Tfw everyone around you is getting married and I'm just 23

>tfw everyone around you is getting married and I'm just 23
does this happen in your cunt?

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Marrying is a trap
But this coming from italian is not surprise

Don’t you all still live with mommy and daddy? How the fuck are you getting married before even moving out?

yeah it does

yeah it is

I got married when I was 21.

I know both someone who got married at 24, younger than me, and someone who's had the same gf for 10 years and is still leaving with his parents at 30+

Nobody is married at 23 here except maybe arabs and some niggers

t. Radu

All of my childhood friends got married and now their kids are probably in primary school.

what does this even mean?
I'm studying so I'm on my own but supported by them
good for you
really? How is france birth rate so high? Are just niggers breeding?
>n-no gli italiani non si sposano, deve essere per forza un rumeno, non sono io ad essere un fallito

>tfw everyone around me is getting married and I'm already 29
And they even ask oh user why don't you have a girl do you like being single

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>everyone pesters me that at this age(24) I should start about having a family
>just want to play video games and watch cartoons like 10 years ago
Adulthood is a meme

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The weird looks start at 30 here.


>tfw 26
>tfw games doesn't bring you joy anymore

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Nope, people don't generally get married until they're 28-30 here, and even then it's usually couples that have been dating for a while.

Getting married at 23? In Italy? Where the fuck do you live? Mutt on vacation?

I got fucking shotgun hitched at 8 fucking teen, that went well

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Same, also 26. Last time I had fun with vidya was more than a year ago.

This starts to happen with everything, i couldnt even be bothered to snort a line of heroin if there was on available in the bathroom

Yeah, many from my old "highschool" class even have kids now. And married. All mid 20's.

I know for a fact and experience that half of them will divorce and have other drama in their life. Thus for the half the happiness is just a temporary feeling.

Imo getting married and getting kids in your 20's is a waste of time. But each to their own I guess.

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Of course gaming isnt as fun as back then when you play each day for 5-8+ hours. Same reason why many streamers aren't feeling games anymore and just see it as their chore/job. Its about having games on the side and find joy in them.

Out of my graduating class
>3 are happily married with kids
>6 are either single mom's or divorced with kids
>9 joined the army
>5 died due to reckless driving
>2 are incels who complain on facebook
>7 are junkies
>2 died because of overdose