What's wrong with Chinese people?
Are they even human?
What's wrong with Chinese people?
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This happened here recently too. I dunno if it made the news, but a guy was on top of a building and a bunch of people egged him on telling him to jump.
I mean, bystanders encouraging/enabling a crime is an unfortunately a pretty universal phenomenon (see
There's a reason aliens don't contact us.
Just googled trying to find an article and it turns out this has actually happened a bunch of times here.
Couldn't find an article relating to the incident I heard about earlier this year.
The first article I linked in has a quote from the police saying none of the onlookers committed an offence. I dunno if the law has changed since then.
>Some onlookers also filmed videos of the suicidal young woman, uploading them to social media with vile captions such as “I waited an hour under the sun for you to jump off the building” and “Jump quickly, I have to go pick up my kids.”
Bit like irl /b/, innit?
The weak should remove themselves from the gene pool.
Maybe I've somehow managed to keep my humanity intact, but shit like this is fucked up. Thinking about it makes me sick to my stomach, what could be going through someone's brain to make them think screaming as a suicidal person to go ahead and kill themselves is even a remotely sain or even human thing to do? If you're not memeing and you seriously think it wasn't fucked up, you should probably go see a therapist.
not everything can be solved by medicine