King EOS is still mooning. There is no stop

King EOS is still mooning. There is no stop.

Attached: king eos.jpg (259x194, 9K)


Attached: 3279952.jpg (460x460, 79K)

check it now op.

Dip incoming... stop shilling faggot

this man is waiting silently.. a true assassin.

>the ethereum killer
>is an ERC-20 token

Attached: artworks-000124543674-7i0h15-t500x500.jpg (500x500, 49K)

you deluded fucks might be new to markets
me? ill just keep making money shorting your hopes and dreams
just added another 1.5btc

not after first of June

EOS is revolutionary and superior tech vs. Ethereum

you see cryptoworld is very young, there is better solutions coming, this is evolution and EOS solve all ETH problems and is much cheaper and better

i detect a strong indian accent

so you cant debunk facts about EOS superiority vs. Ethereum, so you go totally off topic talking about indian accent