
Its sad for me that America US killed 99% of their indians, they have a nice culture and vision of the universe

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We barely did shit. It was just disease.

Have you read "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee"? It's a good book about the subject.

Is this land their land though?

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>this land was not our land.

who forgets this? it's hammered in at all times
I for one am proud of my ancestors that expelled the remaining indians and took their land, the indians continually started nearly every conflict and got their shit kicked in

bog pless Andrew Jackson

this is fucking disgusting

get used to it cracker

Population pre-Columbus in the modern USA
2.1-18 million

Modern population
2.9 million full-blooded, 5.2 million mixed

A bunch of Amerindian/Spanish mutts?

Of the something like 25 tribes, only 5 did not join with the settlers. Everything you know about colonial US history is a retarded lie brown ppl tell themselves so they don't have to take responsibility for being awful members of the human race.

"Yeah I'm 1/94th Iroquois! Fuggin' white people took my land, I swear."

Dirty Mestizo rapebabies will never be Amerindian

How can you be this retarded?
There was hundreds of tribes, and they all sided with different people at different times.

Most of the "tribes" you speak of were actually federations, or confederations.
Powhatan confederation alone represented 32 individual tribes, that paid tribute to big daddy Powhatan

>Innocent indians

Sounds cool, thanks

This is not about the genocide, its about amerindians being the cultural back bone of the American continent. Their colors, their houses, their food. Here in Guate indians and mestizos are like 50/50 we are friends we help each other

You say it like Americans don't appreciate Amerindian culture
You obviously know nothing of Americans aside from what Jow Forums teaches you.

Even in olden times (1800s) we still appreciated them.
There was an American historian in the late 1700s that compared Iroquois to Rome

Ive seen Canada been proud of their native americans, US not so much, The pocahontas movie was cool tho

There is something wrong with your with your ability to understand and communicate. Maybe you're a teenager, you seem like one.

Reminder that Guatemala is not free of sin and they tried to genocide Mayas during their dictatorship

The is one of the most inaccurate posts I've seen come from a non-American.

I wonder just how little Latin Americans know about Colonial American relationships with the natives.

Lol the only ppl who like natives now are white people, and vise versa.

Whats an amerindian?

Its not how it was its how it is, native americans didnt integrate with the rest of the society in terms of language, religion, handcrafts, agriculture production, eco turism like here, they were excluded and forgotten. If you see an indian in USA say hello and buy his/her crafts

Native americans

>America US killed 99% of their indians

>being this afraid of people from a time you never even lived in being seen as an aggressor systematically wiping out an indigenous population (literally ethnic cleansing) but somehow still crying genocide whenever a white woman chooses to date outside her race

Is it because you just HAVE to believe in universal justice that your puny minds can't comprehend that your ancestors all but wiped out another race because they could and might really does make right and there's actually no objective morality or cosmic consequences according to commonly held ethical values?

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who did then, bitch

"Muh disease killed them all we dindu nuffin"

>walked over from Russia
>killed by diseases

Nobody did, retard

You're implying we would care if they did.
We don't. Though they did cause the genocide of several tribes, they did not cause the genocide of all of them.

White Americans are alot like Latin Americans, but because it was alot of white people mixing with a smaller amount of natives we stayed white, whereas with the Hispanics: alot of brown ppl mixed with alot of brown ppl

That was a mistake, thousends died but mayans here are millions

Killing your own blood line makes it worse

>Shitalian education

>>being this afraid of people from a time you never even lived in being seen as an aggressor systematically wiping out an indigenous population (literally ethnic cleansing) but somehow still crying genocide whenever a white woman chooses to date outside her race
>Is it because you just HAVE to believe in universal justice that your puny minds can't comprehend that your ancestors all but wiped out another race because they could and might really does make right and there's actually no objective morality or cosmic consequences according to commonly held ethical values?

literally never said any of these in my posts and you're just arguing with a strawman of what you think I believe, fuck off to Jow Forums

>amerimutt """education"""

>Native americans
Why are people calling them differently now?

>You're implying we would care if they did. We don't.
This would be more believable if "white Americans" weren't constantly trying to justify and equivocate wiping them out.

Just own up to it. Whites killed off a population that they didn't (and still don't) see as equal or even really human. Just admit it, now is the best time to embrace ethnocentrism.

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Native American is specifically said US English, Amerindian is more general

Honestly these people should step back from bitching about the US treatment of natives and look at the Columbus expedition of natives.

Now that was a real fucking slaughter, they got welcomed in Cuba by the local tribe and immediately took some hostage to force into revealing location to gold, then took many straight back to Spain for slavery, before returning with more people and ultimately massacring half the tribal population within a year.

Makes the disease fest of mainland America look like an little mistake.

I honestly think it's a real shame that Indian culture is constantly being swept under the rug here. Even with people who are concerned about "minorities" American Indians are never mentioned. I've seen people set up so many events about Mexican, Asian, and European cultures but never about Indians. I don't know if it's because they're all poor and/or dead or if people really don't care about them. It's probably both though, I mean the "correct" term is now "native american" when even Indians say they don't like that name. Seems like some sort of rebranding to save a company from bad PR. I just feel like there should be more emphasis on these cultures and peoples, especially given how influential they've been to making America what it is. Pic related, apparently the bundle of arrows imagery comes from Iroquois/Haudenosaunee philosophy about being stronger together than alone.

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Americans are the ones who continue lionizing him by having Columbus Day and naming their capital after him.

We killed the most out of the western hemisphere, I suppose. It's hard to tell for latin american countries because they mixed so much.

The following probably killed the most:

These are current pop percentages
>US ~1% native
>Argentina ~2.5%
>Uruguay ~2.5%
>Canada ~5%
>Chile ~9%

Please stop calling your natives Indians.

It was the same in the US, you won't find any full blooded native americans in the US just as you won't find any in the Antilles, and if you do find them in the US, they would be an absolutely tiny minority, it would be the equivalent of finding a fucking unicorn honestly.

>please ask your language to apologize

Wow dude thanks for your reply, I think the same, US indians are like the very serius and wise I dont want them to get lost. Some military helicopters and some cars have indian names, their impact in American culture is there, but some ppl dont appreciate it

Not injuns? Shit how do you even differ the native american indians and the Indian indians if they both called just indians?

BTW uruguay has a pretty well documented genocide of natives. Also the president of the time was named fructuoso which is a variant of brutus that sounds like fructose

They're mostly dead so not many occasions you need to differentiate

Wrong. There are even more injuns in USA than kazakhs in Kazakhstan.

Yeah almost like there's not enough of them left to have a significant voice for some reason...

Not that guy but I agree...I don't think any of us care one way or the other.

From 100% to 1% breaks my heart :(

Not when you adjust for population difference. 1% of the usa is native american vs 20% ethnic kazakhs in kazakhstan

Not 20% its more than 60%
I think USA would make not so big state somewhere in underpopulated zone where injuns can live just like jews in Israel

>the indians continually started nearly every conflict

>try to stop eurofags from taking over their land
>get labeled as aggressor.

>I've seen people set up so many events about Mexican, Asian, and European cultures but never about Indians.
yeah! more so when Indians are the most prosperous ethnic minority in the US

Sometimes I feel bad for them, but ultimately it would have happened anyway. Primitive cultures are always bound for destruction by advanced cultures. It happened to my people when the Romans came and stamped out my ancient ancestors languages and religious traditions. It sucks, but it happens.

They already did that. There are a number of semi-autonomous regions within our country given to native tribes called reservations. However its mostly shitty land.

I almost went to sleep but I just remembered some interesting stuff you might like to know about. It doesn't all have to do with Amerindian culture specifically but regions like Alaska and Hawaii are fun to look at because of how much more documentation there is about recent history. I personally spent a whole week or two just binging on info about the serum run to Nome, Alaska. It was so fascinating because it's not old enough for you to not be able to look into it some more and figure out what really happened (ex. Balto being the most famous but being one of Seppala's worst dogs) and is just such a perfect representation of what America should truly be: the vast hardships of near impossible being overcome, the mix of native culture such as dog sledding and all the people of different origins coexisting together (the bbc documentary tried to slip in some racism but don't believe it! native alaskans came out fine and were secluding themselves from white people), the rise of the importance of vaccination and medical advances... It's all kind of romantic, isn't it? So many people caring about each other to make such a perilous journey! And now there's even an annual dog sled course that follows it and the huskies have small mittens for their paws! It's all very fun to learn about! Anywho, good night for now.

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