Wake up

>wake up
>reparations still unpaid
day ruined

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what reperations would Chile be entitled to?


mapuche genocide

we still weren't paid for centuries of Roman oppression

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daily reminder that were chileans and argentinians who genocided the natives and not spaniards

holy fuck this
r*mans took all of gaul's gold, france deserves reparations

This, devuelvan el loro

Lol callate sudaca mono. Nunca tendrás nada.

This we want reparations too
the romans killed thousands and thousands of lusitanians (celtiberians) and persecuted Viriato

>Finland became a model country with basically no natural resources after centuries of Swedish and Russian oppression, they barely managed to retain their independence during WWII against the massive red army
>Chile is still deeply flawed after two centuries of independence and it seems that you barely learnt anything from our mistakes and vices
Maybe you should start to blame yourselves.

Did you know that there are more Natives living in Argentina + Chile than in Venezuela +Colombia+ Brazil?

>basically had acess to the natural resources of a whole continent during 300 years
>end up as one of the most irrelevant shitholes in western europe

>swedish barely had natural resources
>among the best living standards in europe

You really do not know anything about my country's history, we really kill thousands of indigenous people too


I wonder how clueless are these colonial mutts about europa, it's always laughable read. Do you have any ideia what sweden as became, specially malmo and some stckolm suburbs....
and sweden as tons of natural resources, speaciall on woods and minerals

There are still more natives down there, mainly because they have been replaced by Peruvian and Bolivian immigrants

It was Chileans who killed your family, mapuchín.

*has tons

only to a country like portugal spain may seem relevant

>and sweden as tons of natural resources, speaciall on woods and minerals
ahh yes
completely equivalent to 10 million km2 of land in america and colonies in africa and asia

Of course we are fucked up. I'm not denying that culture is what makes a people prosperous (circumstances have an influence without a doubt, but culture is the main factor), that's why I said that they didn't learn anything from our mistakes. I'm looking at you as well Mexico, you are even worse than them.

You are messing it up everything, for how many centuries you are indepedant from spain? the progress in the xvii was measured in a different way than it is these days. The industrial revolution changed everything., Spain has no south american colonies for centuries.
And spain is far from be some kind of shithole,you just have no ideia of what you are writing they are the 4t biggest econmy in the EU

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jajajajja aweonao te creís ario
acepta tus raíces

Only if you live near the Rhine.

Como sea, las reparaciones pídaselas al Estado Chileno, no a España.

It's always funny when Moortuguese think they're relevant or real European

you aren't mapuche

Habla bien, cretino.

Non essere così maleducato col Portogallo, amico

Fraternità latina

Relevant, we don´t want to have any sort of "relevancy"let germany have it and the refugees go live there. about the moors they had a nice fate on iberian lands,about real european, yes we are, in fact few other europeans are more deep euro (culture, heritage) than us.
Abou mexico,well ROTFL

Imagine believing the myth that chileans and argies genocided natives.
Aside from the first contact deaths both chileans nad argies adopted and intermixed with native populations, before italian and Spanish immigration argentina was overwhelmingly mestizo and this still shows on their genetic data, argies are arround 22% native autosomally, and chileans are barely 63% to 65% european according to the dodecad autosomal projects.

>Imagine believing the myth that chileans and argies genocided natives.



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It was your ancestors who killed people not mine

So pay the reparations to yourself

Lusitanians weren't Celtiberians

They were indo-europeans, para-celtic

You got it back when you tried to take over Europe.