Reminder that I'll never allow REQ to go above $0.20 within 2018

Reminder that I'll never allow REQ to go above $0.20 within 2018.

Sell now if you want to daytrade. We're keeping the prices down until burning is a significant amount of trading volume.

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Fuck you piece of shit

Cry me a river. I'm here to make money and just warning little players like you I'm going to suppress prices for the next year or so.

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Crash it to zero so I can be at peace, mofo !

Nice LARP. There is no wallet with that amount of REQ.

At least blockchains are good for stopping LARPers.

It's on binance. You realize that all coins that are on binance belong to the Binance wallet right?

Man you guys are fucking retarded. Maybe I shouldn't even warned you faggots.

KEK. Based.

Well prove it then. Dump it to 2800 sats or LARP.

thanks based whale, I need more time to accumulate

why would he do that lmao

I already proved it when I started dumping 24th april went from almost 3000 sats to 2500 sats which was my target. If it'll ever approaches 3000 sats again I'll dump it back to around 2500 again. Look at the graphs to obviously see my movements.

I'm not the only one doing this as well It's a group of long-term investing whales. By keeping the price around $0.20 for a year we'll be getting a higher return on investment due to burn taking out more REQ.

Holy shit dont trigger him y know he can dumb to price to 0 with his lunch money he got from his mom right?

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To keep the price low, of course.
>my movements
Holy shit, you're so pathetic. Nice larp, you can't do shit with your 2k REQ, pajeet.

Fine whatever you want man. Just don't whine when REQ doesn't move above $0.30 and suspiciously keeps dumping during good partnerships in the next couple of months.

If you are speaking the truth make the price go to $0.1 now

Reminder to always do the opposite of what biz says.
Oh nice, that would be eaten in like, 5 minutes in a bullrun? Enjoy playing whale while the volume is low. Just be careful of the real sharks, little fish.

You can't even flash a sell wall for us? Kek, embarrassing.

>He thinks I would have all of my REQ on one single exchange

The amount of REQ I have spent the last couple of months to keep the price at $0.20 is almost 1 million REQ alone. The real price would be at $0.80 right now if it weren't for me and others suppressing the prices.

The reason why I chose $0.2 and not $0.1 is because $0.1 would paint an accumulation area for lots of traders. I want to keep it too high for real traders to risk accumulation but low enough that people get frustrated with its price and sell it themselves.

When most smaller holders with a couple of thousand of REQ sees that REQ "does fucking nothing" for an entire year while other projects keep pumping they will slowly sell off. Either into my buywalls or to the future burn bot both of which will give me a bigger return on investment in the future.

I'll stop suppressing the price when the burn bot buy volume goes up significantly and I think that'll take 1 to 2 years.

>The amount of REQ I have spent the last couple of months to keep the price at $0.20 is almost 1 million REQ alone.
Get your story straight ranjeet. Yesterday it was 400k.

>mfw retards fell for the web inspector larp

400k on binance (I specified that, look it up). Nice of you to recognize me. I spent more on asian exchanges as they are more dangerous to me. If Asians start investing into something it can easily pump really hard, look at Ven or ICX so I had to prevent that at all costs.

So all cryptocurry i hold is worthless sir?

>what are arbitrage bots
It's hard not to recognize you when you post the same shit in 10 threads

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In the remote possibility that it's true, keep it up mate, accumulating at this price nicely. Just do not count on me selling you my bags.

You realize that what I mostly do is just set large sell walls up whenever I see volume going up so that new buyers keep buying from my sellwall so that the price doesn't rise. In turn keeping FOMO chinks and moonkids out.

Marketselling is only something you do when the buy orders are thin so that you can easily crash it down a bit without spending too much REQ. Is this your first time trying to understand whale movements or something?

Flash a sell wall on Binance then, mr. """whale""". Since you go to such lengths as to make several threads to let people know how you won't allow the price to rise, it will do you only good to prove you're not a larp.

req burns will never amount to something

Do the math with paypal and stripe fees and global revenue anually. You will realize that req burns to do something usage has to be bigger than PayPal whilst staying at the same price. The moment the price goes up too much, using req will be too costly.

It is not working. I know it is a meme, but a higher price of req defeats the purpose of the token. For this coin it actually is true because in * burnRatio = out. If in is costly and burnRatio is of any proportion, people won't spend in. If it is too low when price is high, supply won't be affected in terms of rarity. You can't win.

I did the calculations, PayPal volume alone would result in ~$50 dollar per REQ. Not accounting for reduced supply due to burn or speculation. Nice try, though.

I post on these threads because it incentivizes daytraders, medium-term holders and small holders to sell their REQ. Keeping the price down.

This is in both my interest and those people I am warning since they could make more money holding other tokens in the short-term.

I came to the conclusion that honestly telling about me suppressing the price would convince more people to sell their REQ than posting unrelated FUD. Since most people in crypto are here for very short-term gains. If I can guarantee they won't make a profit within 1 year most of them will sell off without me even having to spend any REQ in the first place.

Sure in any other market telling people you are suppressing the true value of stocks would make investors buy even more of it but since crypto is in a special situation where everyone only wants short-term gains I can actually use this information to make it dump even more.

So prove you're not a larp, because your nervous babbling is not helping your cause. But of course, you can't do that.

So you wnet from more than a year and 20c to a few months and 30c?

Bitch you easily swindled

Look at the fucking bart pattern on REQ. I'm actively using my REQ right now to suppress prices.

REQ will not reach $0.3 pricepoint in 2018. And I'll dump REQ at every announcement to make sure of this.

Flash. The. Sell. Wall.

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More like req is so legit that it cannot be fudded anymore without falling in the ridicolous, so you cooked up this new silly plan.
Wake-up call: you still sound ridiculous.

So tell us what you see for a price per req in 1-2 years?

Reported to SEC. Keep giving clues fren

Where are you OP? Still waiting for the proof, you smelly Indian.

Hey Mr whale, I'm Billy, I'm a poor kid trying to make it on time to pay my college tuition. I hold REQ and your movements made me poor. But it's fine, I'm not angry with you. But but but can at least mention one coin I can invest in for gains in the next month? Please Mr. Whale :(

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so how much REQ in total do you have? I find it surprising that you can suppress a price with 1-2M REQ.

I like you

unironically forwarded thread as well. op is probably dumb enough to post this shit raw.

You both are dumb as well. OP is 100% not a burger, not to mention SEC can't do shit about unregulated markets.

go shit up another thread pajeet, and wipe your ass this time

Please Mister why are you so bad...

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Is this your binance deposit wallet?

This guy is a fraud and isn't me. Don't believe anyone claiming to be me. The target is $0.20 and I'll always post (new) proof when posting in the future. Also I'm a busy guy and don't have time to post in every thread all the time so watch out as the chance it'll be me is very low, and 0 without any (new) direct proof.

Ah, welcome back. Still waiting for that sell wall, you stupid larp.



Tell us at least what price REQ will be after these two years of pain... I'm just making my math PLEASE user I WANT TO BELIEVE

Thank you for the price suppression, i want to accumulate to 100k REQ

Just flash a sell wall you retarded LARPer

what will you do when your sell wall gets eaten?

He just single handedly crashed bitcoin and eth market to keep req low, what the fuck you guys want more? Stop triggering him before we all go to 0 for fuck sake.

sounds like a faggot with no more than 150k , do me a favor and kys no one cares about req
crypto will be long dead 2020