especially for past achievements you had no part in.
The internet really isn't serious business, get over it.

Portuguese if anything

better and wealthier societies.


Wages wont increase, military will be smaller, workforce smaller, every region will be dominated by larger states.

spanish girl at work says spain is shit and there's no opportunities or future there why are spanish so self hating

Not white:—DDDD and lazy:-DDDD


Because it's true? If you're educated you should try to leave the country as fast as you can, get a german citizenship or something.


She is right though. Spain does not have a future.

Too many differences between the different regions even the economical differences are huge. There are region that are extremely wealthy and other that arent so wealthy and rely on the wealthy ones. A balkanization would incentivize the poor nations to fix their own shit and would not make the wealthy parts to lose money in feeding parasites.

>military will be smaller, workforce smaller, every region will be dominated by larger states.

Our military is already super small and we already are dominated by other states (Germany and USA)

Yea, better and wealthier society means getting chaos disorder and deatruction of your people for some independant governments from your people and kin for some mythical reasons.

fuck me i am unironically hearing about iberia for the first time in my life wtf

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It will be even worse, now shoo.

t. narco state

>feeding parasites
So why not end subsidies to poorer regions if you care so much about that.

Seperatists should all be killed as traitors.

>CHI guevara is here

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Every autonomy should be revoked, every seperatist jailed, and all non Spanish language banned, end of story.

Catalunya is god level, the rest of Iberia ehh

the north is top comf

I mean colombia, chile, argentina, and the philippines seem to be doing alright

Because a parasite wont stop parasiting their host. The only way to stop this vicious cycle is balkanization.

Because it was justified, next question

Or just not getting taxes from disobedient regions to other regions, not sure how anyones lives will change.

Los separatistas tienen una enfermedad mental que les impide razonar adecuadamente, hay que sacrificarlos para preservar el bienestar del país y asegurar un futuro rico y estable.
>"peeero en españa todos somos indepes de nuestra region xDDD gtfo tu tienes que ser madrileño"
Esta es la clase de improperios que exclaman cuando se ven acorralados y con sus mentiras expuestas.


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¿Ves? No se puede hacer nada con ellos, ya no tienen mente, no pueden pensar, se mueven por una serie de impulsos nerviosos básicos instaurados por la adoctrinación.

>hahaha we occupied you and now you're one of the best countries in europe and we're a corrupt mediterranean shithole, little more than a whorehouse for the good parts of europe
ha ha

Ahhhh Spanish Fury, it feels like it was just yesterday.


Theyve been brainwashed by the democratic education system implanted after the death of Franco,basically were taught to be ashamed of our history

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That happened 500 years ago, get over it and look at the current situation of the country

>en españa todos somos indepes de nuestra region xDDD

Tal vez en la vida real no, pero en 4mierdas esto es el pan de cada día. Aquí la mayoría es separatista, te guste o no, madrilANO.


As I have told you, a parasite is a parasite. You either kill it or get rid of him.

*Blocks your path*
Ah, a subhuman minority I see

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1628 best year of my life. Kanker Spanjolen.

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I'm not the one that's proud of the shithole I had the bad luck of being born in, Antonio.

You selfhating spaniards are pure toxic cancer that only worsen the situation of Spain with your toxicity and pointless bitching

Porque en 4barbillas se encuentra la máxima escoria y lo más bajo de la sociedad. ¿Por qué crees que son separatas pues?

Tell me how what I said is wrong, you retarded nationalist.

check your anthems lyrics mate :)

teneis que procrear, de lo contrario no vais a tener un futuro rico y estable

Catalonia and Basque country wont pay any taxes to madrid, in all matters economically these regions will handle their own economics, will that satisfy you?
No more paying to "parasites".

*Blocks your path and declares himself the king of the four andalusian kingdoms*

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I'm sorry you have to deal with these retards, user
I for one really like the netherlands and would much rather have been born there!

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Aquí no hubo un sólo separarista relevante hasta que llegaste hace menos de un año y empezaste a memearlo masivamente y a pelearte con el chicano ibe samefageando, lo que habia era selfhate semi ironico.

You traitors are the worst

Basque country dont pay anything at all.

>will that satisfy you?

No, just a full balkanization. Spain must be destroyed.

Based dutchie knowing where to draw honor

Ah, y forococheros fachas no ironicos, pero a esos los pudimos asustar a tiempo.

No soy el gallego calvo. Como te he dicho, somos mayoría. Sois los unionistas la minoría aquí, Paco. Si no te gusta vete a morocoches a lloriquear.

Youre retarded,you should be grateful of having been born here,the only problem i see with Spain is its economy,which isnt even that bad and its improving,why do you think everyone comes here in vacation? Stupid liberal weeb if you hate this country so much just leave

And you are fucking ridiculous of being that proud for things that happened centuries ago and even more when you are trying of make fun of a country much better than Spain right now.

The charnego who hasn't left his "region", hur I have no job because Andalusians gibs dur, you are a shame

So you are completely insane, to mental asylum.you go.

Pero si tú vienes de ahí o de hispachan que es de donde salís todos los obsesionados con la política, no sé qué haces proyectando.

I'm doing my best to do so as soon as possible.

Grotesca deformación de la civilización europea.

>And you are fucking ridiculous of being that proud for things that happened centuries ago

How is that ridiculous?

Bien por ti,mejor para ambos


>A catalonian defending moorlusians

So Where are your parents from user?

Nah, Paco. Yo descubrí este mierdero por mi mismo. No vengo de ningún sitio en específico.

You are the one who is insane enough to believe that a country with several ethnicities can endure.

That is the problem, everyone with half a brain is trying to leave.

spaniards are lazy, they barely did anything to sustain the empire

in spanish america, it was mostly blacks and mulattoes who fought off anglos, dutch and french invaders

in europe, it was mostly italian, germans and other non-spaniards who did all the fighting

and all those spanish forts and cathedrals in the americas were built by the slaves, not spaniards

fuck spen

Go ahead post a distinct people in Spain that are unrelated to me.

My blood type is basque

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lel what a monumental moron


>war crimes
what the fuck this paellanigger on about

you stupid paellanigger, there are barely any mexicans in spain

because they were the mutt empire destroyer of cultures

you’re not supposed to /thread yourself dumass

fuck off they didn’t discover america

more like german fury since the army of flanders was mostly german mercenaries

Where are you from?

you're ass