Tfw mcnukes will be a reality within my lifetime

>tfw mcnukes will be a reality within my lifetime
How can I immigrate to the USA?

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-06-27 22-31-59.png (1076x824, 344K)

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Why would you want to?


More likely, an abortion ban... which ironically will cause a black baby boom since blacks are the ones getting proportionally more abortions.

Attached: abortion black deaths.jpg (406x402, 194K)

>tfw you will never use your recreational mcnukes on your neighbour's house because a twig belonging to a three located on his property fell on your house.

for the mcnukes

This is why I have anti abortioners. Without it we'd probably be 20% negro and who knows how many more mexicans.

>over 14.5 million aborted negroes

That's like two Wakandas worth of babies.

wtf i'm pro abortion now

a real shame, i highly doubt they'll ever get a true centrist on the court ever again

It's not a shame. Anything that fucks this cunt up more is a positive thing.

I can't tell if you're just being edgy or not, but if not, why do you say that?

>not wanting civil war II

I want this country to experience somewhat of a breakdown so that the world moves more quickly to multipoliarity and the US is more or less forced into isolationism.

There will not be a civil war 2 in any meaningful sense. There may well be more violent civil unrest but the idea of a parallel government with any semblance of legitimacy or any significant territory managing to set itself up within the borders of the US is preposterous.

More unrest and division just makes it easier for special interest lobbyists to continue raping the average american and destroying the natural environment for the rest of us. We need to overcome this intolerant tribalism enabled by new media and learn to compromise again.

Why are you saying that like it's a bad thing? Don't you know how racist that is?!

It'd probably be the same percentage as today. It's not like white women don't get abortions too

I'm still hooping Trump goes into Sulla mode
>tfw ywn see proscription lists and mass purges of degenerates in canada

Attached: 1200px-Sulla_Glyptothek_Munich_309.jpg (1200x1830, 390K)

Why would you hope that? It's so short sighted and animalistic. You know how it eventually ended for the Romans after the death of the republic right?

Why not hope that society improves itself and everything gets better?

America needs more BASED blacks

Attached: 539.jpg (353x381, 37K)

>You know how it eventually ended for the Romans after the death of the republic right?
That's only because Sulla fucked up and he didn't crucify Ceaser and the other Popucucks

Blacks should have enforced sterilisation just like gypsies in Slovakia.

there will always be populists in a democracy, trump is a populist. the only defence against them is to make sure the majority of your society is educated enough to see the long term and wealthy enough not to be swayed by the faintest promise of benefits from the public purse

It's not really populism I'm against.
The populares were just fags
"muh grain dole"

but the reason the grain dole was such an effective tool for them to grab power was because roman society was so unequal and polarised

Hope they do that in Sub-Saharan Africa too