snail mail edition
>those forearms
is ket worth trying boys?
thicc girls are disgusting
tfw liked her music.
tfw thought it's nice that she is doing s owell when she is a bit ugly
tfw come to brit and see some super virgin freak is obsessed with her
>she is a bit ugly
wrong idiot???
Met 3 Finnish girls in my life and they've all been weird little autistic gremlins
Love it when you buy a pack o' crisps and theres bugger all in there
Love germany
a lot of those thiccthots must look ridiculous irl
a community is fine, but a nation isn't a community.
why should i care about defending someone sitting in newcastle who i don't even know? why should i
can't even imagine how ugly you are if you think she isn't ugly
Put in a good word for me
she a 6/10
LOL I know irish people are ugly but you're not that ugly
nations are just a strawman to make people do bidding of the blueblooded.
a man who knows his innerself does not give a shit about such nonsense.
*NEET runt does nothing*
>hey NEET, you see that brown man over there, he's a danger to you and everything you stand for
*NEET begins to REEEE and gets active*
>care for other grugs?!
>NO grug look out for number ungo
downloaded spirited away
I'm a virgin freak
can't even conceive what it is like to be good looking, I quiver in repulsion whenever I see a camera near me as i'm scared of my ugliness being yet further immortalised
Jews like Cyrus, not Xerxes.
this but unironically
I'm burning lads
neet = rorke
>too much spare time and self-reflection. has grandiose concerns about the world without really actually engaging in it. tied in with this are self-awareness of shortcomings compensatef for with political ideology. easily startled, very depressed - rorkeism provides easy scapegoats to pin his insecurities onto. He feels strong and manly about his ideology but doesnt do anything masculine (eg taking responsibility for his weight, making a livelihood, regulating his emotions).
student = leftypol/sheed
>brainwashed by his lecturers, no experience of the real world, seduced by easy to swallow theories and critiques. Thinks he is smart but is thick. Makes poor life decisions such as using drugs, neglecting studies. regularly baits rorke with inane shitposts that rorke takes every time. Has been rejected by several girls despite trying to impress them with receptivity to feminist ideas.
wagecuck = radical centrist
>realises politics is pointless, realised he is trapped, realises that whatever it is rorkes and sheeds are talking about its too abstract and in either scenario he'd still be toiling. Spends his time worrying about whether his flatmates will bully him, whether his landlord will raise his rent, whether he will be on time for work, whether his season ticket, tax and bills will go up, whether his shirts are washed and ironed, whether this will be tge year he gets that promotion, whether he'll have anytime or energy or money to pursue his hobbies this weekend. only wishes for the cessation of his toiling but is never rewarded this. dreams of a day when there will be no more toil, not on the morrow, not on the morrow thereafer and not on morrows to come.
Look how hairy her arms are
HAha so relatable love it (fuck off)
the dream gf
Nothing wrong with this
>radical centrist
>realises politics is pointless
shut the fuck up
I Have the exact same but the opposite way round
fuck portugal
just desperate for a gf desu
wagies are all rorkes
I love my gf and would never actually cheat on her but fuck no matter how hard I resist I just can’t stop exchanging nudes with the snapchat girl.
What a pussy
bit pathetic lad i'm a 33 year old 5'3 uglier diego riveria dateless kissless friendless virgin but at least I'm not desperate
Right. That's going to be a FONT from me I'm afraid.
how are you not desperate
Doing my first shit of 2018
gram enough for 4 newbies?
not running around hitting on everyone left right and centre pretending ugly girls are attractive etc
Why dont you shag a prozzie?
I've spent more time in Europe than you've spent outside of your runty little town and the majority of my workplace is European
post a pic
>Cundy caused controversy in 2018 when openly speaking about his dislike of female football commentators - stating on Good Morning Britain that he disliked female commentators because their voices were too high. This caused Piers Morgan to brand him a sexist pig.
mate says his 16 year old sister is constantly monged of xanax
state of gen Zs
Quintessential Yank comment.
you should, loneliness killed your soul
not desperate already told you. Not all that fussed about not having sex just the awakardness that would occur when they find out i am so old and never had sex if I ever did get with someone but desu when they look at me and see how ugly I am it should be obvious.
i'm definitely dead inside but i dont see why I should be desperate.
Not happy with this contribution to the thread at all
ah yes the designated pansy boy drug
don't know why americans rile you up so much
shagged a 3/10 and it made me feel like superman for a week
how big is your willy
Fuck off Yank
FUck OFf NOrmie TWat
2bh she isnt peng but she is super aesthetic
are you one of those syrian refugee niggers?
shes never had a xanax
genuinely think we have been the best team so far in the world cup
about 5 inches, it's a bit pencilly tho
>great great great grandmother was Irish
>”haha well I AM Irish so...”
This is why no one likes Americans
im still a freak, just not a virgin
ah yes its the "all xanax is fake" mong
I'm good looking and in shape and have always wanted to have sex with an ugly and/or fat girl to see what it's like but it I never figured out how people just sleep with other people without spending time courting them or having to deal with them afterwards
FUck OFf NOrmie TWat
>tfw no snail mail gf to do acid with in the forest
Shagging prozzies doesnt mean your desperate, just means your lazy.
very few Americans do this though
you clearly haven't watched many games
Ah yes a Syrian-German refugee who posts in the british culture sub-general of the international board on a Laotian shadow puppetry agora. A likely story.
Kendrick & J Cole are fantastic for acid trips 2bh
Don't even like them sober
Snail mail is a dyke
Thats just because you have given up
went to a bar/club, drank myself good and started "dancing" with the girl, kissed her then she took me to her place 10 minutes later
we have just been taking the piss, not even 50% of out best effort
girls who do drugs are used up dull shag bags
means you're desperate though or you would just have a wank lol. I ain't hating on you for fucking a prostitute you can still do it and not appear desperate but you aren't going to prostitutes if you aren't desperate in some sense of the word
Like, how do you not kiss or cuddle them when you wake up in the morning? Just saying goodbye and walking away seems very cold after such an intimate act took place
going to mcdonalds anyone want anything
FUck OFf NOrmie TWat
why are you typing like that haha you mong
try captain beefheart
>thinking sex in 2018 is an intimate act
i'm a virgin loser but even I know having sex means nothnig in 2018 lmao
Big whopper haha because it’s Burger King not McDonald’s lol
>shagging prozzies doesnt mean your desperate
Why are there so few good films about the Romans?
No I have a script for it so I know what real xans are like
You little runts get knockoff rubbish
Probably quaaludes or something lol
Boss sounded pissed off when I called in sick this morning
Hopefully I get better so I don’t have to call him again tomorrow
FUck OFf NOrmie TWat