Does it make you a loser if you go the gym on a Saturday night?
Does it make you a loser if you go the gym on a Saturday night?
No but wonder if it make you lose make you lose
total opposite. if you have nothing going on, why not spend the time bettering yourself? gains in whatever fashion (financial, aesthetic, relationship) are gains and must be cultivated, user
Being on biz on saturday night makes you a 100% megadweeb welcome to the club
No it makes you a winner. Wish I could be pumping iron rn
good job
Sounds like something a wagie would think
fuck, so much hotter than any modern bodybuilder body
ur gay
you won't say it to his face
>not miring perfect male physique
im a girl faggot
except he said it was much "hotter" you fucking fag, learn to read
"no mr bodybuilder bitch i will not fondle your smelly little penis"
no one cares, blocked
No. Be healthy, user. Night is the best time to go anyway, all the machines are available and all the night people are regulars so you make friends.
no but it makes you gay if you have to ask Jow Forums for approval
I unironically just came from the gym. Holy shit I didn't know only losers went to the gym on Saturday. Feels bad man.
post pic of wrist w/ timestamp to prove ur white first
YEs. If u buy crypto instead, no
nah bro
losers stay home on saturday shilling bcash
you safe
im kidding, you little bitch
don't worry, this is a pure sausage thread. no reason to fear.
Saturday night is the fucking best time to go to the gym. I get all the machines to myself. Also makes me stop looking at my trades obsessively.
Thanks for the support lads
Im gonna go
Completely yes. You go to the gym during the week and fuck bitches when they are all out on Saturday night. Only autist virgins go to the gym on Saturday night no matter how big they are.
I.... i love you.
Lmao this
Are those phaggots done shitting up the board yet?
I'm at the gym right now, like I am every Saturday night.
It's called dedication. R-right guys?
im a guy, faggot