>wake up
>go to kitchen
>see this
what to do?
Wake up
Suck dick
Be confused, probably get a boner, and kindly ask him to leave.
I’d immediately call the police
I wish I looked like that but I just look like a fag.
suck his cock
grop bare bum
dick him
god I wish
I've been waiting for the occasion to stomp a faggot's skull for ages
commence a stand battle
Wake up in third world shithole without any hope for the future.
Can the janny just start banning all the homsexuals on this bord already fuck sake
>wake up
>go to kitchen
>see this
what to do?
sit down and tell him he can go back to cooking while eyeing him awkwardly
how did you get in my kitchen
also the batter looks too thick or not mixed well enough, notice how its sort of claggy as it comes down from the spoon?
Slap his ass, passionately kiss him, grab him by the balls and have hot kitchen homosex
Are Russians boys really like this?
Shoot the intruder.
with semen
suck his sushi roll
whats this drawing doing here?