Worst country in Europe?

which do you hate the most? which is objectively the worst for visiting/tourism?

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hello shlomo



>Turkey, Kazakhstan

I was just fucking around, Russia is awesome

Yeah Serbia is unironically the worst country in Europe probably especially for tourism


>which do you hate the most? which is objectively the worst for visiting/tourism?

Any lower balkan country, really. And anything east of Poland, excluding the Baltics.

Actually all ex-Yugoslavia countries minus Croatia and Montenegro

Hate the most: T*rkey
Worst to visit: Moldova or France.

A Russian that does not like Serbia? What?

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>Hate the most: T*rkey

I vacationed there twice, and was surprised how much I liked it there. The Turks down there were really hospitable and great to be around (excluding the handful of really shady guys you usually find when vacationing in southern countries).

I really wish the Turks in Germany were more like the Turks in Turkey.

>who cares
Even the Balkans are questionable.


Gay lefty Bavaryan here.

This is THE authoritative map on all matters regarding Europe, do not even try to question it, assholes.

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If we count Kosovo as a country, then Kosovo.
If we don't, then Albania or Moldova.

I meant It's objectively the worst. I don't hate Serbia or any country at whole, its retarded thing to do

>gay bavarian
man your family must hate you.

If you are left-wing from a developed capitalist country, your opinion doesn't count.

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My family loves me, thank you.


The Balkans are not questionable. You could replace them with a bigger black sea and nothing would change.

I'm a gay lefty Bavaryan from THE most developed capitalist region in Europe, therefore my ultra-high IQ city person opinion counts tenfold.

Even German gay-commies know that Chadnistria is better than Virgindova.

Have you ever been to Russia? I've seen awesome places even outside the classic targets like St. Petersbourg

Maybe invite them into your country or something?

Do you even have the money to travel to Europe?

yeah, somehow it is

Nah, they're cut, that's a big no-no for me. Even though I find some of them really cute.

I've traveled to Japan and Spain before.
Not everyone here is poor, you stupid fuck.

The few Mexican tourists, students and employees I've met here so far were nothing but really decent, great guys :)

He will swim to europe and try to pass as refugee


I have no interest. Russians piss me off, their stubborn and bitter.

Moldova hands down. There's no nightlife nor nothing interesting to see, it's just a shithole



Wait I take it back because Russia isn't Europe.
So, UK? No, they aren't European either.

The worst country in Europe is...

Of all the European countries I've been to I liked Ireland the least.

>which do you hate the most?
which is objectively the worst for visiting/tourism?
Probably Kosovo or Moldova


Say Estonia isn't Europe one more time and I'll kill you

What about the local rapist?

Wonder if this is actually true or that user was just memeing
Anyway romania and russia should take the relevant moldavian citizens and just dump their gypsies and turks into moldova, turn it into a containment zone of sorts

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Israel was done like that, we not, we are just a part of Romania

Objectively it would have to be a shithole like Kosovo or Moldova.

and yes, gypsys should be taken by india and turks, oblivious by turkey, no special zones

>which is objectively the worst for visiting/tourism?

Britain. It's the Poland of Europe.

Attached: uk poorest regions.png (700x887, 78K)

France is the worst shithole

even Moldova is better

At least Moldova only has 1 rapist per town.

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Are you fishing for compliments?

Because I find France so amazing it hurts, and it evokes feelings of social envy in me.

Russia, Turkey and Spain.


I can't imagine there being a lot of stuff to do Moldova?


Russia, I guess since the thread seems to count it as European.

the only reason we know mexico is because trump's wall

Bland, restrictive, filled with autistic, arrogant people, and with a history of acting like genocidal snow niggers they still are under their pretentious liberal surface. If not for being rich they'd have literally nothing going on for them. Even the worst shitholes of Balkans or deep Eastern Europe are more interesting to visit than Sw*den.

Mudslimes and uppity, holier-than-thou type of people. Huge problem with drugs and teenage pregnancies in the working class, not to mention so many of the world's current problems can be traced back to Britain's global meddling in shit that should never have concerned them.

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time to nuke now before the gypsies take over and realize they can't live in a country ruled by them, and start fleeing to other european countries
time's ticking

probably Albania

Financially speaking, Moldova (GDP per capita is $1900, below many African countries).
Culturally speaking, probably Albania (IQ 85).
In terms of safety, Russia (the highest homicide rate in Eurasia, extremely high HIV rates, road mortality rates, etc.)
Psychologically speaking, Lithuania (the highest suicide rates)
Politically speaking, Belarus (unemployed people have to pay huge fines to the government, death penalty is installed for criticizing their dictator, the whole internet is monitored by the secret police, a huge percentage of the population are enslaved on so called "collective farms" and have no right to leave them).

>Bland, restrictive, filled with autistic, arrogant people, and with a history of acting like genocidal snow niggers they still are under their pretentious liberal surface. If not for being rich they'd have literally nothing going on for them. Even the worst shitholes of Balkans or deep Eastern Europe are more interesting to visit than Sw*den.
wow rude

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Fuck them.


Objectively the correct answer is Ukraine

With the rise of populism, I'm starting to hate all European countries due to the stench of growing racism.

America is doing all the work in the war efforts. Quit bitching about taking in refugees.

Russia, dunno if that's Europe though.

Why would anyone hate Finland? We are just Forest and lake peoples from far north

Huh? Literally no one has said anything negative about us.
But, if you are in the mood, I am down for making this thread about Finland. Shall we hijack the thread, brother?

Yeah...but visiting won't make you wanna kill yourself, probably.



I feel bad for you guys to be honest. You have hot women but they hate you and prefer foreign men. You also have tiny Finngolian dicks.

Well yeh, not this time but usually theres more than one people feeling pure hate towards Finns and Finland.
Sori veliseni, taidan olla liian väsynyt tällä hetkellä

american mulatto trying to banter

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do not bully the finns

Very well. This is now a thread about Finland.
>You have hot women
No, we don't. Our women are below average when compared to other Europeans.
If you want hot women, go to Sweden or Russia.
>They hate you and prefer foreign men
Like all women. But yes, our women strongly prefer almost all foreign men (perhaps only Slavics are below us) over us.

>You also have tiny Finngolian dicks
Bigger than the american "dick"

Doesn't matter. We have hijacked the thread.

Finnland claims another victory.

sweden (niggers)
germany (niggers)
france (niggers)

and all those little shits between them

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I thought that Moldova is one of the russian region.

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Vittu sä oot kyllä vammanen jätkä :D
Tekee oikeen pahaa kattoa näitä sun postauksia täällä kun ryvet itseinhossa ja vastailet haudanvakavasti kaikkiin jopa paskimpiin ulkomaalaisten syötteihin.

Kunnon "kaikki suomessa on paskaa" -autisti.

t. eri

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Haista vittu, enhän minä missään vaiheessa sanonut mitään suomalaisvastaista.
Ootko joku tytynyymi kun suutuit?

>Bigger than the american "dick"

When black Americans visit Finland, the local women are overwhelmed by how much bigger their cocks are than the tiny Finnish dick.

Ylis taas vauhis

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Onko tää nyt Suomi lanka ?

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ebin x-DD

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If black americans have such large cocks, how tiny must the white american penis be for the average to be so small?

t. incell virgin with only contacion being his mom

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what happenings here :DD

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"wääwää suomalaiset naiset on rumia huoria ja haluaa vaan ulkomaalaist munaa, wääwää suomalaisilla paskat geenit, ulkomaalaiset parempia kaikessa" vittu kunnon suomicuck. En oo tytynyymi mutta vittu nää sun postailut täällä aiheuttaa kyllä vitusti myötähäpeää. Ainoastaan Suomesta ja ryssänmaalta löytyy yhtä vitun säälittäviä otuksia.

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t. girl

Vain nainen suuttuisi reh


it's as tiny as all white dicks

mee aisankannattaja nukkumaan vitun pelle

go try this on Jow Forums

pillus haisee tänne asti

Ootko joku ryssä, kun ehdotat ryssälässä olevan muuta kuin ebolahivmutanttihuoria? Oikiasti. Miten voi tulla ryssälä mieleen hyvännäköisistä naisista puhuttaessa? Ootko Sergei Wonder?

>Vain nainen suuttuisi reh

No en nyt siitä suuttunut että sanoit suomalaisia naisia rumiksi mutta toi sun surkuttelus ja ulkomaalaisten glorifiointi ja siihen päälle vielä kaikkiin paskoihin baitteihin vastaaminen kyllä ottaa hermoon, myönnän sen. Tunnistan helposti sun postaukset täällä, oot ihan vitun myötiksiä herättävä jätkä. Joku kunnon incel joka on kadottanu kosketuksen oikeeseen elämään.

Taidat olla joku elävä esimerkki siitä mitä tapahtuu kun böndeille annetaan pääsy internetsiin.

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jätkä unelmoi mamuista nussimmassa suomalaisia naisia ja luulee tän edustavan valtavirtaa, taidat olla ihan vitun syrjäytyny tyyppi