Do you think that some of the LINK tokens being moved around from the dev wallet could be for the faucet being built...

Do you think that some of the LINK tokens being moved around from the dev wallet could be for the faucet being built for Ropsten testnet?

What does this mean? The faucet is free linkies for those testing?

The last transfer was 5 million LINK, do they need that many for testing?

Attached: B40751CD-2E62-4655-92B1-E061A0557346.jpg (800x800, 81K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Greeting walletautism!
Do you think that testing that early will be a public event? If so, 5 mil LINK is too much IMO. If it would be faucets like they have been for XRB/Nano they will be farmed in no time. What else did catch your attention recently?

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>What does this mean? The faucet is free linkies for those testing?
Being this retarded...You know you can download and setup an Ethereum testnetwork locally on your own computer. Which gives you like 2k of test ethereum..

How dumb do you need to be to think that real link tokens will just be given away for testing purposes by the millions...You are a brainlet in tech and an complete brainlet is basic economics. What are you doing here?

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That's why I'm asking

So the "faucet" uses test link tokens and not real ones?
Shadowfork confirmed

Sorry WalletAutism..God bless you and your autism.

I did not mean to be so rude.
You're doing gods work.

Still it's kind of an dumb question though

They're going to burn the tokens

domp eet

forgot trips

You were right though.
The pivotal tracker says the faucet is just for test tokens.
To even think they would give away free shit is retarded.

They are dumping fast !
Ha ha ha ha ha !!!!
Cought you fucking pasta posting pajeets redhanded !!
Read this fucking thread

and cry poo-tears !!
CL (shit on it!) is fucking worthless !
Can't bring decentralized and trustless data into the blockchain lol because the smartcontract creator has to choose APIs, thus making the whole CL (shit on it!) project worse than fucking Mobius, not to speak about Oraclize.
You fucked up skizos got literally fucked in the asses by a faggot who calls himself Assblaster and there is nothing you can do about it but circleshit in eachothers mouths !
Motherfuckers !
I'm dieing of laughter right fucking now !!!

Where does it say that?
I see "create a LINK token faucet page"

The only context I knew about faucets from before was for e.g. Raiblocks faucet, like a way to get free tokens. Hence the questions here

then you could get free tokens on the testnet for experimental/developing purposes

Makes no sense to use real tokens on testnet does it?

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They were always planning on giving away tokens to encourage adoption.... and if the chainlink team were just passing LINK tokens around for their own tests then they wouldn't be giving it away.

How could they use "test" tokens anyway? Like, isn't the LINK token itself very important because of Transfer and Call? I know nothing about programming, what is a "test" token exactly?

it means they are dumping on the gullible cultists

Encouraging adoption... At least you gotta run a node after mainnet so they will incentivise you.
It's very eazy to fork it, worthless tokens that will only be used for testing.

Not sure why I'm even holding Link tbqh

Haven't kept up with the project lately cause of life stuff, but I bought a fat stack of LINK during presale last September. We rose from 9 cents to 50 cents in the span of a month, and then hovered around 40 cents for a good amount of time. BTC was 4500ish or thereabouts

it's been 7 fucking months and the price is exactly the same. Periodically I check Jow Forums and see the obligatory, "Tonight!" threads, or just general charting threads. Why? What the fuck are you celebrating. With the exception of the temporary bubble, this shit has been trading in the same channel for nearly a goddamn year.

And what the fuck do we have? Still no medium updates. No marketing director as promised. All of the Assblaster posts have been proven LARPs. None of the secret developments all of these Sherlock holmes autists post about have come to fruition. Not one.

Woo we get ropsten next month. You just know there will be bugs and all sorts of complications. And what about adoption? No word from SWIFT. No word from anybody. *maybe* JNT will LOOK at it. Fucking docusign? Really? Yet some of you idiots still cling to the delusion that mainnet will go live and all of these banks will be diving right in. Bull fucking shit.

and it's not even as if LINK is the chosen one anymore. Oracles are popping up left and right. This team is severely outclassed.

How fucking long are we supposed to hold for? Most of us are in our 20s. You get what, maybe 15 years more of prime living? And we've already pissed damn near 10% of that away, waiting for absolutely nothing. Jesus fucking christ

You don't deserve to be rich

You deserve to stay poor

Your lives are both pasta

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My guess is no, the LINK token's big role will be in the consensus, validation mechanisms of nodes, and in penalising/taxing nodes who provide
inaccurate data by making them lose a portion of their staked linkies. So far almost none of the code on github seems to address those mechanisms. That being said, it's nice to see the latest commits enforcing
the role played by LINK in running and utilising the underlying network of decentralised oracles, a couple of examples :

-Ability for individual oracle to withdraw earned LINK
(the changes to 'solidity/contracts/Oracle.sol' are especially interesting)

-Allow certain functions to be called only through the LINK token
(example for 'requestData'function)

(example for 'onTokenTransfer'function)

These commits may not seem like much but in my opinion they are HUGE for link marines and they confirm the fact that in order to use the
decentralised oracle network or to have any stake in it, individuals and companies WILL have to own LINK tokens. Assblaster had good insight
when he said that the amount of LINK tokens you own are " going to be a proportional entitlement to the entire network of open banking. Secured via ethereum smart contracts to give out dividends, it will entitle you access to the defacto network of transparent decentralised banking."

Attached: test.png (1100x3500, 224K)

Boner fuel

Attached: 1524557715804.jpg (600x900, 59K)

tokens and ether on the mainnet involve, as you know, real $$$.
but on the testnet they can do whatever they want without spending any real eth or link tokens and get to test the stuff, see how it works - like a demo for a playstation 1 game

Attached: 1524851908790.jpg (369x387, 35K)

And that is not even the worst part
Ha ha ha ha ha !!!!
Cought you fucking pasta posting pajeets redhanded !!
Read this fucking thread

and cry poo-tears !!
CL (shit on it!) is fucking worthless !
Can't bring decentralized and trustless data into the blockchain lol because the smartcontract creator has to choose APIs, thus making the whole CL (shit on it!) project worse than fucking Mobius, not to speak about Oraclize.
You fucked up skizos got literally fucked in the asses by a faggot who calls himself Assblaster and there is nothing you can do about it but circleshit in eachothers mouths !
Motherfuckers !
I'm dieing of laughter right fucking now !!

Of course it does. To test that the network works with the tokens. And if it does and there’s no bugs, you’re ready for mainnet. Why do you think they are creating a test LINK token for this?

No, that LINK is probably used for paying devs or they are obscuring it through Binance so we can't follow the trail.
Faucet tokens will be fake worthless tokens that will mimic the real ones for the purpose of testing.

No. Look up what the ethereum test network, ropsten, is.

Just like they have test ether, the chainlink team is setting up a test faucet for chainlink tokens so people can test the nodes with the tokens (which are the only thing the nodes work with).

This has nothing to do with the tokens on the main net.

so basically they're setting up a faucet to distribute tokens so people can test the nodes. Otherwise people couldn't get the tokens and couldn't test things.

Thanks for the info