
Protect Australian Penguins edition

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What the fuck...



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australians are little wimps and have to kill flightless birds because they're too scared of fighting a real big yank boy

any white man in?

*assumes your gender*

Wacky Bruce is based

not even going to bother posting gimmicks to a dead /brit/

Looks like a wog to me.

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give us a quick rundown can't be arsed watching

his hair is based and red pilled


trying to listen to spanish lads talking on the bus made out something about a brother is interesting

What the fuck....
I love duck hunting and I can’t...this isn’t fathomable

dead thread


*closes brit to shitpost elsewhere*

guy who is obviously showing too much skin to children gets removed

25 degrees lads
fucking dying

Nice sunny day, I'll be outside the Manchester arndale until 5pm if anyone fancies a scrap.

nearly double that here

based aussie cunts scare off a poof

reminder everyone normal is outside with their friends

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good, if we know where they are we can avoid them, like a plague


am a normie and i'm still inside enjoying my morning coffee

NEED to breed with a mestizo cutie

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wtf had no idea melbourne was so PENG very nice buildings

such nice weather
if only I had people to enjoy it with haha

hi nigger

I’m unironically in the art gallery rn

not an argument

you're a nigger

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>appreciating architecture is a nigger thing
fuck off

watched a few world cup match recaps
nigerian team seems really lacking in diversity...

saying peng and wanking over london every thread is a nigger thing you dumbfuck

Wish I had friends

any football man in

you're brown. make some retard lefty friends

might get my tonsils removed

just had to wrestle a dead mouse out of the cats mouth
claws and teeth ensued

is this the wrong thread or is everyone just outside not being a NEET

lads, should i use two mining modules to get a job done twice as fast or bring a gun just in case someone shows up and wants a scrap?

sucking a nigger

janny was taking the piss so we’re all in the discord today

>just had to wrestle a dead mouse out of the cats mouth


it was defrosting on the kitchen counter, it's for the snake

It's shit how rainbows have now been eternally appropriated by queers

oh no my friend
the pendulum will swing again...

made me hate them more than i ever did before

ah yes the botnet

feed the cat to the snake

any ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⴳⵀⵜ in

It'd have to be a big snake to eat a cat, it would probably happen the other way around.

eating a nigger

for you

it's a 4ft corn snake


any cute female in

ziggurats > pyramids



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me n the lads

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Took me 20 minutes to figure out how to read Faust. Never read a play before, mental.

spent my entire day trying to be a normie with my mates but fuck I hated it
don't think they really like me tbqh

can't imagine being older than fourteen and finding ancient egypt remotely interesting outside of the hellenistic period

h-how do you read it



not with those lips i'm afraid

need a boyfriend m'lady?


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You read it like a play.

so what you're saying is ziggurats > pyramids
good lad

even an average white girl is nicer than one of the best asian girls

actually a guy I just wanted some attention xx

how'd you read that then

Chas unit aussie holds it down

consider that offer retracted


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me in the back (left)


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despise working class people and people below 95 IQ
can't hold a fucking conversation for shit

Good post

even Plato's dialogues are really meant to be read allowed to other people to stimulate conversation and debate
it's weird reading a playing by itself

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>look at me, I'm progressive and care about issues!!
virtue signalling was a mistake

fucking hate paki deanos

I sometimes forget to eat for 24 hours
also defeats the point of a strike if it has a set time, it's more of a protest

Like you would when you're acting a play out. It's 1 character speaks, then another and so on.

look at me, I'm progressive and care about issues!!

feel like that Kim caricature is a little bit racist

that's a really inappropriate depiction of an asian man

cut the cat into cubes

on a 24 years no-gf strike lads

fucking based

*heems you

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she looks really good in the tv show but looks like a typical lefty in real life

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I need better friends