Would you immigrate to Canada?

Would you immigrate to Canada?

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Yes but not Ontario

no, I'm straight

I immigrated away from Canada

Yeah but not into the prairies as I have an education and am jot some useless rig pig. Ontario, Quenec or BC. Maybe Yukon.

I'm planning to emigrate by next year.

Only temporarily to make some money.

doubt it

>make some money
The country down south has better wages.


God I fucking wish, anything to get away from drumpf

I wouldn't get accepted into USA. It's a lottery isn't it?

Canada has stricter rules than the US so if you wouldn't be accepted in the latter you wouldn't have more luck in the former.

I'll trade you my Canadian citizenship for your yank one


Canada's is merit based, if you have a STEM degree you can come here

Canada has a points system. USA has a literal lottery.

Can you buy your way in there? like you can with investor visa here?

lottery is more fair desu
points based means you end up losing all the good jobs and importing a foreign elite

That's true. We were just talking about me having a hypothetical choice.

Yes, I want an Asian gf.


If my life depended on it.....Quebec. But I like not being a faggot and stupid enough to think free healthcare is free.

Based Schweizer

>stupid enough to think free healthcare is free
No one thinks universal healthcare is free. It's just cheaper and more effective.

>amerilards STILL think Quebec is "based"

people have no fucking clue how horrendous the Quebecois are. They are not even half the nation they used to be. I do believe they could be great again it just takes a serious cultural shift.

It's no coincidence that the most religious nation in Canada became the most nationalistic. And it's no coincidence that the most nationalistic people became the most socialist, nihilistic, gibs-dependant group in the country. They are natural zealots that were steered in the wrong direction by malicious cultural and political leaders.

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Not op

>nationalistic people became the most socialist, nihilistic....
Sounds like the horseshoe theory is true.

Can they be saved at this point?

Attached: quebec.png (768x297, 57K)

>unions are bad
I wonder who wrote this.

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Just give them independence and be done with it. I personally support an independent Quebec. They are total different culture than Anglo-Canada and speak French.....just do it!

>It's Quebec's fault Anglo-Canada gives them free money

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Then we have some weird new country on our border??? wtf, it would be a mess for us. When they almost succeeded in the 90's Clinton was NOT going to recognize them

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>economic freedom
Meaningless ranking.
Off-topic. How's free employee association a sign of a welfare state?
>% workers on employment insurance
Why's Quebec lumped together with Atlantic provinces that are notorious for their high unemployment? Is it because looking at Quebec alone disproves whatever point they're making?
>% francophones in Canadian civil service
Not sure what point they're making here. Of course a lot of francophone civil service jobs are going to be in Quebec.
>% of 71,290 federal "bilingual positions" held by 2009
Once again of course most people are going to speak French in a French-speaking province.
>Common Law Families
I don't get it. Off-topic?
>Suicide 1991-2000
Off-topic? Wait, is this one of THOSE books?

Yes, but I'm not a big fan of the climate compared to down here. USA may be a get shot shithole, but it's my shithole.

We have nowhere to go anyway

>canadian education

The only part of the US that has a climate I like is the PNW. I bet I'd actually really like the coastal Alaska climate, too, but I haven't been there.

I am a Canadian expat, I do plan to return eventually, I miss real winter

I would, yeah.

shitty term for *igrant

thought hard about doing so for a while now

Why did you downgrade?



would i if i absolutely had to? sure.
But I don't want to move to vancouver or Toronto.

t. Jean-Michel Duchamp

Yeah I would, it's actually not so bad here all things considered

Obviously I want to
It's better than America because there's less conservatives




Are you a pathetic sexpat or "teacher"?

>economic "freedom"
>unions bad
Nobody wants to be like cuckbertans get over it.
