Some advice for the virgin freaks edition
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if you look like shit, you probably are shit. Don't debate me on this, you KNOW i'm right.
righting a modern critique of The Rights of Man called 'The Rights of Poo'
rust crashed
loading again
alri lads
I only get depression on acid trips.
can't stop listening to the kids see ghosts album, kanye has done it yet again
Business idea: NHS shuttle bus to the Lake district to treat depression instead of prescribing drugs
I hate picture captcha so much but I absolutely refuse to pay money to post in this cesspool
For fuck sake
S m h
I think it's bad news for the English game
*gun shot rings out in the plantation forest*
*sound of birds taking flight*
yes yes bradford... "the mordor" as I took a habit of calling it
unironically this
mandatory wilderness walks and semi-monastic isolation retreats
ahh mccain you've done it again
bumping this question. also interested
doesn't google pay sites like Jow Forums that use picture captcha, because it helps them build their driving AI and recognition algorithm or something ?
Nice. I'm doing an essay on Critique of Pure Reason called Cucking of Pure Retards
alri Mary Wollstonecraft
What are the oldest structures in Africa outside Egypt
do you even have wilderness no offense
picked up 2 more bottles on top of the 4 I already got..
heh heh.. Wednesday is practically the weekend right?
dont know
dont care
fuck google. hate the cunts with a seething passion
Are you stupid
will we get the day off work when we win the world cup
The Poos of Man
We don't have the forests we should have though.
never met a Uruguayan in Britain
someone explain the appeal of drinking at home every day to me
any boss who sacks anyone for not turning up today is a bum
stopped drinking alcohol
it's nice but I find it too distracting and easy to get reliant on
desu the swedish definition of wilderness is very different from the anglo or irish definition of wilderness, seeing as how england is more densely populated than pakistan
powerlifting meet tomorrow lads
I seriously think the government should invest more money in beautiful natural spaces. Nothing lifts the spirits like walking in the woods or on the moor and hearing and seeing animals, just realising that it's possible to lofe a lofe of pure purpose completely different from humans. Nothing like seeing animals up close, life's magical.
>what was so difficult about parenting in the past
it wasn't difficult, most jobs aren't difficult they're just time consuming. in the past you had to do it all BY HAND, meaning everything took longer. being a homemaker back then genuinely took all day to do the chores, no time to play farmville, shitpost on facebook or lay about on the sofa. get that through your thick womanly skull, susan.
look like a proper chad yet still am a loser
alri liam
alri stig
look in the mirror ya bender
why though? lack of self confidence?
We're not creative enough; we're not positive enough
I poo therefore I bum willy wank
How about you look in my pants
Do you realize that people in the most scenic places in the world also tend to be the most depressed? E.g. Alaska, Greenland (other Nordics too), New Zealand, Japan, etc. Going for a walk in the woods doesn't help. That's where you go to kill yourself, famously so in Japan but also in other places. You read about that here often; young men wander into the woods or the hills and never wander out.
how do i get this
no father I guess
Unironically the protopyramids of the Sudan
British anons, don't be dumb enough to believe the people swordfishing you like I was. They just simply use your posts and pretend it's them.... in reality they turn out to be trash and you want to kys.
i have a dad but he was away working 95% of the time as a kid
why can't blacks swim?
and why do they attempt to swim when they cannot swim?
what are your openers
Nope, dont see anything there
know one girl who says weird shit to me like 'you're really hairy' and keeps trying to touch me and shit
as a virgin freak I have no idea if she's interested in me or what
just fake it mate, i don't know how to explain it
hit on fat girls, let them boost your ego, then kinda ugly but skinny girls, then fit girls etc
you get to distract yourself from your own personal responsibilities without completely forgetting that they're there
Business idea: Convince idiots that a sentimental holiday will fix their clinical depression
Best way to get to gatwick from London?
australian on a proxy?
I think you tried to translate a Finnish phrase into English
rekt lol
Kiss her on a night out and see what happens
"nice glutes bro"
Don't be daft, Australia's not real
If you cant enjoy the woods then you probably should kill yourself
Boomer ways to solve mental illness
>Anorexia? totally made, should just force a burger down her throat
I think we'll go on getting bad results
What is this?
look again
good post
are you the guy going to NYC?
as a fellow gorilla, let me tell right now
she wants your knob
London Victoria
reddit tier joke
i think she fell for the negging meme, it kinda works on girls though funnily enough
Gatwick express. Can get it from victoria or claoham junction
absolutely nobody to look up to so I end up lost
Private jet
i've learnt a total of two words from my many hours watching brazilian piss-play lesbian domination, namely ''abrir'' and ''boca'', which i believe mean ''open your mouth''
>addiction? but it takes more effort to do it than not do it?!
*pulls out a striped pink and black armwarmer*
rawr!!11 xDDD
dunno why it came out upside down
source? There's really no reliable world statistics on depression and suicide rate doesn't support your claims
*drinks a 15 case and toots 2 grams of clean chang*
ahhh yesss forests
>Quit being sad
The serious answer is bone density. Sub saharan africans have bones about 30% denser than Asians or Caucasians, so when they float, their mouth and nose aren't above the water. If I lie still in the water I'll be fine, if I were black I'd drown
look at it.
I'm not even hairy though which is the weird thing
cheapest is Airport Transfers also has free wifi