I want to join russian army

I want to join russian army

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you have to be black

Become an officer and feed information to the CIA

Imagine if they met on the battlefield

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You should actually. It's a pretty fun time

дa зaвaли ты yжe eбaлo cyкa

You can even get Russian citizenship by serving!

>on the battlefield


>wanting to get raped by dagestani

>muhhh memes
Service in the Russian military is a great way to become a citizen

terrible investment, passport index is very low

Who cares. Russia is an amazing country with beautiful culture and people.

кycoк пидopa oбoccaнoгo.

Russian army gives many benefits

Do it user

What a retard LMAO

Cocaчepы кaк вceгдa пoлны нeнaвиcти и злoбы.

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'Tis their nature
They just seem to spontaneously combust around me

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We are everywhere.

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Indeed comrade


Attached: pepe[communist].jpg (720x720, 53K)

I wanna join the ukranian army and take back Donbass, its rightful caly

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Why not join Wagner or some other private militia and get rekt in absolute silence to keep the official bodycount low?

He wants taste how it to be low than a slave.