Police officer's 20 year tenure with Law Enforcement ends


>Lorain officer John Kovach Jr. pulled over his daughter's boyfriend, Makai Coleman, 18, on April 18, without cause, and tells him he is 'going to jail.' Meanwhile his daughter, Katlyn Kovach, 18, is in the back seat of Coleman's car.
>Kovach used police resources to track his daughter's computer through her IP address
>When Coleman asks Kovach why he is going to jail, he responds: 'Have a seat in my car. We'll make sh** up as we go'
>The officer then claims to Coleman that his daughter was suicidal that previous Friday.
>Katlyn's father said he believed his daughter was going to kill herself because his ex-wife had come home and found his daughter having sex with Coleman sparking another argument which led to Katlyn saying “If I can’t be with him, I don’t want to be here anymore.”

>Somewhere in another part of the city, a woman had dialled 911,Her husband had threatened her with a weapon and she wanted officers to come to the scene to defuse the situation
>Kovach was listed as available so dispatchers summoned him but he never responded to the call

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wew, what to say

Americans are fucked in the head.

>his daughter is still getting blacked and now he is outta a job


Another win for the niggers well done.

i think that guy got off lightly, the father could have planted evidence on him or shot him

>his ex-wife had come home and found his daughter having sex with Coleman sparking another argument which led to Katlyn saying “If I can’t be with him, I don’t want to be here
Wonder why she's his ex now

Shame he didn't shot that nigger and his coalburning daughter

Based coalburner

Lol it gets even better, the boyfriend was enlisting in the military and apparently he went off and said he was going to harass the military recruiters until they cancelled his enlistment unless he stopped dating her. Inagine being this butthurt

Last time this happened they killed him. Those officers are standing trial now, since surprisingly when it's well known you have a grudge against him and there's multiple witnesses saying that he did absolutely nothing including his own daughter and that every claim the cop made was made up, people start putting two and two together.

>Last time this happened they killed him
What's this?


Reminder that if you have a daughter you should immediately abort her.

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Looks like they finally got convicted, it only took four times

This shit actually happens? What the hell man why cannot they just raise their daughters better or not live in the USA


>it only took four times
shit, imagine how it was during jim crow
what the fuck

Shrimp dicked white boys are fuming that they cannot stop black men from fucking "their" women and are angry that only more and more mullato babies are being born

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You can't stop love, not to mention America lauds individualism which makes them less likely to listen to their parents.

You can raise them with more awareness they're gonna become single moms. I still laugh this shit happened to my step sister. Such a stupid twat.

My aunt divorced my uncle and now lives with a guy and has to raise his teen daughter's niglet.

Ayy lmao, the white race is going to go the way of the native american. The difference being that instead of going with a whiper like the native americans they will go to roaring applause and they will be the ones applauding their own demise.

Be blacked to death is the best demise

I agree he should be fired, but no one can really blame him. He just wants whats best for his daughter.

> “It was either him or me. I’m not going to stand there and get shot.”

>But Lake’s aunt testified that her nephew was actually reaching out to shake Kepler’s hand and introduce himself when he fired

BBC is best for any woman

>black man, white woman
Why is the inverse virtually nonexistent?

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they're 18. he could just let the relationship run its course. it would probably end in a year or two

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Interracial dating is more common among younger generations.

A lot of people are still getting used to it. White women from the boomer and gen x generations have a less than 10% rate of dating outside of their race.

However, among millennial and gen z white women, this rate is estimated to be somewhere between 20 and 35 percent.

Long story short, generational differences in dating norms is shocking to a lot of older generations who didn't it find it acceptable for white women to date black men.

>20 to 35 percent.
that's bullshit.
you know most girls find niggers disgusting.
of course, not everyone, but because there's always one, for some fucking reason, that wants to fuck a nigger.

>that's bullshit.

Nope, it happens a lot in the American south.

African-American men look different from your Afro-Brazilians by the way.


they all look like monkeys, I know.

Jow Forums is that way, mr edgelord

It's just breeding out the weak. In the end, while it is lowering white numbers, it allows for the more loyal to remain a part of the gene pool and strengthens us. We'll become much more similar to Jews in the end but unfortunately the lack of gene variants for intelligence will put us at greater risk. It's a task for the brave.

based iffy

>It's just breeding out the weak.
Genetics don't matter in a CRISPR world.

This, but also than shoot himself for raising a niggerlover and not knowing how to get him away without losing his job.

I don't think you understand how CRISPR works or the implications of genetic engineering. We're already beginning to see the end of Monsanto. Such technologies are fundamentally flawed because of how they jeopardize life on Earth.

I'm going to hit you in the fucking mouth /x/

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>b-but CRISPR
>yeah but faulty science
>go back to /x/

Really don't know how you get from one a to 5 but great job at being retarded.

Unironically this.

>whitey shooting nogs


2 years of his daughters life wasted being beaten, mooched off of, and cheated on. Ending when she got pregnant with a child that will never have a father or resemble her.

Black women are horrible

racism in america?

Based Mexico.

there are differences but i doubt it's that big
provide sources or GTFO

>there are differences but i doubt it's that big

It actually is. African-Americans are 15 to 20 percent European.

You don't exactly see guys that look like Will Smith or Denzel Washington in Africa.

what? i'm talking about dating outside your race


woops my bad. didn't read what you were quoting.

I'm still looking for the study that showed those stats but here's another survey that shows there are significant differences in supporting interracial marriage among the generations. Millennials are significantly more likely to be fine with interracial dating. We can infer that the rate is probably higher among gen z too.


Millennials are much more tolerant than the racist retarded boomers and gen Xers

ah yes, american hours.

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Beauty standards

black girls are lonely because nobody wants them

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real nigga hours, filthy muhammad

La Creatura.... Dance La Creatura!

Shake your floppy titties Garcia!




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Americans really are the biggest cucks, I don't know why that is

>black girls are lonely because nobody wants them

The no1 is interested in Black women is a meme

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Why are yuros and south americans so gay?

Not really. Swedes and East Europeans are much bigger cucks.


alright buddy

its tighter and we are not pedos, unlike those ocean niggers above australia

South America was colonized and raped by Euros. Birds of a feather flock together

only guys with pencil dicks like anal.

She would simly not step on my property ever again.

t. jamal, the 4 inch bbc

A lot of european men go to Brazil go gay sex tourism. It doesn’t help that lot of Brazilian men are also gay as fuck

n e g u i n
n e g u i n

>It doesn’t help that lot of Brazilian men are also gay as fuck

most of the white and light-skinned Brazilian men I've encountered were homo as fuck.

some of them wore high heels too.

e aí neguin, como vai?
até hoje nesse proxy e respondendo seus posts também? kek

O sulista de cú doído

Cu não tem acento, pardolino.

até hoje com essa de "ips múltiplos"?
me fala aí, quando é que tu ira sair da casa da sua mãe e parar de ser vagabundo nego que se acha superior a alguem?

>Lost Job
>Wife left and is suicidal
>Relationship with daughter completely ruined far beyond repair
>Job lost and career destroyed with your name forever tarnished
>Even left a poor woman to fend for herself probably ending up beat
>Daughter getting Black dick all the same

The fuck did he d to deserve such shit luck?

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He should've just disowned her - what he eventually did is the story that shitlib journalists dream about reporting