EOS up steadily for 4 days, drop 3 grand into it

Price drops 20 cents within 45 seconds. Sorry guys, I just killed EOS. This always happens to me.

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go on cmc and look what has risen the most, EOS doing a 3x, would be nice wouldn't it? So put your money in this because if it has been rising until now it can't really fall

I hope so, the funny thing is if I'd have left my money in eth for that 45 seconds I'd be up $50 bucks instead of down $55. So looks like EOS has already lost me money. kek.

Attached: maybeforyou.webm (1080x608, 2.12M)

Eos just fell below 19 dollars lol, I really did kill it.

It's okay I put 700 into it user I don't mind it dropping 0.50 cents

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Dang nice, how much are you up?

Bought a bunch between 5-8

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>price has been going up for 4 days
>"hmmmmmmmm... this seems like a good time to buy!"
never change Jow Forums

You had months to buy

Holy fuck, that video...

The crazy thing is nobody died, the pilots had parachutes. Also, if you liked that you'll definitely like this.

Attached: americanculture.webm (1280x720, 2.26M)

holy shit more crazy webms

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0xbitcoin is the real EOS


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i didn't like this at all it actually disgusted me.

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> buy high
> sell low

never change Jow Forums

Ill make it up to you with this one.

Attached: 90sbestgirls.webm (896x380, 2.77M)

Well I think it will hit a little over 20 bucks. So I mean I did buy kinda high but still room for some money. You never know on release day of their mainnet it could jump to 50 bucks.

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I don't really like that one, thanks for trying though. Here's this?

Attached: 1522060823717.webm (640x480, 2.65M)

It will pump before release and some time after but not on the day.

Attached: 1523159445769.webm (722x900, 673K)

close your little laptop and come back this time tomorrow and you'll have made some money OP

Pedo coin 3.0

Is this how people cope being poor?

I'll just log out of binance and play some hearthstone. I hope youre right user.

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It went up a little, im only down $60 instead of $125.

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keep em coming, also too late to invest in EOS? wait for dump? cost average ?

I don't know, this thing could double or triple again when main net launches. I haven't seen this much hype on a coin since I got into this crypto stuff.

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>buying the top
you really need to stop doing this biz.

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It has risen over 290% in the past 40 days and you have decided to wait this long to get in OP?

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Yeah, better late than never r-right?

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Think of it this way OP. You are the greatest fool in greater fool theory. There is no fool greater than yourself.

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At least he is great

at least set a stop limit if it crashes to zero retard

Why do people love to get dumped on?

Yeah I'M THE BEST!!!

Attached: gunbattle64.webm (600x600, 1.96M)

Listen to this user OP if you get anything out of this thread keep his words in mind. Do not fucking go away without a stop loss in mind. Take the hit or you might be holding bags for god knows how long like many have done so in the past

I think I might sell when it hits what I bought in for then wait for another dump to buy in. IDK though, I have a gut feeling the market is either going to explode upwards or take a gigantic dump.

Attached: russiangas.webm (568x320, 1.9M)

Ive seen this before, where is this from? Somebody got youtube link?

They call her tuna something, tunamelt maybe. It was at an anime convention.

You're good up to 20 bucks before the dump.

It has random 3% swings all day.