That 30 year old that owns crypto

>that 30 year old that owns crypto

Attached: wojakold.png (381x353, 32K)

> 34, 70k in crypto, 150k/year self employed


What you do for work fren

>tfw 30-38 is still prime years if you take care of yourself

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fucking boomers lmao

>That fifty year old millennial with no a wife and kids who invests in crypto

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I'm 23 and this meme is so dumb.

>that 5 year old boomer that owns crypto

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juvenile street nimmas that launder in crypto

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>implying we didn't get in early 20s

you will literally never catch up, sport

c o p e

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You sound like me, are you me?

(Sexual Market Value)

Just a reminder that we guys dont peak before age 35.

Which sounds reasonable. Men look for fertile women and women look for protector and providers. Eg. Financialy stable menn with balls.

Evolution at its best.

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You mean
>that 40 year old millennial with no wife or kids who trades cryptos.

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sup brother.

30, $200k in crypto, $100k/year wagekeking

>full hair
>best form of my life
>get nothing but respect from people who used to disrespect the fuck out of me
>roasties in their 20s and lower nearly break their necks checking me out while i'm out with my gf
guys, 30 isn't as bad as everybody said... look at your lives and tell me what came before was so good you'd repeat it...

...didn't think you wanted to repeat that shit show and neither do i...

remember: you either lean into it, or you becomes a meme

>mfw most chads are balding by now and i look good enough to bang their now coming-of-age teenage daughters, pissing them off, double, because
1. of their shit decision making and then having to raise the little shit and then
2. because they hate my guts and now they have to deal with a bunch of unjustified father feelings for ungrateful little brats that lust after older cock because of the brainwashing media...


>forgot pic related

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>the 8 year old grandma that invests in binance coin

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I'm going to be 28 soon. The years flew by. I hate every year that I get older
Still feel young at heart. Made some shit decisions growing up, loads of drugs. Several rehabs, off and on school.

I should be stable, and even married by 30. I am not ready for this

I turned 30 last week. It really fucked with my head, all I think about now is getting old and death

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its ok user, stay focused and you will make it. you need to want it tho user.

Shit I'll bet half of Jow Forums is over 30.

>tfw 24 and $1k in crypto to my name
Someone kill me now. It feels like time is speeding up

>that 15-year-old boomer who posts this thread over and over

22 is the average

>not being 14 years old female cryptolord driving neets into despair by moving mere 5% of your stack

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>flexing yo mama's rent

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>t. reluctant kneepad girl

I have 1 but no kids..I hate kids..Kids will ruin everything..BTW us 40 year old millennial invented crypto so go suck a cunt fart..

27 here, waiting until I reach 30 to off myself

no point in living beyond that

Of all the meme that get flung around, this one amuses me the most at how salty people get over it.