How long do you want Japan to make atonement for the WWII?
How long do you want Japan to make atonement for the WWII?
Be honest about the shit your nation did, maybe pay surviving victims that are still alive, and it's fine
>t. average german cuck
for as long as it takes
Greek Chineeeese
what's wrong with my post?
>what's wrong with my post?
>hey, how about we punish people for things they didn't do
how's what I said punishment?
soviet union still has domain over japan? so this is where they went...
Okinawa is still occupied by America.
>pay surviving victims
Seems like a pretty clear punishment to me, especially for those taxpayers younger than 70.
so much money is wasted on pointless things, economies like Japan or Germany can easily spend a few million for making sure survivors of their nations' atrocities can live their last years in dignity. It's not punishment, it's atonement for the victims
>so much money is wasted on pointless things
unironically not an argument
>It's not punishment, it's atonement for the victims
Depends on your point of view. What exactly should the under 70 y/o atone for? The crimes of their fathers?
>unironically not an argument
yeah you're right
>Depends on your point of view. What exactly should the under 70 y/o atone for? The crimes of their fathers?
yes, they obviously don't bear responsibility or guilt for what happened, but the nation as a whole does have the responsbility to deal with the consequences
you must learn more about holocaust.
>but the nation as a whole
I don't see a way for the nation to atone without punishing those who are not guilty.
I always get tired of being told about wwii.
Forgive us.
Lol, what atonement is Japan still doing for WWII? It's a free and independent country now
Chinese people who immigrate around the world like this
are doing things.
I think they seem to hate Japanese people.
The reason is that since the Chinese have the worldwide reputation the worst forever, they want to lower the reputation of the Japanese.
In order to lower the Japanese 's reputation, there is no way to dig up the matter of WW 2.
germany already made their reparations and instinctively apologize to jews
they get reminded of it sometimes
we forgave you a long time ago, but that doesnt mean it didnt happen. it wasnt even a century ago, you can't pretend it's ancient history
Hide zainichi threads.
Ignore zainichi posts.
Do not respond to zainichi posters.
Gib jap wife
I know that most other Asians supported Japan over the U. S. in WWII.
For instance, in the Philippines, Laurel, Aquino Sr., Aguinaldo, and Ricarte, while only Quezon supported the U. S. and had to be exiled.
Japan gave Philippines, Indonesia, and helped give India their independence. Sukarno and Subhas Chandra Bose supported the Axis and Japan, too.
I also know that the U. S. censored Japanese newspapers from talking about atomic bomb damage for 6 years after 1945 under the occupation.
More of us are waking up.
Don't let the Jews or Koreans or Chinese take over your country.
We respect you.
Keep your fighting spirit.
Try to get more women to get married and have children.
The 'Holocaust' is mostly Allied atrocity propaganda, the same that was made against you. Do your own research.
Also, many times the 'official' number of dead in the Holocaust died on the Eastern Front--that number died in the combined battles of Leningrad, Stalingrad, and Kursk alone!
Germany has more than repaid any debt it owed.
>most other Asians
Pretty much the actual Asian part is China and Korea while others are literally western colonies out there that will suck any cock that will free them from Europeans