Why do arabs hate woman?

Why do arabs hate woman?

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Why wouldn't you

How the fuck is US even on that list

nigga do ya live on a cave o someshit like that dont ya see the #me2 movement and all that wack going on that women couldn say for longest ass time???

You treat them like whales

half of them are whales


I don't want to go full Jow Forumstard, but minorities are a disproportionately high contributing factor

Only thee countries on that list is even Arab you idiot

Only 3/10 of those cunts are Arab

there is a damn civil war going on there, not even men are safe there. if Lebanon had a civil war now, it would be included in the list too
>saudi arabia
dunno anything about them

Meme answer: because we aren't cucks
Non-meme answer: life is diffrent for us Arabs compared to the Westrean world. We have high tradition and family values. Saudi Arabia is well known to be really tribal and extremely religious. They are pretty hated even among Arabs.
Syria is in a civil war and everyone there don't have easy life
Yemen has the same problem as Saudi Arabia but not as much as SA

> Don't know anything about Yemen

How is this even possible?

Yemens problem is you and KSA are trying to kill all the locals to prop up your puppets.

>We have high tradition and family values.

Stripping half the population of their rights is not a family value.


>Yep; that's is me. You might be wondering how I got myself into this situation.

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>Yemen has the same problem as Saudi Arabia
Yemen's problem IS Saudi Arabia

It actually kinda is. Once women have the expectation to work, and be "equals", family goes to shit. It's why birth rates have gone to shit in the west, nobody's home to raise kids and women are too busy with careers to pop them out even.

The weak should fear the strong

It's a troll, right?

They are Arabs by civilization, you idiot.

>this same guy has probably used the "a dog born in staple isn't a horse" argument a thousand times

Who isn't?

Don't you have anything better to do with your life than to shitpost about arabs on a internet website?

I don't see you breeding, buddy. What's your excuse?

Jokes on you, I have a son

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This is your mind on French education