A lot of people here talking about shorting EOS, but it seems not many do or have ever done that...

A lot of people here talking about shorting EOS, but it seems not many do or have ever done that. There are currently 4x more EOSUSD longs than shorts. About $215mil worth of longs and about $45mil worth of shorts.

I don't really know what to think of this, but as opened longs are pretty much future sell orders, there seems to be high risk involved with buying EOS.

Attached: EOSUSDLongs.jpg (1544x829, 125K)

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the shorts, if anyone wants to see

Attached: EOSUSDShorts.jpg (1542x828, 136K)

the eos subreddit is really weird, there's nearly no technical discussion and a bunch of noobs talking about their lambos when EOS hits $500. I know that's somewhat typical for crypto subreddits but it's really extreme here. occasionally people ask a technical question and literally no one there can answer it

I know and also this is probably one big whale who's moving the market.

if you mean blockone selling their ethereum, maybe. check their wallets and find out.

Just checked, you are right. Mostly only price/volume talk. There is an r/eosdev subreddit though for tech stuff, but it is a ghost town.
The eos sub definitely had more tech related talk some months back.

a good entry point will be after mainnet launch and the ERC20 token freezes, the network won't be active/voted in for 30 days while it boots up so the price will crater into the single digits, then you can buy before the network goes online if the exchanges are willing to open up markets for a coin with no network

Just placed a little short. I was rekt before when I entered shorts too early. With EOS I managed to make some money on the way up, but today probably the peak of the rally will be reached. It might go up to 20$-22% who knows. But it's certainly going to dump to 10$ in the coming weeks.

I know nothing (and dont care) about the tech, but the exponential price growth can lead to one thing only: dump

Where to short this? It's not on bitmex


Oh man. Your calls are really really bad. Stop gambling and hold please.

top is in for EOS, for now
down goes EOS
down goes EOS

back down to .0013

I think we're now at the point where the parabolic trend is broken. Also it's kind of funny that EOS behaves almost exactly like BTC in december if you multiply the price by 1000.
>Parabolic rise from 6$ to 19.5$
>now dump to 10$
>later 6$

Attached: parabolic.png (915x794, 61K)

Fuck. I hate finex'd.
You can still go into debt there when longing and it flash crashes etc? Haven't used it in half a year

Heavy dip as you wrote that. Good job

I hear ya. Sadly there aren't a lot of exchanges that allow for margin trading. Kraken also has EOS, but it is kind of low volume.

>it flash crashes
The flash crash/pump on BTC today was ridiculous. So I guess, yes, things still happening. pic

Attached: flash.jpg (1537x829, 125K)

I stay with Bitmex because they promise to liquidate at the liquidation mark even if there are no buyers. That's not always the case with finex'd

They liquidate you at a shit price that didn't even happen and take the rest for the insurance fund. I'm not taking a side here, but you need to know that you're paying a price for the safety net on bitmex.

That's true. But worth it because of the removed extra risk.
If you get that close to liquidation you've anyways made a mistake. Flashes are far too common in crypto