Eat shit

eat shit

Attached: shitmany.png (2000x2707, 96K)

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nach der Schule hinter den Mülltonnen
ohne Treten aber

Don't bully Germany you piece of shit.

würde lieber in Deutschland wohnen eher, als diesem vercuckte Bongkolonie

Kinda rude there

Fuck off

>implying they don't already

Attached: German Cuisine.jpg (640x480, 23K)

Baby, ja, komm beweg` dich so langsam
Baby, ja, komm ich lieb` wie du tanzt, da
Baby, ja, komm beweg` dich so langsam
Baby, ja, komm ich lieb` wie du tanzt, da
Baby, ja, komm beweg` dich so langsam
Baby, ja, komm ich lieb` wie du tanzt, da
Baby, ja, komm beweg` dich so langsam
Baby, ja, komm ich lieb` wie du tanzt, da

Baby, shake dein` Popo für mich
Baby, shake dein` Popo für mich, ja
Baby, shake dein` Popo für mich, und ich sag`
Baby, shake dein` Popo für mich
Baby, shake dein` Popo für mich
Baby, shake dein` Popo für mich, ja
Baby, shake dein` Popo für mich
Baby, shake dein` Popo für mich

Wie du tanzt, baby
Wie du tanzt, baby
Wie du lachst, baby
Wie du lachst, baby
Wie du tanzt, baby
Wie du tanzt, baby
Wie du lachst, baby
Wie du lachst, baby

Attached: based.gif (448x336, 1.55M)

i don't speak nazi

No you fuck off

weil du doch duhm bist

>2 world wars
>didn't come close to winning on any of them
Atleast they had cool tanks and aircraft, would have loved to see what Nazi engineers would have come up with if they weren't retarded and started a war they couldn't win.

>tfw instead of having a real language as the lingua franca of the world we have to talk the abominable mutt language that is English
It's not fair.

Gott strafe England

>Nazi engineers would have come up with if they weren't retarded and started a war they couldn't win
You realise America owes its rockets to Nazi engineers, right?

Shut the fuck up faggot, Spanish is even worse.

This post is exactly why your mother doesn't love you

Kannst du eine andere Sprache sprechen?

Wenn dein Papi wüsste, was ich mit dir mach' dann glaub ich wär er nicht so happy
Wenn die Mami wüsste, was ich mit dir mach' dann glaub ich würd sie nicht mehr lächeln
Du bist der Stolz der Familie
Du bist ihre schöne Blume
Aber ich bin die Biene
Baby, gib mir deinen Nektar
Pretty Baby, ich sag pretty Baby, ich sag pretty, pretty, pretty Baby
Ja, ich mag das, wenn du auf mir bist und mich am Rücken kratzt mit deinen Händen
(Ja, wa-warte, warte! psh, psh! Was war das?)

Attached: based.gif (500x295, 699K)

I do know both the USSR and burgers stole the shit out of German engineering, but i would have liked to see what they would have come up with themselves.

imagine having autistic cases and grammar rules for literally no gain

Attached: 1526917249174.jpg (562x438, 61K)



Attached: lel.jpg (700x1804, 171K)

Stop being such a self-hating faggot Juan.

Salam aleikum Bruder. Schön zu sehen, dass du es geschafft hast Calais zu verlassen. Ich hoffe Rotherham ist schön zu dieser Jahreszeit.

>rules for literally no gain
Rules are made to avoid garbage like

This. Fuck filthy g*rmans dogs. Whenever something bad happens in g*rmany it genuinely makes me happier.

كيف هو شقيق في انجلترا؟

Make me Jose.

Since we have an abundance of Germans in this thread can someone explain to me who the fuck Dragonlord is?

Ah the english spelling meme. Yes, it's strange, but we all learned it easily enough. I love the German language but English is just better.

Rainer Al Winkulami
A half Italian Islam converst, he killed 4 Germans last week and is on the run.

Wie viele Sprachen sprichst du?

This is the only good post in this thread.

Why'd he do it?

I love you too




the virgin complex rules vs the chad just memorise it lol

You would be a shithole even if you all talked English.
Some people are just bound to fail.

I dont get it

Yeah, some people just can't seem to find jobs don't they?


desu the first round was close

Frankonian vlogger and troll magnet. He used to talk about metal music and video games I think, but then people noticed that he was incredibly easy to upset and would reliably reply aggressively, so nowadays people spend their time trolling him and watching his life conditions deteriorate since he's unemployed, obese, dirty and living in a ruin of a house. He's basically German CWC, except a metalhead instead of a Sonic obsessed tranny.

Attached: 35413319_2306756619334553_717733900389974016_n.jpg (640x385, 31K)

Any good vids of him?

W-we're getting back up.

Literally hundreds. All are in German though, as far as I am aware. Should still come through in the universal language of lulz.

I believe in you, don't let me down and make more shitty youtubers.

Lern doch einfach Deutsch. Wenn du nicht dumm bist geht das recht fix

i can relate

ja heil

dies uezs

nah, Germans please don’t bully my friend.
The UK is an old japanese friend.

Wie sagt man 'uezs' aus? Vollständig oder wie 'weights'?

Thx. Looks like I have a lot to go through

Fuck you chinese cartoon man, no one is your friend.

man sagt es gar nicht
Somebody also broke into his house

Aber im Kopf?

go away

No, i will always be here, fuck you.


oh man. cool off please.
why do you having angry so much.

>why do you having angry so much.
Japan so kawaii


Because you make me mad chink man, your chinese cartoons are poison made to kill stupid westerners, you can't fool me.


Bibi Blocksbergs kleine, feste Loli-Muschi...




fick di

Attached: 1523208876375.png (1500x1500, 93K)

I'll translate

Ofta d'schual hinterm mull.
Ohne stoassn

You're welcome

Ethnic Germans are arguably the most immoral ethnic group out there. Authoritarian, sadistic, narrow-minded, power-hungry, fanatical, bossy, entitled, intolerant, unable to feel and express empathy, pathologically obsessed with money and social status, aggressively conformist to the point of cult-like hivemind behavior, extremely xenophobic and racist. Terrible, terrible people. You may say whatever you want, but I have a hard time imagining Irish people conducting medical experiments on living humans, or Italians putting millions of children in gas chambers, or French masterminding the invasion of Spain in order to starve 80% of Spaniards to death and repopulate the area with French colonists. Or Greek people exterminating their disabled people by dozens of thousands in order to purify their nation from the bad genes. You have to have a certain hardware, a fucked up neurobiology, a twisted insular, sadistic, fanatical and unempathetic mindset in order to do this on a large scale. Christian values of humanism and compassion never really took off in their squared heads.

>in their squared heads.
desu in my experience Slavs have much more quadratic heads than Germans

Germans > Brits



I want some German to make a vocaroo of himself cussing and post ITT.

Attached: [gg]_Code_Geass_Episode_I_-_Koudou_[6D91F2F0].mkv_snapshot_01.11.45_[2018.03.17_12.40.42].jpg (1280x720, 89K)

Brits are Gordon Gekko-type of people, Germans are Hannibal Lecter-type of people.


Attached: [gg]_Code_Geass_Episode_I_-_Koudou_[6D91F2F0].mkv_snapshot_00.32.12_[2018.03.17_11.57.02].jpg (1280x720, 79K)

Thanks, grew it myself