japs BTFO
this blood is of harakiri
You got nuked in the end
two wasn't enough
nuke from roo and bong? no
>The defeat at Kohima and Imphal was the largest defeat to that date in Japanese history
>5x as many soulless japs killed vs brits
>ultimately end up getting nuked into becoming cartoon-loving paedophiles
really not so sure what the point of those cherrypicked sea battles is when you look at the whole picture
Kimchi man in rant mode lol
sorry to destroy your illusion but you never dropped nukes
The allies did, and Britain was a major part of the Manhattan Project.
Who cares if Churchill didn't personally nuke Japan? Doesn't change the fact you were nuked by our side, using tech we helped invent, in a war that you lost.
All I'm saying is that posting a handful of cherrypicked sea battles on your doorstep while we were fighting the war half a world away on our own doorstep doesn't really compare.
also I don't get what that picture means. every person in the UK who says shit that upsets you is a korean man? what? why have you posted that image 58 times
>major part of nuke development lololol
opium trader Bongs'd lost the war against Germany and Japan without any help from the US, so ?
are you ashamed of your gook genetics?
>>major part of nuke development lololol
yeah you dumb insectoid cunt
>are you ashamed of your gook genetics?
I don't understand what's wrong with your brain. Gook genetics? What the fuck are you talking about?
You're obviously not just being ironic or shitposting because you've posted about this 58 times. What's wrong with you?
are you honestly convinced that everyone with a UK flag who says mean shit about your soulless insectoid paedophile country is a Korean man in disguise? are you schizophrenic?
the only one there that actually might have contributed to a victory was the fall of singapore. sinking one cruiser here, another cruiser there doesn't amount to much
hey brit and beta brit don't you know what you were doing in asia?
probably you two are proxy chink or Korean fags, so don't even know it, though.
>bongs had to write too long article desperately on wiki
couldn't make your own nukes and couldn't save yourself from bombing by german
the us saved the ass of empty head bongs lol
killed 100 times more in Darwin kek
>probably you two are proxy chink or Korean fags, so don't even know it, though.
You're definitely mentally ill. It's actually insane that you've convinced yourself that every single person with a UK flag who talks shit about Japan is a Korean man in disguise.
Seriously, what's wrong with you? Why are you so obsessed with that Korean idea? lmao just have a browse through this, I mean what the actual fuck desuarchive.org
>couldn't save yourself from bombing by german
We won the Battle of Britain on our own and then bombed the living shit out of Dresden. and
>bombing of Darwin
like two hundred people died. how many million japs died altogther?
damn, two nukes definitely wasn't enough. insectoid freaks tbqh
>you've convinced yourself that every single person with a UK flag who talks shit about Japan is a Korean man in disguise.
you can't read English sentence?
I said chink or Korean proxy.
but you only pick up the "Korean" part.
whats wrong with you, kim?
maybe the famous racial mental disorder trigger you again? lol
It's hard to read through your broken engrish, but okay I'll change it
'You've actually convinced yourself that every single person with a UK flag who talks shit about Japan is a Korean or a chink in disguise.'
You're still mentally ill for believing that. You get that right, how insane and obsessive you seem? What's wrong with you?
hey hey kim why you spoke almost the same statement two times, don't you know other vocabularies?
maybe reusing it? lol
poor kim wwwwwwww
Excuse me why is this jap running his mouth and not servicing my American "white" cut penis? Get back to work.
What the actual fuck is wrong with your brain
I "repeated the statement" because you keep ignoring it
I mean come on m8 what's wrong with you. Why can't you even consider the idea that a person who calls you an insectoid freak might not necessarily be another type of insectoid secretly using a proxy to hide their location?
You're definitely not just ironically shitposting because you do this all the time, look at this desuarchive.org
you've done it 58 times over the last few months
You Japanese are insectoid freaks. So are the Koreans. So are the Chinese. You're literally all the same. How is that too difficult for you to process?
why the fuck are you convinced anyone with a UK flag who shit-talks your shit country must be someone using a proxy? Is it unfathomable that a Brit might think you're subhuman? I don't get it.
>American "white" cut penis
burgers even cut its benis when circumcision? good gay
>a korean man in the UK said mean things about japan a few times
>this means that every person in the UK who says mean things about japan is a korean man
this is your brain on paedophile cartoons and radiation poisoning
hey hey do you know the word "autistic"? it exactly refers to a gay like you lol
are you this fag?
or another fag?
autism is obsessively accusing every single Brit you see of secretly being a Korean, in 58 different threads, over the course of several months
both are me, you psycho nip freak.
how many girls did you rape?
>a literal nip accusing other people of being a paedophile rapist