ITT: Jow Forums in 1946

ITT: Jow Forums in 1946

Attached: Police detective citing two women for indecent exposure on Rockaway Beach, Queens August 1946.jpg (1112x1112, 161K)

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>that awkward moment when you come back from fighting in Europe and your jap neighbor is gone, despite the fact that the war between japan and the states is already over.

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Post tunes.

>drop kikes off in desert
>arabs and like a kill each other
>we get all the oil
Come on guys just trust me on this it a based plan

Got your ration licence lads?

"I'll drop the charges if you two ladies make out with each other."

L-Long live comrade Stalin, can I get my family back from gulag now, please?

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>I'm gonna rope and tie her up, I'll use my old lasso
>I'm gonna put my brand on my sweet Sioux City Sue

The fuck. Is that a bondage reference?

In about 10 years. Your family deserved it anyway for being bourgeois exploiters of the working class.

>yfw they would be like 90 years old if they were still alive

I just got back from the Navy and they gave my job at Ford to a nigger while I was away. This will not stand!

Man, cops were fat back then.

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Apparently tits above an A cup also didn't exist.

Itt int in 40,000Bce

Low interest payment on berries and fruits small interest of 3% interest.

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That's definitely not what it was like to live in 40.000 BCE

My flag wouldn't exist yet.

If this is 1946, Tito is busy rounding up and shooting/gulaging all royalists/Nazis and all the damage from the war has to be rebuilt. It's going to be pretty rough going for a few years.

Attached: Trial of General Draza Mihailovich in Belgrade, 1946.jpg (720x540, 251K)

I bet if I went to Rockaway Beach today it would be 80% niggers and spics.

>strapless top
Any bitch who wears these in a crowded place is even stupider than they look.


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>inb4 Baltic States
I'm very, very, very sorry. Our hearts go out to you.

my parents visited relatives in Poland during the iron curtain and they said that when they got there they wanted to make my parents a big, nice meal.

When dinner time came all it was was some barely ripe tomatoes that still had green on them, some cabbage dish, spiced mashed potatoes and milk. My father told me that my relatives just watched them eat because they didn't have enough rations, and they sold wire cutters and a screwdriver to their neighbor for the vegetables.

They probably smoked, drank a ton of beer, and didn't exercise.

>that moment when you come back from fighting in the Pacific and your parents bought a dozen acres that used to belong to your jap neighbors

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Inflation is about 200%, there's shortages of everything, labor strikes, and no homes for returning veterans; sometimes multiple families are jammed into a single dwelling since hardly any new homes have been built since before the stock market crash in 1929.

I think that Gouzenko is a crackpot, why would the Soviets spy on us when we fought together to defeat the Axis?

Attached: Gouzenko.jpg (625x816, 102K)

Truman's a bum. He's not gonna win another term in '48.

Had attractive women not yet been invented back then or something?

That's really sad, reminds me of that scene from soylent green :(
How are they now?

>surprised that white trash from NYC didn't look like Betty Grable


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Everyone is getting married and having kids.
One friend already has a kid and another one on the way.
I dunno. Should I do the same?

Yeah we need to breed the chilluns who totes won't become filthy long haired degenerates in 25 years.

>God Emperor
How did this year become the mother of presidents?

Sorry Boston, but not this year. Maybe in '47 though. Sure is nice having all our good players back from the war and not having to rely on 50 year olds and guys with missing eyes and fingers.

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do not speak ill of my waifu again

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As an aside, Red Schoendienst died two weeks ago; he was the last living player from that team.

I wish that old bum Connie Mack would retire. The man is in his 80s and can barely even stay awake through a game.

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My grandfather somehow got money to them in Poland, and they ended up quite well off in the end, they are doing really well now, probably better than is.

My Cubs haven't won anything in almost 40 years. :(

Let's make channels from Aral sea. It will turn desert in shitistans into paradise garden.

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We're gonna have a very successful family farm, r-right? At least after we got rid of all the refugees, he-he.

Check out the skinny little guido with the rapist 'stache.

Mighty easy getting laid when you're the only dude in your village to come back from the war.

It literally means "And conquer drought!"

>The Great Stalin Plan was to be implemented over 3-4 years, and more than 3100 miles (5000 km) of shelter belt were to be planted in the southern part of the country. From 1948 to 53, the number of trees planted in the country exceeded the number planted in the previous 250 years of Russia's forestry history. By the autumn of 1956 however, only about 4% of the trees in the belts were healthy. This was chiefly due to the erroneous ideas of biologist Trofim Lysenko, who advocated the planting of particular tree species in tight groups (the "nest" method of planting, he called it). Lysenko argued that plants of the same type would grow more healthily and "combine forces" to ward off disease, quite different from the normal notion of biology that monocultures were unhealthy and different species of plants balanced each other out. The failed plan cost the Soviet state a great deal of money and was no longer mentioned in the press after 1953.

I rest my case that attractive women did not exist before about the 1960s.

Some german immigrant just said something about ''going back and reviving the party'' do anyone here knows what he meant by that?


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We're talking average working class girls, not movie stars or models. I don't think the ratio of hot to fugly women was any different then than it is today.

Wow, the lines to buy new cars are out of the ballpark. Half the guys I know have no wheels at all or are driving some old pile of scrap made when Hoover was president.

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As soon as I get home from Japan I'm moving to Los Angeles - the city of the future!

Da Bears!

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>drop kikes in desert
>kikes get military protection from the US
>kike bankers profit from petrodollar

Nice ant-sized pic and what crackpot cares about professional football anyway? Now if you want to talk about Oklahoma, they have a real great chance this year.

brazil won ww2 for u faggots

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Glad I made it home alive lads. Hopefully this rationing will end soon? R-right?

Get back to work instead of talking to capitalists, Vasily. Those cities and factories ain't gonna rebuild themselves, you know.

wow I can't wait to make a living wage and buy a 2 story 2-door garage house on a mechanic's salary because we have no competition due to Europe being bombed out and Asia and Latin America are irrelevant. It's not like this is the sliver of American history in which we have strong labor unions, which I should totally not spend every fiber of my being deconstructing in 30 years when I'm old and decrepit.

I unironically think that my prodigal situation should be expected of my children and grandchildren despite the changing nature of the world! If they don't live up to my blue moon standards, they're failures and should be cast out of my life. But please come back when I'm retiring, I need you.

I wish I was a young babyboomer so I’d have it good, they’re atleast 58 now.

Because our political process is captured by the elderly, who themselves are elected because they have a lot of money for campaign advertising. Which again, links back to the fact that they're old and have a lot of money.

In previous eras of American history it wasn't like this. Grant was younger than Obama, Kennedy was younger than both, and Teddy Roosevelt (the best president the USA ever had) was elected at age 42. Historically, the USA wasn't colonized and controlled by fascist old people. Now it is.

>mistaking boomers for their parents' generation

don't worry, you can buy a VR headset for $700 and pretend you're living in 1952

>using their own money for campaign

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If you are under the age of 18, please discontinue using this website.

Yeah I wonder where the inflection rate is. It's not like 20-year olds who fought in WW2 (b.1922) were 50 years old at this notch in the graph.

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>he doesn't understand superpacs and shell companies
40 IQ monkeys don't understand American politics. Go hop back to the Amazon

Not an argument kid.

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Attached: Sam Shere - Rockaway Beach, 1946 (31).jpg (1024x1022, 189K)

Politicians depend on businessman that give them money and what to say.

Shit is a job for them and you are a fucking moron thinking they use their own money.

This is my last response for a monkey, consider it a gift.

>Shit is a job for them and you are a fucking moron thinking they use their own money.

>He didn't win the money race, but Donald Trump will be the next president of the U.S. In the primaries and general election, he defied conventional wisdom, besting better financed candidates by dominating the air waves for free. Trump also put to use his own cash, as well as the assets and infrastructure of his businesses, in unprecedented fashion. He donated $66 million of his own money, flew across the country in his private jet, and used his resorts to stage campaign events. At the same time, the billionaire was able to draw about $280 million from small donors giving $200 or less. Super-PACs, which can take contributions unlimited in size, were similarly skewed toward his opponent, Hillary Clinton. Ultimately, Trump won the presidency despite having raised less than any major party presidential nominee since John McCain in 2008, the last to accept federal funds to pay for his general election contest.

Do us all a big favor. There's this 5 year old boy in Liverpool. His name rhymes with "lemon" or something. Anyway, if you see the little rugrat, can you kindly push him off a bridge? I'm not kidding. Do it for the future of the human race!

Trump ran a better campaign and Hillary is fucking Hillary? And it still had lot of donation money involved and a businessman himself, what point you even think you're making.

S-Sorry guys. I promise it won't happen again. We will work hard and leave Europe alone. All cool now?

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what are these ruskies doing here, the war is over

Send help

Ok. Too bad about your three brothers who got captured in Russia though. I don't think they're coming back.

I did not buy a single textbook during my years of stury, I can download them all for free.

Yeah, but at least we won't get separated anymore. Just hope I'll never live to see Germany divided again.

probably working in Germany

too bad all these people are probably dead by now

Your family's 10 acre farm has been confiscated as an institution against the working class. Enjoy your all-expenses-paid vacation to the Kolyma gold mines, sucker.

And to think. Stan Lee could have fucked those girls.

Ah, they'll probably go home in another six months.

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>Latvia lost 20% of its entire population in WWII. After the war, 120,000 Latvians were deported by the Soviets as "enemies of the people"--many perished in labor camps. There followed another 43,000 deportations in 1949. Collectivized agriculture was imposed, the Catholic Church persecuted, and thousands of Russian settlers moved into Latvia. Forced Russification was imposed; with the use of the Latvian language in public life being restricted, while schools were required to teach the Russian language, history, and literature. Socialist realism was imposed on the arts.

It's an anti-pedophilia song.

dear god dem kike face!!

sigh.. and when Stalin did the same every fucking jew and american will bitch about oppression and Stalins bloody rule..

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I assumed she's a guido. But it is a beach in the New York area, so...


All for the sake of the proletariat amirite too bad Latvia had so many bourgeois scum.

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Think, the workers' paradise could have been yours too if your grandpa hadn't picked up a rifle back then and...

Jewesses would have more tits than that.