
Argentina Edition

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Second for the IRA

3rd for UVF

cant u just kick ur gf in the stomach really hard if she gets pregnant and the baby dies?

Drop the top and blow the brains
Oh he's so handsome, what's his name?

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25th for IRA

pink floyd lads



Flying nigger monster just sauntered past my window with it’s cock out and everything ahhahaha

Sucked a nigger


You have to watch out for those

alri dad

Fuck Argentina and fuck you too

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smoking a nigger


I had a cigarette at a party once. I felt like I was poisoned and I couldn't stop coughing.


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Business idea: become Dan Bilzerian

Yeah I put rat poison in one cigarette out of twenty and give it to anybody that annoys me on nights out

It’s actually quite a common thing among smokers, it won’t kill someone but it will send them reeling

Love Bea

Fuck you nigger

If anyone here has IV'd heroin, I know it causes your veins to collapse, but do you feel like your veins are collapsing? Or does that set in after you do it like 20 times?

I like this version better


Imagine coming joint 32nd in the world cup ahahahahaha

don't imagine it'd worry you too much by the time it starts happening

Why would you inject the stuff over sniffing

Queen of the NEETs, our girl for sure

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You can sniff heroin?

gib harry kane

Do you think Margaret Thatcher had girl power?


I know a guy who went to the hospital and lied that he overdosed on something so he could get an IV, then he ran out. then he used it to take heroin

You've never seen Oz?

Heard British squaddies like to sing rebel songs when they're drunk, big if true

grimnited states of america

I live in the heroin capital of the US. it's not bad US-wide

Gonna turn my life around lads. It starts tomorrow.

>it's not bad US-wide

The Falkland Islands belong to the United Kingdom as a whole
Argentina belongs to Wales specifically

would love to have an IV just for hangovers. they really work perfectly. just fill it up with fluids and a bit of potassium. stick it in. right as rain in a few hours.

no you dont

Yeah I know that was absolute bollocks ahahha was waiting for someone to call me out what kind of a horrid cunt would do that

I said heroin you actual spastic

Emily tries, but misunderstands

do you ever really get over a girl? or is it just a wound that scars over?

>Heroin use has been increasing over the years. An estimated 374,000 Americans used heroin in 2002–2005, and this estimate grew to nearly double where 607,000 of Americans had used heroin in 2009–2011.[42] In 2014, it was estimated that more than half a million Americans had an addiction to heroin.[43]

>heroin is not an opiod

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yeah bro

yeah to which?

Well, Puerto Madryn is a thing en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puerto_Madryn

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Why does America have such a stark economic dichotomy between middle and lower class. You have literal no go areas that are rife with crime and drugs in certain urban areas then a couple miles out you have gated suburban communities full of timid middle class people

>half a million Americans
of 325.7 million
never said it wasn't

read this as poogeneer and started thinking about ways to engineer poos

You only get to be 30 once. Don't let it go to waste.


i've wanked to old pictures of my mum

school districts

that's still a lot
and it largely stems from the prescription drugs that are incredibly widespread in the US (get prescribed pain meds - become addicted - start using illegal opiates/opioids like heroin)
it's increasing too

Ah yes, let's ban sick people from getting paracetamol cause it's a gateway drug to poonigger69

I have my mom's wedding photos. She was so thin and pretty. Nothing like what she's looked like since I was born.


you ruined her she probably resents you for the fact

freud would love you

not paracetamol but percocets and oxycontins
essentially synthetic heroin

amazing post

Don't you dare fucking desecrate the welsh flag you filthy piece of shit

Argentina is unironically white

My ma got me a Marrakesh shirt and I'm wearing it ironically
huehue that'll show them

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Italians are borderline white, and speaking Spanish automatically disqualifies you from being white for some reason, so they're double non-white.

are niggers white?


history is full of boys fucking their young petite mothers
freud is a fucking choir boy compared to me
a fucking choir boy

Brb moving to Argentina

Starting a cattle ranch

no you're not

I want to make one of these but with Wales holding Welsh Argentina

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Ugh fuck off dairy cartel scum

Argentina shouldn't exist

I'm a gun owner who's against gun ownership.


wales literally doesn't exist not a real country at all


I'm a welfare leech who's against welfare
I'm an NHS user whp's against socialised healthcare
It's totally reasonable to take part in society even if you think it would be better off with some changes.


you're so cool

Welsh mutt here from Y wladfa AMA

Imagine being called Ireland but you're not even an island because you have a land-border with another (superior) nation.

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I'm a white person against white people

Just seems unprincipled 2bh

I want to lick Emma Watson asshole.

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weird spot to put the union jack

are you verified on twitter yet?

Okay... this.. epic

the fact that this has incorrect grammar shows that this isn't even a script, you genuinely just sit here all day everyday typing this shit out
fucking hell what went wrong for you?

I'm genuinely impressed by his persistence

It doesn't have incorrect grammar you twat. It has a typo.