What makes them such good friends?
Literally the most bizarre alliance ever
Money. Lots and lots of money.
Black people.
Think about it:
>Segregation ends
>No one wants to live with black people
>Whites flee to suburbs with "good schools"
>Commute times quadruple
>Economy becomes entirely dependent on cheap gas
>Learn that the hard way in the 70s
>Never cross our oil suppliers again
>Even forgive 9/11 by going after random other countries
So Saudi Arabia should thank black people for keeping us from nuking Mecca.
Literally oil and hatred for Iran
We made a huge oil deal like a hundred years ago. We were the only country that treated them well.
Probably something else but that's kindof it. Just a FUCKTON of money.
1. the oil thing is an overstatement when people apply it to states other than the gulf states (i.e. if some college liberal says afghanistan was invaded for oil, they are ignorant and should be ignored)
2. the saudi royal family is butthurt that they cant be westernized monarchs and have to deal with religion, the eternal thorn in their apostate side
It was no different from the arrangement between Dr pavel and CIA
This is always somewhere at the heart of every alliance. And anything else that anyone does.
it's built of close relationships between our elites. The average American and Saudi hate one another.
yeah, afghanistan was invaded for its lithium and opium
most of the opium in europe comes from there nowadays