WTF ITS GOING DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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what the fuck are you holding

What happened

BTC is tanking


the head and shoulder was obvious
nobody with a brain traded the last 4 days

It’s at 9.4k on bitfinex

Still up on the day, and a slight pull back. I bet you are some fag that just 10Xd. You're never going to make it. Focus on your trade and stop posting on 4 chan fag

>projecting this hard
beta orbiter confirmed.

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Double top essentially. Going way the fuck down this time.

Who tethered up at 9570?

You too? Let's get comfy on the trip down

Literally below 9400
is crypto dead?

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I tethered at 9510, I almost got back in at 9400 but my Chihuahua had to take a piss. He saved me, gonna give him a treat now.

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Kek, you're the faggot losing money. You remind me of the fag new traders at my office who cry after every losing trade. Hope it keeps going down, even if it means I lose money.

LOL, I tethered at 9510 wagie, what kind of wagecuck jobs do you do in pajeet land? Mondays almost here, feelsbadman.jpeg

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double topped again, back to 5k we go

I'm a prop trader. I am what you aspire to be. I'm not some virgin retail trader trading off my laptop.

>Inb4 retard thinks prop trader is a wagie

>"Hope it keeps going down, even if it means I lose money."
Sounds like you didnt tether faggot, thats the only way you lose money larping nigger.

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I don't day trade cryptos, I'm not retarded, I just accumulate and keep adding to my stacks on dips. So a 10% dip in my portfolio won't be as bad for me as someone like you who leveraged.

Someone like you doesn't have the temperament for trading, so you'll eventually lose.

You just responded to the same person in two posts boomer faggot.

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Wow what a disaster, sorry to break the rules fag. Nice meme cunt, TA is for virgin retail traders.

Bro whats it like being fat irl? Must suck right?

Quality thread right here. Bravo, Jow Forums.

she's coming down to 7.5kish then up to 8.9, then down to 5.5k, sideways until Oct/nov/dec runup.

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Let's make your chihuahua our spirit animal when shorting.

Hide psyop threads, ignore psyop posters, sage when posting in psyop threads

I see you've finally given up on 4k.

It's just the weekend dip user