Japan soka gakkai 創価学会

any japanbros have experience with Soka Gakkai 創価学会 like knowing people who have gotten really into it? is it really a cult? i know so many japanese people here in town who are big soka-heads and it always comes across as a weird desperate self-help group that attracts struggling people and outcasts

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normal japs in Japan never give a shit to it.
even think they are cult.

so they're generally understood to be a cult. like scientology? i understand SGI is always demanding members to contribute money (confession, i belonged to it for a few months a long time ago before deciding it was for dumb dumbs)

probably, members are supposedly pretty keen on harassing those whose love interests are not also members

Do they also play the role as the requisite sidekick of the governing party?

not as far as i know, but they do have a lot of money so probably in some sense. so Soka is involved in Japanese politics?

>I posted about a weeb I met in US whose gf was a member
>And I presume he has already turned into one
>I deleted comment sorry

It seemed that she had had an antecedent intention.

>6% in the House of Representatives
>10% in the House of Councilors
while the governing party(jldp) holds
>61% in HR
>51% in HC
so just after gathering other shit alt right party up, they could hold more than two thirds of members in both house.
>Any bill will be passed
>Even Constitutional amendment could be submitted to national referendum.

>Soka is involved in Japanese politics?
yeah, its basically a leftist, and was like "walk its own way", but its been working with jimin tou since several years ago.
again normal japs never give a shit.

what the fuck...

don't give a shit, meaning they aren't bothered by Soka's political involvement, or they just aren't interested in the religion?

>normal japs never give a shit

Attached: soka.jpg (1280x720, 201K)

>don't give a shit
simply taking no notice of it, even it's looming as a large formation of carpet bombardment

>ordinary Japanese
>would stay as far as they could from that both individually and politically

And see this film if you haven't.

Attached: saraba.jpg (315x445, 23K)

I even dislike soka.
although the member of it that I know is a kind person, but I don't wanna participate it. he told me he is the member . Japanese are basically atheists. and soka seems kinda weird.

will do, love me some nicholson and never heard of that one

Soka is an autistic cult. 2ch people sometimes make fun of it.

yeah i feel kind of bad since they have a great community, always helping each other and getting together, great way to make friends. but it's too damn weird and creepy and has the typical uninformed circular logic of low-level religion practitioners, so I stay away. still have good friends who are all about it

折伏 shakubuku is the best word for religious conversion though

>the film
I couldn’t believe my own eyes when I saw it for first time.
>For about a half century, any media, including fictional works, criticizing them had been practically banned in this country.

Why are Mutts brainwashed by a fucking cult?
This ugly fat frog face does not have any magical skills.

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westerners have a messed up notion of buddhism because of the counterculture movement. there are lots of weird fascinating cults in the USA, don't know why we are so susceptible to it. i actually saw a Westboro Baptist Church protest this morning lol.
but hey you guys invented this one

>you guys invented this one
Japanese invented Westboro Baptist Church?
I doubt


or should I say cyкa gakkai

sorry thats right.