Just inherited $2.7MM

What up Jow Forums. I've been lurking for a long time but this is my first actual post. I live in the US and I inherited $2.7MM and a few properties from my father who recently passed away. My net worth is around $4MM. I've never had a job other than working at PetCo, and I have little to no investing experience. Now that I'm rich, how do I get richer?

Don't try to give me any advice if you're poor. My first thought was to buy some more property, but I also am considering purchasing pic related.

Best advice will get .2 BTC.

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larp. go back to quora

Eatin shit has strong roi. Get to it fampai

Best advice I can give you is to not ask for advice on a taiwanese basket weaving forum

Buy some ETFs or something.

>Not an AMG GT
kill u're selve


Hey it's me your dad. I need you to give me $4MM and I will give you $8MM back

Read this sir , real-estate on the blockchain sir

btc : 19erLkNtEwMAyqsyvWwn5hgquzwk5YVUxs

Sorry that you're poor, faggots. Hopefully your portfolio works out (it won't).

big if true

you will enjoy my rlx post

All in on Chainlink NOW

If you were smart you'd sell at least half the properties and protect your nest egg by putting it into real money... gold and silver.

We've had 0% interest rates criminally suppressed for almost a decade now. ALL asset prices are wildly inflated because of all the cheap money injected into the system. When the drugs wear off we are going to have the mother of all deflationary collpses.

And gold will have to be revalued overnight multiple times the prices now to purge all the debt cancer that' world is swimming in.

If you don't want to sell any buy at least 250k worth of gold. This is not the time to gain but to protect and then gain huge after the currency reset/crisis.

But being a faggot you'll probably ignore this pro advice.

Don't think of yourself as if you are rich. Remember: $1000000 is only $50000 a year for 20 years. Always approach your money like you could lose it at any time, because you quite possibly can. That means being careful and frugal. You can get advice for free, putting out something like $2000 for advice is absurd. Put your money in safe, long term investments and diversify. Maybe put a couple thousand into ethereum, if you really want to get into crypto.

how I would do it
300 k in gold & silver
700 k in stocks (long term)
1MM in Real estate ( 2 properties - one to possibly use for airbnb)
750k into Crypto and forget about it for 10 years
rest for cars, possibly life insurance etc.

just buy SKY and AMB and wait.
I don't need any compensation

Continues from above...Real estate is the worst investment in the world right now.

If someone gave me a free 100k and I could only put it all on the roulette table or all into real estate I'd snap put it all on the roulette table. Because you are guaranteed to lose with housing. With roulette you have at least a chance of winning and putting the proceeds into gold.

Good advice user... but I'd switch to 700k gold and silver... and 300k stocks.

Current Dow to gold ratio is about 23 to 1. A normal downto gold ratio is 4 to 1

Definitely get into real estate and buy some land. Real estate is a rising, sustainable market.

Start by reading and researching into real estate investing.

I recommend these books/website:
"The Book on Managing Rental Properties"
"What Every Real Estate Investor Needs to Know About Cash Flow"
"Every Landlord’s Legal Guide"

I wish we could put this thread into a smartcontract. Some poor kid is gonna get his hopes up but I don't think he'll get any btc.

What kind of guy goes and tricks kids on Jow Forums?

$2,000 for advice when financial planners don't even know or understand that gold is real money.

Never understand the profession of financial planning. Financial planners are literally more scummy than street hookers.

>Real estate is a rising, sustainable market.
Except interest rates are going up which means housing prices will come down.

which portfolio my larping friend?
also, I'll send your family 10btc if you kill yourself like this.

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This is bullshit. Real estate is only rising because the kike federal reserve has been injecting monetary heroin into the system for almost a decade now.

The housing market is going to be a fucking massacre soon enough.

How the fuck does housing drop by almost 50% 10 years ago and than magically go back up to current levels?

It's not magic. They are printing fake money to prop up this inflated kike Jew fake system.

Guaranteed to lose with property? What kind of mental shit is this?

hey amigo, feel like lending a brotha 10k to pay off the rest of my student loans?

I've gotta leave the country soon and I can't with these unpaid loans lmfao

long story short, no 10k = no leave = dad rapes sister

start by buying the car. if the properties are small, you should rent them, hire somebody that can do the house calls for you; check facebook and put out an ad for an on-call person... or fuck it, tell the person renting to use the service "Handy" and have them bill you. If the properties are massive, sell them... nobody will rent a large property.

Crypto related - short term, buy tron and sell around 1100, once you are out of that, put your money in a small, med, and large cap, I would put a decent amount into BTC & ETH for large, EOS and XLM for med, and small... you could buy a boatload of UUU, BNN, LINK, XRP, or hold the TRX... and just wait to keep seeing gains.

Get a degree from college, something that you care about, it's good to have and you can pick up chicks that are mildly ambitious while attending school.

If you really want to make it, buy commercial property - you'll want to work with someone that knows what they are doing, but if you have the funds, they can likely do the legwork for a small cut and then you could fire them if you wanted to be coldblooded. Commercial property will allow you to lease to companies and if the company fails, fuck em', kick those idiots out and throw up a "for lease sign"... You'll want to buy the property somewhere downtown, obviously.

Lastly, sorry to hear about your Dad.


Understatement. Housing prices are going down upwards of 90%. Going to be a massacre.

Put 1 million into Bitcoin

Lets assume its tax free. Use 750k to purchase 2 multifamily buildings with as much leverage as the rent roll can support with some cushion.

Put 1 million into sp500 index fund/bond fund.

Put 500k into crypto. 100k into btc, 100k into ethereum, and the rest between alts.

The other 700 k should be set aside in case you want to purchase a home + have some spending cash. Live a bit more frugally and aggressively pay off your mortgages, then once you get them paid off you have passive income for the rest of your life, play money in crypto, and 40k you can withdraw from your equities portfolio every year without eating your principle.

If you view a home as a place to live... and not an investment and it's paid off or mostly paid off then you are using it for what it's supposed to be used for... a place to live. So you can't lose that way.

If your worth 4 million bucks and want to spend half of it to buy property as an investment right NOW. When the Jews have overinflated all asset prices then you are an idiot for getting into housing for that reason.

The dollar is fucking dying. It's half the reason youbare in crypto. Yet you think these overinflated housing prices aren't way overvalued right now?

What fucking stupid advice. Put a million into multifamily housing and a million into the fucking BOND market and S@P.

I'd sooner cut my dick off that put money into the govt controlled fiat bond market.

You people don't have a fucking clue. The bond market and stock market are fucked.

You people are so fucking dumb and have absolutely no concept of fiat money and interest rates and how we are absolutely fucked.

You need to protect what you have. Everything is overvalued.

Put 1m into ISPX so you have a token with huge growth potential and continuous passive income.

Put 1m into Lockheed Martin stocks, it will multiply much with incoming fusion reactor tech + military-industrial complex is a safe bet anyway.

Dont buy cars, lease one or rent super cars for weekend when trying to impress female specimen.

Also put aside 50-100k to get advice from lawyers and set up some offshore construct (bank accounts/trust/holding company) so that all your assets are owned by that structure and not you as a natural person.

bitcoin sending or not OP..... please really read and understand what I have been writing in this thread. The time now is to protect... and if you protect you'll be rewarded. The dollar is finished.

Remember the story of the hotel bellcap in Weimar Republic of Germany during hyperinflation? He had 25 gold coins saved up from working and when hyperinflation hit he was able to buy a CITY BLOCK with that gold.

Buy the crypto blue chips : BTC, eth, EOS, wan, and so on. BTC has consistently faied year over year despite the short term swings.

Your welcome for all the advice I gave above...


BTC addy.

Bad advice again. Pay for lawyers??? For what????

Just put your money into gold and silver. Constitutional real money that the entire world recognizes as money.

You people are stupid.

stocks/pennystocks/upcoming crypto like tron/ocn for big gains very quickly as both are about to explode all over the place.

Ira 401k anything you can invest money into should be up for grabs.
Hell I even drop tons of money buying up tons of the hotwheels around here hunting those chase/treasure hunts and super treasure hunts and keep most in a sealed chest for 5-10-15yr selloffs.

Anything can be made into money with the right perspective and having buyers for said market.

You won't because you're a worthless moron who's never had to work. You will most likely piss everything away due to lack of IRL experience. Coming to biz for this sort of advice confirms

My question is how the fuck did you get to 1.3 million by working at Petco?

Depends what country you're in but what you're gonna want to do is diversify. If it was me

10 million in property with 15 ish percent of that being in a good secure commercial property.

Spend another 4 to 10 acquiring businesses. If you have experience starting and running companies start some yourself but you're probably better off looking to buy currently well established ones. Look for a good history with competent managers. You want to buy and not have to be at these businesses 8 hours a day running them. Service and supply are good fields.

Take the remaining 7. Maybe throw a decent stack into the traditional stock market. Buy a few bonds. Throw some into meme coins if you feel like it as well.

Bank at least 4 million. 5 percent interest on that is 200k. Shit you could live in that comfortably. Then set yourself up with a trust to buy everything through above so as to protect yourself. Go get a kickass accountant and lawyer then enjoy life.

Don't listen to any of these fucks OP... they all don't know anything. You don't even have to have me send bitcoin.

It would be devastating to you when that paper fake wealth gets wiped out having as much money as you do.

You idiots do realise this is a larp right? The OP even same fagged with his second response lol.
>losing money on property
How the fuck are you managing to do this biz?

I don't want your btc but there's ways to diversify nicely. Since you have real estate maybe buy more if they're in other markets, like real estate in other countries. Also put a bunch of cash into index ETFs, I reccomend vanguard, Blackrock, and BMO ETFs. Buy Nasdaq, SPX, Dow, EU, emerging markets, total market, ETFs. If we hit a bear market sell out and buy inverse etf, switch back to long when bear market is over. Check bond yields for that

Houses prices due seem high again but it's not like the 2000 - 2008 bubble imo. People were so fucking leveraged back then. Remember the zero income or assets verification days? Long gone. Since 2010 all I have seen when selling real estate is lots of cash buyers or people that are well qualified/have 20% down. This is the only thing making me think it won't be as bad the next time. In our area property value is up to maybe 70%-80% of where it peaked in 2007.

I don't give a fuck about your paltry money OP, I could buy and sell you like a fucking slave
Listen to this: Get humble fast and have someone in your life you trust to help you manage your money

You are in the small/new rich strata- in that group 90% are back to broke wageslaves in 10 years. Don't fuck this up.

damn, I would kill my father for that much money, hell I would do it for $100k

Forgot; BTC: bc1q0ys5nxde6a046hs5hwd4d59xyf56f4sjmeh3kw

You've gotten some good advice here but a lot of it is misleading shit from 20-yr olds with no experience. I owe this board a lot over the past two years though as far as crypto goes.

I run a hedge fund and have a CFA. My job is to invest millions of dollars the best way I can. Don't treat crypto as an investment; its just a part of your portfolio that you keep and speculate with. It's not correlated to any other asset (stocks, bonds, volatility, etc.). Treat it that way. It's your play money.

Dont bother picking stocks if you don't have experience, just buy a couple Vanguard or iShares ETFs. They have more aggressive ones too.

Buy some property/land. It's going to be a scarce resource and with your capital I'm sure you can flip some nice places in time.

Get a private wealth advisor to manage things for you if you don't want to do all the nitty gritty stuff yourself. Family offices have been getting better and better and you're the perfect target for them. I'm sure your dad had connections or a financial advisor himself that would be happy to talk to you about it. A surprising amount of people are in your position of inheriting millions. Don't make the mistake of firing an advisor your family already had unless they are actually dogshit.

Something like ~50% stock indexes ~30% land ~20% crypto would probably be good

Lastly buy some nice shit. I splurged 90k on a patek watch last year and it felt great. Money is there to be spent at the end of the day.

Good luck and enjoy the ride


if you live by yourself 2.7m (net) wealth in stocks and bonds are enough. if you have family you will need round 10m to live comfortably

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You are right it's not like the 2008 housing bubble.... except you are wrong.... it's much worse....

The crisis is going to be in the dollar this time...

The 2008 collapse is going to seem like a time of economic prosperity when this next bubble pops.

You NEED to have gold and silver.

stocks are way better inflation hedge

Attached: well memed my friend.jpg (400x400, 13K)


I would advise you do this.

Set up living expenses for the next 5 years. (I'd say 75k a year) This will cover your food / shelter / cost of living / entertainment etc.

Budget is VERY important. Becoming suddenly rich can be dangerous to some , Don't be foolish with money.

You're rich in money , but you can be rich inside your soul when you travel and gain new experiences. Those are priceless.

Second step.

Buy the car. If you like it , do it. But remember with flashy cars and stuff , comes power. And potentially those who will try to take from you. (Women especially)

Redpill yourself to understand their ways. It may be difficult but you'll see what i'm saying when you got a nice car , and you looking good , watch all these hoes come to you. But remember they are after your wallet!

Step 3 , Have your investments in crypto , buying bitcoin during this bull market in May. I hear news of a large injection coming. Buy a lot of alt coins and spread out your wealth. 75% of your dads investment should be in crypto.

I advise you check out Cindicator (CND) listed on binance. Or Zilliqa (ZIL) Also look at Daneel (DAN) listed on DDEX. I see these coins could go 10x minimum by mid q3. (May)

Once these coins have gone up in value , convert them to Bitcoin and sell it for Cash.

Assuming at this point now , you have now have about 20-40 million dollars in a span of 1-2 months.

Next thing for you to do is buy Gold and silver and stash it away. If the financial system ever collapses , You will have shiny physical objects to barter and trade.

Buy real estate in Canada when the housing market collapses. Buy along the GO-Transit line with newer cities being created. (Go transit is government operated). Purchase land there.

Travel , see the world. Bang lots of women in every country. Get diplomatic immunity to offset taxes. Get faster cars. Live an abundant life. Cheers


buy ; SIS and DPP on london market FTSE
half a milli in each
4x your money within 5 years
buy car
enjoy life
screenshot this
thank me in next 5 years

Hey there goy, a good friend of mine works for this firm, I get all investment advice from him. Give some of your shekels to the pros and let them manage it for you.


They are called Wasatch advisory. No need for tip, if you decided to do it just tell them Mike Chikles bro Willis sent you.

enjoy your ban pajeet

buy some cardano

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i have less respect for all the cucks elbowing each other to grovel at the feet of a rich kid asking for free advice than for pajeets hustling their PFR bullshit for 5 cents a post

>stocks are way better inflation hedge
maybe but we're going to run out of oil soon. So the stock market will be completely upended in about 12 years.

well said.

>pfr bullshit

You're going to be so devastated in a year when those node's are pumping out 4 grand a month and you had the chance to buy ONE for $400.

>too dumb to save images
Kill yourself my man

where is your hedge fund based?

>Now that I'm rich, how do I get richer?
Go to an expensive school and meet other rich kids and their parents and build your network. You are smart enough to get into a good school, right user?

This is stupid ....inflation will surpass any stock market gains. Look at Venezuela.... stock market is soaring and people are eating their pets.

If you want to beat inflation and prosper after the deflationary collapse you buy REAL money... gold.

Are you retarded? The stock market is at record highs in Venezuela and people are eating their pets.

The stock market has gone up a LOT the last 5-8 years... but nobody has anything to show for it really because cost of living has gone up just as much as the stock market.

I just bought a jimmy johns sandwich chips and a drink for $11.88. That same jimmy johns meal probably cost 7 bucks in 2009.

You retards don't understand the stock market gains mean shit when you have a Jew fiat debt currency.

You can't have freedom and prosperity when your currency is a debt instrument.

You are valuing stock market gains that are propped up by cheap money and inflated just like everything else.

Cost of living is skyrocketing as well so it doesn't make a fucking difference how high the rigged Jew stock market is going where companies borrow money for free and keep rebuying their stocks.

You are all deluded.

Only gold and silver is real tangible wealth and real money.

Look around you anons... fiat currencies are failing worldwide. If you don't own real money when the paradigm shift comes you are going to be poor

You don't know how to manage it and this is your future.

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Join a discord group and become a whale. Use your millions to pump the fuck out of bottom coins that have no volume on binance, shill on Jow Forums, then dump your bags with massive profit.

inflation has is closer to 1% in the USA than 2%. Its never been lower.

if inflation is destroying your life savings or making living too expensive then you have really fucking shitty investments

likE AMB

>doesn't think a Jow Forums port will work out
>ask on Jow Forums for investment advice

what's this address for? you running a hedge fund and tell how much you owe this board, yet you are posting your bitcoin address for a reply that took you 2 minutes

How about investing into something you enjoy?
I plan to open a old school gaming internet cafe combined with a gym right next to it as an example once i make it. Best of both worlds of what i enjoy in life.

Other obvious choices would be to invest into some property, warehouses, appartmens, garages etc. Rentals that will generate you passive income for life basically. Look into other countries aswell, preferably ones with good or upcoming economies.

option 3 is to go to africa, invest into natural resources and blockchain that shit for maximum PR.

Made my stomach feel sick

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From someone who is unironically inter-generationally wealthy:

>Depending on the part of the US you live in, consider farmland purchases. IF (and this is a big if) you have connections in the farm belt (Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, Wisconsin, etc) you will very easily be able to rent out plots to tenant farmers which will continue to generate passive income in a way that maintains long-term stability that conventional real estate (ie, houses) simply cannot.

>start a conventional business ACTUALLY BASED ON YOUR INTERESTS. I'm talking about either a brick and mortar store or an online retailer. Interested in China or India? Start a company importing goods from either of those countires. Like cars? (obvious you do) Find an area near you that has a deficiency in a type of niche dealership, and open one up. The options are literally endless.

>Finish your undergraduate work if you haven't already. The major literally does not matter, as long as it isn't fine art. History, English, polisci, etc are perfectly OK. The important thing is to maintain a decent GPA. You don't have to be a practicing lawyer (in fact, I'd recommend against it), but this will use this GPA to get into a decent law school and get a law degree. This will serve as a foundation for the rest of your life that will allow you to function as an independent adult in any situation. Consider also taking a couple accounting classes.

>Find and marry a decent woman from a good family. DO NOT flaunt your wealth. Do not buy that car. Get something reasonable but luxurious. Over the top decadence will attract the wrong kind of woman, and next thing you know, you'll be paying some THOT a cool 2mil (as little as 500k if you have a very good lawyer or live in a limited alimony state) to raise your little mistake for the next 18 years.

There's more advice I can give, but I'm running out of room in this post and I'm tired of typing. Lmk if you have any specific questions for me.

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If you want a solid investment. Buy HVN

They also have listing on TSX OTC and NYSE.
Stock is currently 1.50 and it will be above 6 in less then a year. As crypto booms the value of this company increases.

The coin is only 6-7 cents now.
This bad boy gonna be a good 2 dollars by then.

You've been warned mate, just buy and wait.

I'll gladly take the .2 but I don't need to be greedy, .1 will do :)

Your post encourages begging, therefore you have been reported.

Nothing is over valued, it is precisely valued at what some one else is willing to pay. Now if you want to compare value's over a time frame that is a different story.

Understand the wisdom.

You want to make money. Deal in intangibles where you get to set the price. Not where you are stuck in a market. The market has as many winners as losers and beside those who manipulate it the rest of you are just gambling.

Links and evidence? Why won't things just continue to slowly get worse (this being another bigger change like 2008)? I have some silver, so I'm not too far away thought wise, but why a dollar crash?

>dont give me advice if you're poor
>thinking about doing what a poor person would do

you should be thinking about what youre going to do in 10 years after youve blown through all the money, retard

So what you want to do op is multiply your money FAST.
Go on Twitter and underneath just about every post from a crypto personality you’ll see them host a giveaway. Just send 10 eth to each of them, get 50-100 eth back, buy your own private island bazinga

>dad dies
>gives all money to shithead petco kid
>kid starts gloating about being rich on a fucking anime board

This is a shit LARP, or you'll just blow through it in 2 years. Either way OP is a faggot.

ull have 0 liquid money? u fucking tard how u gonna live

did you read his post? 2 minutes of my time is worth that much anyway kid.

also forgot to mention, obviously keep liquid cash. don't burn through it like most guys in your position would do. budgets are a good idea.

50% into an S&P fund.
25% I'd invest in quality, depressed, stocks that pay out a nice dividend. Looking like LYG, RDS.A, LVS, or something growth like Visa.
10% into crypto, something like ETH or ZIL that will be relatively safe.
15% into REITs, this way you can get some exposure to real estate without owning the property and the upkeep yourself.

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go long man.
have more good ones for you ;)
you taking on interns this summer?

air bnb income, a real job as well. Learn to daytrade and try to make 500$ a day.

How about you start a business and actually create something instead of just moving money around to make money like a damn Jew.

good job with the tarp but you got your shit on the ceiling too
