How come Korea is becoming so much more culturally dominant in the world than Japan...

How come Korea is becoming so much more culturally dominant in the world than Japan? Every asiaboo I know loves Korean culture, food, fashion, m.usic and movies while only fat weebs and other social rejects have the same open love for Japanese culture. Everybody talks about when they're going to go to Korea now, despite the constant threats of war. Korea just seems so much cooler than Japan.

Is there a reasonable explanation for this?

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because Jews are pushing degenerate k-pop propaganda.

>Is there a reasonable explanation for this?
trends. things come into fashion and then fall out. even in people idealizing foreign cultures. people found japanese culture interesting, you got a lot of weebs. but these days. everyone and their fucking grandma knows about japan. so now people find Korea interesting.

>i prefer japanese food and music(only anime song)
Why is the Japanese doing this shitty post?

>Korea just seems so much cooler than Japan
Lol no. Not to me at least. And I think the switch is beacuse people see how much easier Korean is than Japanese. Because of this, they decide to immerse themselves with Korean culture rather than Jap. That's just what I think at least. But Japan is still the best East Asian country,

Japan is literally a shut-in country (you need to understand I'm referring to shut-in people here). Their cultural power came from combining western cultural elements with some of their own. Whole manga eyes concept was inspired by Disney.

These days the country is again too prideful, enjoying the past success and sneering at the thought of copying the west or even Korea. You were once like Korea. They will one day be you now. China will probably be big enough to keep churning new shit forever if they develp culturally to that point.

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japanese are better. by korean
(Exclude movies and music

I forgot to mention Korea is more globalized. That was a key point to mention...

I am a goreano. I sincerely wish citizens of the world would stop caring about golea. Thank you for cooperating everyone.

marry me

Korean government actively promotes K-wave in order to establish Korea as a World Soft Power. This is done so people are more inclined to purchase things made, invented or designed in South Korea.
Besides South Korean market is small, the their entertainment industry is forced to export.

On the other side, Japanese entertainment industry is solely focused in Japan's internal market. The government has failed to promote overseas with it's Cool Japan program.
Literally Japanese entertainment and culture is only known thanks to the weebs.

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>Unironically they have the favor of the Jews
>Hits top billboard charts cuz they are spreading (((their))) message
>promote LGBT+,immigration, multiculturalism, etc...

anime is uncool
kpop is uncool but more mainstream

Lmao Japan promotes theirs even harder, but these government projects are worthless. It's 100% the entertainment companies themselves.

As an example of Korea's globalization, just look at what this poster points out. They sing about globally trendy values. What the heck do Japan's pop singers sing about? One tried to sing about being proud of his country and even that was too political. K-pop rappers are fans of American rap and study it directly without a translation inbetween. Didn't Japanese hiphop die in a car crash some years ago?

Then add in Korean work ethic and magic happens.

>Lmao Japan promotes theirs even harder
No they don't, you have to know moonrunes or wait for some fan translations to enjoy most of their content. They ban non-Japanese IPs in many of their websites.

Yeah, the government is totally in charge of translating the works the companies produce, and not the companies themselves. What are you even saying?

Loyal fans vs normie fans
I wonder wich one will stand the test of time...

I'm saying that both the government and the companies do a very bad job at promoting overseas.

Kpop group fans are just as rabid as chinese cartoon fans. Imagine Bieber fans on steroids. Death threats, ahoy.

Chinese cartoon fans are majority male, kpop idol fans are majority female. Females tend to have a larger social media presence as well as being a larger consumer base for media in general.

I'd say in the west cartoon fans are actually pretty evenly cut, even down to how much they spend. Guys in the west don't buy hundreds of albums because even if they win in the handshake lottery they can't partake.

Although they also do that thing where the albums contain collectibles, and you end up buying 50 albums to get the whole 3-set of your favorite.

>Besides South Korean market is small, the their entertainment industry is forced to export.
They're not really "forced" to export, both countries' domestic market is fine enough but obviously they make more money exporting. K-pop and Korean entertainment industry is more receptive to the west because there's strong western influence among the industry. Japanese industry is generally not, and while there's niche appeal to that, it's not as acceptable in the west.

Having said that, K-pop and stuff are still not that popular in west and are very niche. Both countries tried to push into the western market before and largely failed for the most part (The recent Billboard Award performance by a K-pop band was pretty surprisingly well received). Cool Japan fizzled out as you said, but you can bet they'll try to revive that again during the 2020 Olympics when the whole world will be watching.

Plastic surgery.

This post is fucking bullshite m8. Only things people know about Korea are at best: Kim, Kimchi, some K-Pop shite like Gangnam Style and Samsung.

Meanwhile even returds know about Sushi, Samurai, heck a lot of people know about anime by now, Hiroshima (and Nagasaki kek) and your decent living standards and so on.

tl;dr: People don't know shit but they know more about Japs/Japan than Korea and I assume (for now) that the cunt is more popular. I for one do not give a fuck although I enjoy raw fish with rice and shit.

The w. Korea is cucked to some extentent.

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There is no west korea my dude

Korea is popular with horny teenage girls
Japan is popular with horny virgins

It's the hipster country.

Japan has been popular for so long that it has become a stereotype. Even called weeaboo.

They want to be "different"

Japanese culture is for the domestic market.
We do not think that foreign countries will accept it.
Japanese things are for enjoying only by Japanese people, not for foreigners.
It is only industrial and agricultural products that Japan wants foreign countries to buy.

The Korean thing is a commercial culture for foreign general masses to purchase widely a lot.
The attitudes of both Japan and Korea are completely different.

>horny 12yo girls



I see more Chinese influence here than Korean. I think China is the lesser of two evils in this case. Although good Chinese are far few and between, it is not at zero, unlike Koreans.

its because women LUST for the BKC

t. atheist chinese

>Korea is popular with horny teenage girls

This is basically the answer. Females control popular mainstream culture in the West while men are isolated into sub-cultures. Teen & young girls who are normies love kdramas and kpop. They are the ones who are driving the market for this in the West and that is why korean entertainment is more acceptable in the mainstream. Compare that to japanese entertainment like anime, videogames, or jpop which are sub-cultures that mostly appeals to men in the West who are incels, basement dwellers, or anti-socials.

Korean culture = Appeals to female normies
Japanese culture = Appeals to incel men in the West

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kpop fans are the most diehard fans in the world. you have no idea what fanwars are like in kpop.

Heard of "Cool Japan"?

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>Chinese influence

Such as?

Fuck off chink. That's a load of bullshit If I ever saw any.

I'm not Chinese. Reread my post

What the fuck is happening here

Is this guy a proxy

idk maybe go to anywhere in central california and notice how half is in english and half is in chinese. occasionally youll see vietnamese or korean but thats more south

guess how I know you live in a fly-by state

I live in CT you dumb chink.

Am I completely out of touch with the world? I didn't know Korean shit was getting popular here at all.

east cost is irrelevant besides wall street


>go to anywhere in central california and notice how half is in english and half is in chinese.
That's just because a ton of Chinese actually LIVE there. That doesn't represent any kind of cultural influence on us.

>idk maybe go to anywhere in central california and notice how half is in english and half is in chinese. occasionally youll see vietnamese or korean but thats more south

That's not cultural influence, dude. That just means that the areas you've visited have larger Chinese immigrant populations, nothing more. We're talking about pop culture and media. No offense, but China doesn't belong in the same sentence as Japan or Korea when it comes to popular culture. Hong Kong had its golden years with Bruce Lee, Kung Fu movies, John Woo, etc, but it died a miserable death once the PRC gained control of Hong Kong. The biggest thing that's holding China back in developing an influential culture is its censorship and strict government guidelines. Americanized Chinese food will always be popular though, but the average American wouldn't find authentic Chinese food as appealing.

>the average American wouldn't find authentic Chinese food as appealing
That's a damn shame, too. Authentic Sichuan is fucking tits.

"Wolf Warrior 2" made close to $900 Million (and yes that is in USD) at the Chinese box office last year.

Chinese doesnt need overseas markets to make $$$. Japan doesnt need overseas markets to make $$$. Korea does need overseas markets to make $$$ since Korea is small, so it actively markets itself for a foreign audience.

Attached: wolf warrior 2_box office_01.jpg (873x381, 137K)

Don't get me wrong, authentic Chinese food is better than the Americanized variety imo, but it's just a bit too different and "exotic" for the American palate. The sauces that go into Americanized Chinese food are mainly ketchup, soy sauce, and sugar, which Americans are already used to.

I guess he meant worst korea (because the other is the best)

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I'm sure it was a smash hit but I'd be reserved in trusting Chinese box office numbers. They're known to be unreliable.

I think Koreans make better movies