Attached: 2018-06-27 08_15_07-Toronto's homicide rate is now higher than New York's.png (1128x841, 1.54M)

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If we gave Canadians free weed they'd be too high to murder, this isn't hard to solve.

what is the foreign born rate?

The same city that cheered Hulk Hogan and booed The Rock and Wrestlemania X8, fuck them

my brothers :)

Dwaynetty never drew a dime.
Us based Canadians were able to see through Vince's propaganda

>Weed doesn't do anyth-

They had a terrorist attack that killed 10 people earlier this year, that's a quarter of all the murders right there

Is that where the terrorist got 10 million from the government?

Canada has incel subsidies now?

I thought there has been like 71 in Toronto this year?

Nah it was an armenian incel who mowed down people with a delivery truck because he was mad a Stacy not giving him the succ

48, I think theyre projecting 71 for the whole year. Usually there's around 25 by now, so there has been an upswing, mostly due to gang stuff from what I've heard. The police are mobilizing, but it's taking them a while since Toronto hasn't had an issue with gangs since the early 90s, I believe our homicide record was still in 1991

diversity is strength

Attached: toronto98.png (1400x695, 1.24M)

NYC homicide rate is 3.4 and torontos has been under 2.0 for the last decade

what change in the last 1, 2 years?

i think there are too many guns being smuggled in from new york and michigan
makes the gangs more brazen and the fatality count rise

US homicide has been on the way down for a long time (thanks to more guns), a few cities buck this trend, but NYC isn't one of them.

More likely Toronto has higher homicide thanks to NYC falling homicide and not due to fault of its own.


Attached: b5e.jpg (517x498, 48K)

Exactly. Lots of people don't understand that NYC is quite safe, due to gentrification

Whichever way you swing it, it's a pretty substantial drop.

Attached: NY-LDN Murders.png (640x379, 73K)

I would think New York has a really low homicide rate, it’s so expensive and gentrified.

New York has the highest percentage of black people in its history

are these all the victims?

>thanks to more guns

Attached: 98D66A14-48C2-4AF1-BF65-28021AE88905.png (390x336, 118K)

Happening all over the USA. The media doesn't like to report on that though and would rather concentrate on a small handful of mass shootings. Wonder why?

Attached: GunOwnershipVCrimeRate.jpg (785x777, 170K)

It's all because poor black and Hispanic communities gave up crack

but gentrification is racism, paying off brown/black tenants to leave.

Attached: NYCgentrification.jpg (861x738, 283K)

Gentrification isn't only done by whites. Whenever a poor low class neighbourhood is upgraded, it's still gentrification regardless of what race is doing it

NY has incredibly strict gun laws retard

Why are people call blacks diverse? They are all of the same colour.

It may be a little racist, but you can't argue that it really does decrease crime wherever it happens

Simple answer: scared boomers

Thanks to more guns. See But if you'd rather set up some more "gun free zones" in order to snag some sensationalist mass shootings to fuel page clicks (and your wet dreams) you do you.

>muh trumpf
Nice meme friendo.

Attached: Screen-Shot-2016-05-24-at-Tuesday-May-24-4.20-PM.png (647x412, 69K)


Attached: RandomShootings.jpg (848x480, 146K)

I love nobody even cites shit when they make these threads. Just headlines meant to spark outrage.

"Strict gun laws" does not imply "less guns" or "no guns" or even "stagnant guns".

More guns = less murder. Sorry you are too far up your own blind partisan ass. Eventually USA will have 100% gun ownership and 0 crime at all.

Attached: homicide-vs-firearms-1.jpg (746x469, 51K)

Fair enough. Jow Forums shits beat the drum that demographics are destiny but the recent history of NYC proves them wrong.

It looks like NYC was shittiest when the middle class ethnic whites left for Jersey, but the millions of middle class Chinese and Caribbean and Russian immigrants had not arrived.

Gun deaths are directly correlated with looser gun laws across US states. If you want to talk statistics all day I’m a statistician. Just lemme know when you want to learn more.


All of Europe proves you wrong

It's all virtue signaling by liberals.

Attached: diversityw.jpg (403x494, 34K)

More guns actually equals more murder, across the entire developed world.
NYC’s declining crime rate has everything to with rising income, quality of life and access to amenities like healthcare, and nothing to do with gun laws.
Stop injecting your uninformed partisan politics into everything and then trying to call other people partisan.

Oh cool a link lets see....
"Across high-income nations, more guns = more homicide"
>muh high income countries
lol they wanted to stack the deck with a lot of European microstates. Real graph looks like this: .

Same with "controlling income and urbanization (lmao wtf urbanization)", they want to stack the deck with a bunch of elderly white retirees get the fuck out of here.

Meanwhile, in reality gun ownership keeps growing, homicide keeps dropping, and I bet it drives you up the wall at night lmao.

Attached: DS-mass-shootings.jpg (800x870, 251K)

That's impossible. The data scientists at Jow Forums tell me America is a literal 3rd world warzone.

No it doesn't because they are more confounding factors between us and Europe. USA is not Europe, will never ever ever be Europe and even Europe is rapidly dying out.

>developed world
Bullshit term designed to stack the deck by including USA vs. a bunch of Euro states

>NYC's declining crime rate
Is not exclusive to NYC, but attested to all over the USA. As gun ownership rises, quality of life increases and homicides decrease.

>partisan politics
I'm centrist and don't even own a gun. I just know that more guns = less murder.

Attached: k2Mswcd.jpg (1200x1200, 127K)

What is your educational background if you don’t mind me asking?

You don’t seem to know what controlling for covariates is and you for some reason think America and El Salvador are comparable countries.

>As gun ownership rises, quality of life increases and homicides decrease.
While I'm pro-gun I'm pretty sure declining lead and police professionalization had more to do with it.

Attached: nationally.gif (624x423, 24K)

Dude...you’re a bigger dumbass than I thought.
You think comparing the US to its most similar countries is “stacking the deck” then you put in a bunch of third world countries as if that makes credible evidence.
Are you in high school?
Did your dad tell you the Founding Fathers like guns so you took it as biblical truth? Founding fathers passed a lot of gun laws btw, so there’s neither empirical or ideological evidence for being an NRAtard.

Most of new york is still utter shit though

What do you think canada has been importing all these years?

Attached: sinister mutt.gif (640x550, 204K)

BSc in Biology, some grad school. I am assuming you are a literal child who thinks he needs to investigate people's academic credentials on a thread on Jow Forums in order to prove guns are the great satan.

El Salvador is a FUCK of a lot more comparable to the USA than fucking Monaco or Liechtenstein, you dumbshit. I'd take any American state over any European one, easily. "Controlling for" high income (and nothing else) is just transparent bias. What does high income have to do with gun ownership?

Attached: homicide-vs-firearms-2.jpg (745x444, 58K)



Was NYC so shit that now we're using it as reference?

president de blasio

According to the memes, Chinese people. Not sure about the reality.

>Harvard study using empirical evidence proves me wrong
>”I’ll just pretend it’s bullshit and ignore the parts I can’t pretend are bullshit”

Even across US states the gun death rate is lower in places with stricter gun laws, kiddo
You can complain about comparing us to the other first world countries all you want (as if that was a bad thing) but domestic evidence proves you wrong, too.

Attached: 36D1F275-9838-4157-82A3-47C1BAAC639B.jpg (225x225, 20K)

>the US to its most similar countries is “stacking the deck”
Europe is not "most similar countries". They don't share a history with us, they don't share the same problems as us, they don't share our culture outside of some trace elements of white culture.

Get the fuck out of here you memelord.

>Did your dad tell you the Founding Fathers like guns
Fuck the Founding Fathers and fuck you too, retard. Trying to compare USA to Europe lmao "Europe has less guns and lower crime therefore less guns means lower crime even though gun ownership has been increasing at skyrocketing rates and homicide has been plunging).

>gun laws
Gun ownership =/= no laws

>Even across US states the gun death rate is lower in places with stricter gun laws, kiddo
After they controlled for "income and urbanization".

You choose what to control for.

>first world countries
Meme term without any real meaning.

Chinks probably immigrate legally.

Stop replying to the retard

People don't say that. If they do they are mistaken.

New York is diverse. Singapore is diverse. Paris is diverse. Dubai is diverse.

Burlington, Lagos, Mexico City, Bucharest, and Cairo are not diverse.

Let me show you why that was a stupid graph to post. Your degree obviously wasn’t in geography, first off, because the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico aren’t states and aren’t demographically comparable to any US states.
Also, this graph is from 2001 and DC (also not a state FYI) is extremely safe and high-income.

Now, if you look at the actual states you’ll see the line of best fit shows a strong correlation between higher rate of gun ownership and higher homicides.
You could actually zoom in this graph and give it a better scaling and it would show the correlation more clearly.

Attached: 6C52B189-A662-4726-942A-EA2A2C05C4B6.jpg (1334x750, 348K)

After Trump was elected, the 3rd worlders in USA are walking across the border to Canada.

Attached: canadaborder.jpg (656x565, 204K)

lol Reagan really fucked this country didn't he?

There are probably a million illegal Chinese in this country. People come on a temp visa and then stay, maybe eventually securing a green card through marriage or a steady career

Hell the USA has like 50,000 illegal Irish immigrants apparently



Attached: 1518297061286.jpg (640x687, 79K)

Are you saying that Canada has lots of illegal immigrants from America? While that seems possible, I've never heard of it.

Ah, I see.

Reagan really can't be blamed for the increasing violent crime. Other things, like the structural deficit, can be blamed on Reagan, however.

Less chinks are coming to Canada as China become richer than Canada. Unlike china, Canada could not even afford a high-speed rail.

Attached: Immigrants-Country-2015-w.png (886x706, 150K)

NYC is about 1/3 white, 1/3 Hispanic, 1/3 black, with a small but noticeable Asian population.

And yes, Jews count as "white", and NYC has tons of Jews.

>white culture.
t. 1/158th german

Attached: 03DBCA11-79FA-4228-A434-656CD7CDFB54.png (1615x787, 173K)

> canada will become a 3rd world shithole in our lifetimes thanks to the importation of 3rd world subhumans

Woah who would've thought? Who cares, Canadians still approve of that

It’s not that bad fag. Any photoshop wizard can add some controversial text to an ambiguous image

I'm assuming a high-speed rail makes a lot more sense in a densely populated country like China, than in an empty country like Canada, but what do I know.

I'm talking about the rise in lead gasoline under Reagan and, of course, crack cocaine

> the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico aren’t states
They are US territories though, aka part of the USA. Sorry kiddo.

> aren’t demographically comparable to any US states.
And Europe is? How much of a dipshit can you be?

> DC (also not a state FYI) is extremely safe and high-income.
If by "safe and high income" you mean it still has a far higher murder rate than any state, then ok. In reality though DC has a homicide rate of 18.5 per 100k people. Puerto Rico has 18.51, and the US VI has a rate of 49.26.

Wyoming, by far the most gun heavy state, has a homicide rate of 3.4. Wooops. But oh wait, they aren't "urbanized" enough. You know...not enough "urban people", right? Better count them out, hehehehe.

*gun levels keep rising*
*murder keeps falling*
*you keep shitting yourself*

>, if you look at the actual states you’ll see the line of best fit
That's just a line you drew in mspaint, also lmao at trying to claim Europe (which has jack shit to do with USA at all and needs to sink in the ocean already) should be lumped in with the US but not actual US territories.

High speed rail would be amazing considering how far apart our population centers are, but all that money has to come from somewhere, and nobody wants to be the guy who proposes a multi billion dollar project

I said "trace elements" of it. Other than that, there is zero reason to compare USA to Europe over places more historically and geographically and demographically similar, such as El Salvador.

America is now first world. Deal with it haters *dab*

>"Arabs are white, right?"
Can we stop this meme that America has some giant Arab presence already? Outside of a few "literally where?" towns in Michigan, Arabs are just not that numerous. America is like 1% Muslim, and a lot of them are blacks in prisons.

Lead was taken out of gasoline starting in 1973, but it takes ~23 years for the benefits to pop up. I'm less informed on the drug war stuff.

Fair enough.

That meme pic doesn't say there is a "giant Arab presence in the USA".

Arabs do count as white in the US, as do other MENA people (Jewish, Lebanese, Chaldean, Assyrian, Persian etc etc). Steve Jobs (Syrian) for example was considered white in USA, but in Europe he'd be kept in a migrant camp.

good job comparing El salvador with the us, el salvador having a gdp of 26 billion and the us having a gdp of 18.57 trillion, and el salvador also having a significantly higher gang presence, corruption rate and poverty rate. Because economics has absolutely nothing to do with homocides, amirite? Shading my fellow pede XD

Attached: D8F33BE5-3C89-47CB-BBF1-E1DDE40A7D24.png (1000x800, 33K)

Yes, but literally each and every single discussion of race on Jow Forums turns into "lol Amerilard shitskins aren't white, they're Arab".

>Yes, but literally each and every single discussion of race on Jow Forums turns into "lol Amerilard shitskins aren't white, they're Arab".
t. 1/195th irish

>Muh GDP
Who cares. Didn't realize people calculate GDP before shooting.

> gang presence, corruption rate and poverty rate
USA has plenty of all these things too. But "muh GDP".

Like I said, I'll take ANY American country over any European irrelevant nation just because you pretend that our biggest concern ought to be GDP.

>economics has absolutely nothing to do with homocides, amirite?
It has something to do with what homicides are prosecuted maybe.

I guess culture, history, demographics, geography and national issues don't count either. Maybe we should compare Europe to MENA next and conclude more Islam means less murder too? Fucking genius.

It was reported in the news in the last few days in Toronto.

Attached: torontocrime.jpg (666x853, 426K)


Attached: new.png (1479x749, 141K)

Look at this fucking mutt lel

>I have more mountains than you so i’m more likely to commit homocides
Literally your logic by discussing geography, lmfao.
>>Muh GDP
>Who cares.
Pic related does
>USA has plenty of all these things too. But "muh GDP".
But el salvador has a proportionally higher rate of all of these, are you slow?
>It has something to do with what homicides are prosecuted maybe.
Pic related
>culture, history, demographics, geography and national issues don't count either. Maybe we should compare Europe to MENA next and conclude more Islam means less murder too? Fucking genius.
Citation needed

t. mixed mutt boi

Attached: 7CCC90A9-5F85-4977-B6F0-CD93B2F6BED8.png (1250x1000, 141K)

toronto isn't canadian

>culture, history, demographics, geography and national issues
>America has more in common with countries like El Salvador than it does with any European nation.
Not saying you're wrong, but can you explain why you think this?

>Pic related does
Pic related is a fucking mess of a graph but as we already showed, we can make that same pic related with gun ownership. And show more guns means less deaths. But then all of a sudden you instead scramble to limit it to just your preferred outliers (Eurostates).

>But el salvador has a proportionally higher rate of all of these, are you slow?
Oh okay so we need to be perfectly matched in "gang presence" before we can compare homicide stats. What's the "gang presence" rate in Europe btw?

>Citation needed
Its what you are implying when you try to compare USA to Europe rather than to our fellow American states.


100% like el salvador right mutt boi

Attached: D295B0DB-E9EE-4769-8F31-232BAE1E17FE.png (1439x790, 366K)

>I can’t provide any citations for my claims about geography and culture having any sort of effect on homocides, I also can’t disprove your evidence besides lazily call it “messy”
>haha ur wrong
mutt arguments amirite

That's a misuse of the word made by an intern who doesn't know what they're talking about

>Not saying you're wrong, but can you explain why you think this?
We are both produced of European colonization, with very mixed racial and ethnic backgrounds (El Salvador more heavily Spanish and Native, USA more heavily German and African but still also including Spanish and Native), we are both New World with all the issues that comes with culture and city planning, and we are both are involved in the ongoing drug war (El Salvador moreso, USA less so, Europe not)

I only bring up El Salvador because he did first. I think its also fair to compare USA to Canada, Brazil, Mexico, etc. Other American nations, some of which come off as better than us in terms of homicide rate (Canada), some of which come off worse (Brazil and Mexico), some about the same (Argentina). But comparing us to fucking.....San Marino? Get out. What the hell do we have in common with any of them at all? "Muh GDP"?

Its like if we compare Europe to the gulf states (which also have high GDP). All the gulf states (save Iraq, which is lower GDP and in a war zone) have lower homicide rate than Europe. But they also have a radically different culture and background.

[Citation Needed Muttboi]

Whiter than you Muhammad

100% not similar in any way, gdp and economics have nothing to do with similarity, muh mountains

Attached: 84A897BF-BF90-4CD2-BB7F-7E09B88CAE52.png (1350x625, 33K)

Thats not true. Toronto's homocide rate has skyrocketed this year. Laat year we had 61 total but weve already had 77 so far this year. Toronto's has also been going down for more than a decade aside from a brief uptick in 2016.