I'm interested about those of you who are above 6 digits in crypto net worth, and what were your best growth vehicles?
tl;dr how did you get here?
I'm interested about those of you who are above 6 digits in crypto net worth, and what were your best growth vehicles?
tl;dr how did you get here?
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would you like to know what im in? my portfolio is worth $100.
I got there with dedication, patience and knowledge
You want my next tips:
TAU Lamden - massive potential
LOL mine's $467. Stay poor.
I got to 6 figures by just holding btc long term. If I get to 6figs again, it will be by gambling on alts.
Once you have bigger money you should use less and less risky coins, of course. Stick to top alts and an occasional very small moonshot if you must. Not worth the hassle chasing garbage when you could just hold good coins and get on with your life.
I've got a 120K stockmarket portfolio..
I started with 2K and turned it into 120K.
It's actually pretty easy, yet it takes a lot longer than cryptocurreny..
Basically all I do is scalping. Buying when a stock is in a small dip (let's 2 or 3 %) and sell it again as soon the value goes up again.
A good scap can gain you a few hundred bucks at a time.
TRX: 500,000 @ $0.0039 with 2000% growth as of today
That's only ~20% of my portfolio, however
$70 USD portfolio. Stay mad faggots
- BTC in 2013
- BNB in Aug, 2017
- ZRX at ICO
- WTC in Sept, 2017
- TRX Sept- Oct, 2017
- VEN beginning of Dec, 2017
Currently betting on ICX, TRAC, CPC, REN, AURA, AION
im only @ 50k but some big ones for me were NEO, GAS, VEN
ETH at $8 and the ANS at $6 probably gonna make enough to retire just holding NEO
Neblio on the first day on Crytopia. I missed the ICO, but dumpes my entire trading stack into it at $0.40. Intended to sell at $10, but held onto it, selling a bunch at $60. Now staking and selling the stakes to invest in new projects.
25k into ontology -> 200k
gonna go 50% of that 100k on pikciochain when it drops on an exchange and dips
Bought house after crash
60% xlm
30% bch
10% xmr
5% eos
1% nano, ripple,zen. i want more nano and zen. 250k folio
Anyone who got in before or during spring 2017 has over 100k unless they're a retard. That was moon season.
By the way, this was $7k into $325k or so.
Also, $300 into UFR at ICO was a good gamble.
I am so biting my arse that I didn't buy into NEBL. Saw it added on CMC and thought "that looks sweet, don't forget to buy" and promptly forgot to buy.
I was 6 figs back in dec.
>be mid 2017.only buy ltc on coinbase.
>decide to buy other coins. try out bittrex
>decide to buy Monero. accidentally buy Monaco
>few months later decide it was a scam and sold with only 15% gains
>look for Monaco and see Monacoin
>laugh at cat and buy couple k worth
>decide to double down on nationalism
>aka axis allies coins
>buy some Groestlcoin because sounds nazi
>mwf 100,000 usd with cat coin and not even german coin
worth only about half of what it used to be now though.
>TAU Lamden - massive potential
This looks really good, but what makes you think it will moon this year?
I have mid 6 figs.
I learned to day-trade, then I traded everyday for a long time.
I'm here before 2014 and still below 100K..
100% ETH
3 Good ICOs last year. District0x, 0x and Request Network.
>Request Network.
You sold ATH?
I turned $3000 or so into a little over $300,000 in crypto in 2017 and was able to salvage enough of it to have about $230k now left.
Don't listen to idiots who tell you they had X at all-time high but now only have a small amount of it.
I got there by getting in on the ELIX airdrop, buying ETH under $20, and buying a bunch of ICOs mid to late 2017. Now I just day trade ETH and BTC to compound my gains on this slowly over time while holding a very small amount of alt-coins I see potential with (ICX, KNC).
But really it was all about timing. I made quite a significant sum of money straight away just from buying ETH less than $100 and watching it go to about $300 pretty much straight away. It was luck too, but I had failed a couple times in the crypto market before this time so I had more experience than most when the bull season came to town.
>nice ass m'lady
Nah I’m holding for long term capital gains tax. Still 6 figures as we speak.
Low 7 figs here.
Current biggest hodls in order: ICX, BTC, ETH, REN, REQ, ENG, ACT, JNT, MAN, RKT, NAS, ZIL, KNC
Some other shitcoins in small amounts, but not worth mentioning. And of course not counting the dozens of ICOs I've invested in that haven't released their tokens yet.
Simply hodling a decent amount of any of the projects listed above gives you a good chance of being a millionaire in 2-3 years.
Don't say nobody ever tried helping you, Jow Forums
Thanks Jow Forumsilla some day this Jow Forumslet will make it and be forever grateful
Same here. I was up to 300K with REQ, but it crashed so fucking hard with no recovery, I just keep telling myself it's a longer term game, but it hurts to much.
Buying lamden ICO and selling half near top
I do still believe in the project
Unironically having good fiscal habits like a well paying job and the discipline to save are the most important. Also buy XMR XLM LINK and maybe TAU and CPChain
I bought into eth quite early and caught btc at around 1k so meh
LINK is gonna make me really rich though
eth wtc ven and now my next play is mwat
Is it easier to earn with less risk once you have a larger portfolio? I'm basically doing the same thing as you but I'm just starting at 2k now.
buy cel and thank me later
i made 500k on colx.
who's the girl?
Can I have some stinky linky, brother? I'm a linklet with only 150
Fake portfolio, no one uses whole numbers like that. Plus no one with that much money would buy a shitcoin like link (or use poordroid).
Link is the coin for poorfags like who are so mentally retarded they beg for dogshit tokens on Jow Forums.
Just kept buying ETH between $10-300 with each paycheck
most of it is distributed between shitcoins like REQ and SKY now. we'll see if those bring me to 7 figures
some dumb cum rag who sucs dicks for money
Started with Ethereum, don’t know why but had a good feeling with AntShares, sold most at $70 and moved into Walton. Currently at $390k with peak around $900k in December. Also holding RedPulse, BNB and REQ. started with $8k in March last year buying more Eth each pay.
am i part of 100k group?
i have worth $50 LINK but it will be $1000 eoy.
so whats up?
you're not going to like it, but the trick was to get in early.
even coins every speculator is excited for today, like eos, or cardano, have barely done 20x, while just holding bitcoin over the past couple of years would have got you around 70-80x, and alts 100-300x.
growth can only slow down, and people are wising up about pointless icos, funding tokens, and chinese coins, so unless you don't mind waiting 5 to 10 years you're going to have a rough ride.
what do you think of XYO? ICO seems very cheap and tempting
Yooooo if I ever had the chance
there are non-poors like myself who hold LINK.
early BTC buyer (12 BTC for $100), no ETH ICO but I rode it from $17 to sats ATH at $370.
I no longer feel the need to chase pumps, I’m just keeping myself in the game to diversify out once my main holds launch properly. I fully expect this to be an 8-figure portfolio within two years, one way or another.
I got into eth at $30. I currently have 55k LINK. OP that's the most beautiful women I've ever seamen.
pic related
I tried doing this with Robinhood but generally go 50/50 for wins and losses and end up about even. Right now I'm ~$30 up on $1,000 initial investment after a year.
Any tips?
started buying at $30
regularly take profit
buy dips religiously
the downward trend from $1400 to $360 almost drained my fiat reserves, but still made it
now rebuilding that cushion
think months rather than days, and you can't lose
best gainer has been wau coin + 160% 2018
biggest loss was lunyr -50%
I’m well above 6 figures but not quite 7
I’m about 80% Vechain
Bought ZCL in December at $20, rode it to $200 and bumped. Brought my 10k portfolio to 100k. Then bought ICX at around $1.80. FeelsGoodMan
lmao... ur a fucking retard
Eos, bcash have done me good.
I bought BTC and LTC in 2014. BTC was ~$700 and LTC was under $3
I bought IOTA in October 2017 when it was just over $1, sold at $3.54
I went all-in on EOS two weeks ago when it was $5.99.
I am very fortunate, and I am trying to become a humbler person. I do not want to be 'new money'. I am going to become more religious again like I was growing up, and I think I'm going to spend time helping people, volunteering, etc. in between traveling and athletic training.
The world has now opened up to me. I'm 31, but my life can finally start now.
I made 6 gorrilian bucks last year but had to burn it to stay warm during the winter.
Bro, is this a joke? You made 3% over a year? Most people could easily do that in a day. You're not meant to be an investor.
made 10% in a day
lost 5% the next day
made 2% the day after
lost 8% after that
and so on. Not every call I make has worked out. Was mostly playing with natural gas futures and a couple other commodities. Eventually I lost about 5% of total, pulled out and put 90% of my liquidity into bluechips which have been good earners. DESU when I try to buy dips and sell jumps in commodities it just feels like gambling.
Am I just fucking stupid or what?
how long have you been trading?
And just because I'm here, I'm certainly one of the luckiest people. There's no way skill got me this far.
My first purchase was 750 dollars on tron when it was 27 satoshi, and 250 in other bullshit that didn't do much. I liked swing trading it because I earned 3% every time it would go back and forth between 27 and 28. School got heavy so I stopped playing cryptocurrency for about a month or so and came back to see my trx at 1900 satoshi. Like a noob I instantly sold for a sweet 5500 usd. I then bought into REQ at 1700 and sold a month later at 6600. At that point I had 20k, so I bought a bunch of different things. I put 5000 dollars in xvg a little over 300 satoshi. I sold on New Year's day for about 1700 sats. That brought me to 50k usd. From there, my portfolio lost some value and went to 33k, where I put 80% of my portfolio into trx around 400 sats and 10% in EOS, 8% in LINK. Right now, I'm holding my position with stop losses in place at around 71k.
I started with 1k, so I feel pretty lucky with how my life is going.
I bought $100 worth of TRX when it first airdropped to Binance and sold in late December. Easiest 100k of my life.
about a year, pretty casually. It's just an entertaining way to trying to save play money for me.
I went into the enterprise with the mindset that I would either gain or lose 10% of my initial investment, and I was okay with either outcome.
>its the tezos trading at futures price is real guy
Etheremon & Cryptocountries. Thanks Cryptoplanet.
you should check out soundcloud.com
crypto beak called omg and kucoin doing well in the last month, also globalhalo.com
some user recommended them to me a while ago and it's been a good resource :)
My port is 3.9m. I’ve cashed out about $2m over last2 years. I only hold BTC and ETH. I bought a fuck ton of btc early on bc I like drugs and needed btc for silk rd. I had drug shipments coming in weekly for myself and friends. I’ve since cleaned my life up.
I bought ETH at $1
Shitcoin gambling is not the way. Hold coins that you honestly expect to replace banks and fiat.
This is the largest prize, and really the only one that matters.