Why did Whites become the premier race of the world? How did they do it?

Why did Whites become the premier race of the world? How did they do it?

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post ww2
enlightenment values


they learned from us


everything they had came from rome

What is better about their geography than other regions?
But MENA's also have the Mediterranean... and well, they're not exactly nothing to write home about nowadays

Geography, Europe is comparatively safe and fertile land. There is no evolutionary advantage to improving your intellectual ability when you're living in Africa.

Weren't those invented by the Chinese?

Middle easterners had the first civilisations, so did Egypt but they're still shitholes

A change of mentality. Back in the good old days everyone thought that We knew everything, every single truth. Back in the "good" old days Folks thought that the historic period they were living was that of a decaying/stagnant world and that the past was the golden age. This mentality changed, People understood that they did not know anything about a lot of important things, People understood that thing could improve too. By exploring and by "conquering the new worlds" the understanding of this world grew larger and larger.

indo europeans gave them the horse and wheel, on the european plain that led to decentralisation and competition (and success), rather than others who centralised early and the resulting monopoly and bureaucracy led to corruption and failure

Unironically? You want a serious answer?

Rapid accumulation of capital coupled with their capitalization on resources to create/supply markets back in their home countries. They also had some big advantages too, such as their fertile land and easily domesticated animals.

That's how the colonization of the new world started- Portugal amassed wealth by becoming a middleman in West African trade routes, which funded their expansion into South America, where they then had the luck of running into easily enslavable natives and many resources they could send back to Europe to fund more conquest. Spain followed, and later France and Britain succeeded in North America through things such as the beaver fur trade to make continued expansion across the world economically feasible.

Economics is the name of the game. Money runs the world, don't let anyone tell you otherwise

Real answer is the industrial revolution.
It catapulted all of europe into the fastest-paced 200 years in all previous human history up to 1750.

Read the book Prisoners of Geography

finno-ugric genes
ancient greece? Finns
ancient rome? Finns
the answer for every question is Finns

Attached: ancient finns.jpg (1280x972, 331K)

this isn't really a compelling argument since China had the greatest amount of wealth up until the industrial revolution

I should have been a bit more thorough but honestly this is a massive subject you need a book or series of books to cover.

China had the wealth, but they didn't have the competitive push to. Where would they go? Siberia? The himalayas? The western Chinese desert? Southeast Asia, which was hostile to them? The pacific, which is massive compared to the atlantic? They were also heavily isolated from international competition, as India and Japan were both shielded from them, so they never had any large incentive to explode outward and expand. Europe on the other hand had powerful nations packed together like sardeens. European nations were also not isolated whatsoever, and they had a great drive to push them to expand and gain an economic edge over their neighboring countries which they fought with constantly.

So I should have been more clear, it's wealth/capital/economic expansion + the incentive to expand + geography (atlantic vs pacific) + natives that were easy to enslave + constant international warfare driving rapid technological expansion, etc. etc.

Money would be one of the core drivers of expansion though

I don't think Africa is particularly unfertile. I've read that one of the reasons why Madagascar wasn't settled by Africans first is cause they didn't really need to settle new lands.
Didn't basically everyone in the Old World outside of SSAfrica have horses and wheels?

They had wheels and stuff

That's a really cute shih-tzu. He looks like a good boy. Or girl.


>constant international warfare driving rapid technological expansion


3 inner seas (black, mediterranean, nordic), that enabled much easier trade early on and to a wider variety of country.
Temperate climate and flora that has low erosion of buildings compared to the equator, limited the spread of tropical disease, and allowed the formation of class-based sedentary societies because of the necessity to have a granarium (or equivalent).
Lots of peninsula that served as centres of trade : spain, italy, venice, danemark.
1 huge island (England) that formed the basis of the world's first superpower and thus the industrial revolution, basically the japan of Europe.
The most important countries of early Europe: france, england, italy, spain, portugal, Greece, are protected by natural barriers (alpes, rhine, sea, pyrénées) that prevented chinese style medieval warfare.
Lots of ore and mineral resources.
And lots of "buffer" countries that protected the heartland of europe from the invasion of barbarian hordes, turkish, mongol, arab, all of which were responsible for massive wars in the other eurasian centers of civilizations, such as arabia and east asia.

It's not that the other civilizations were flawed, or couldn't reach the level of Europe given time, but Europe as a location has major advantages regarding border defence, agriculture, and trade that others don't have. If China had more natural defences against the mongols, inner seas, they'd have been a competitor.

Read Sapiens.

You mean the North Sea?
>chinese style medieval warfare
What do you mean by this?
>from invasion of barbarian hordes, turkish, mongol, arab
But Russia, Iberia and the Balkans were all affected by these. Although, I guess, you mean none of them are part of the heartland of Europe.

Free market
decent IQ
Litterly those two facts. That's it.

you mean they're now shitholes

That's not it. The money, destruction and death of people delay progress or steer it to limited fields.

High IQ + aggression

Literally no other race of people has this winning combination


Being superior specimens of humanity gave us a huge advantage.

Geography, Europe is geographically at the center of the world, so the triangular trade between Europe, Americas and Africa was easy to accomplish and something East Asians or Indians, despite being important centers of civilizations could not accomplish. Euros were also close to Middle East by the Mediterranean Sea and could thus receive lots of ideas, technologies and ressources from India, China and the Middle East through Italy.

Europe is a relatively easy terrain to exploit, in comparison to Subsaharan Africa, where societies are isolated from one another due to thick jungles, and are isolated from the Mediterranean trade because of the Sahara, which unsurprisingly led to the poorest and most undevelopped areas of Earth.

Meme answer would be ''huh nigger chinks arabs abos hahahah '' but the fact is economic success AND racial characteristics are really dependant on the environment humans grow in and the way they adapt, and not the other way around. The environment is the independant factor here.

last bump

Superior boats. Guns. Industrial revolution.

BAHAHAHAHAHA what kind of moronic horseshit is this. Spain and Portugal created massive empires by slaughtering natives until they bowed and became slaves to fuel the european expansion. Americans enslaved Africans to fuel a huge portion of their economy.

I respect you because you sound so untouched and naive by the world, but holy shit is that wrong. This world, as sick as this makes me feel to say this, is founded on blood, desutruction, wealth, and death. Don't act like you're above it or haven't gained from it

What the fuck is an empire? It is the result of advancement, not the other way around. What did Ports get? Gold? What did they spend it on? Weapons? From whom? Other advanced nations? Who advanced how? Empire again?

territories, land whatever the fuck you want to call it. Maybe it didn't qualify as an 'empire', but it's just ignorant to say that violence and destruction and structured systems of wealth don't advance society. Who made your cell phone? Probably some slave child in china.

Call some ancient land holdings whatever you want, but don't go around honestly believing our world was forged from sunshines and rainbows

>but it's just ignorant to say that violence and destruction and structured systems of wealth don't advance society. Who made your cell phone? Probably some slave child in china.
lmao that's just wealth discrepancy man, it's got nothing to do with what you just listed

if china as a country was closed off entirely until today they would be unimaginably poor

Late 1700's with industrial revolution and French revolution bringing modern ideology, institutions and an insane jump in production capabilities and manpower from a population boom and being able to levy huge armies

Industrial revolution and ability to destroy other cultures.

Genetic and cultural superiority.

>easily domesticated animals.
Good meme.

Im not even convinced we were this particularly aggressive. I don't know much about asia but the middle east, africa or the americas were as much if not more in perpetual war as we were and the Roman empire peace lasted for a millenary.

there were several times they almost didn't.

- Genghis Khan threatened to wipe out Europe as he pushed into the area.

- The Black Plague

prior to all this, Europe was a land of Barbarian Visigoths, Nordic Vikings, Celtic druids. While there were tribes with warriors, European whites did not have scholars and were not united.

The Romans, Etruscans, and Greeks hundreds of years prior to this were the closest "whites" that carried over into what we know of white civilizations today. But these Empires fell and eventually faded away resulting in the Dark Ages. European whites never elevated to the level of the Ottomans and Persians who were, at the time, constantly threatening Europe from the East (Asia Minor), the South (Northern Africa) and from the West (Spanish Moors). The Ottoman Empire would have easily wiped out European whites had it not been for Genghis Khan threatening the Turks also.

But the other thing that saved whites and eventually pushed them into reaching higher than being serfs and peasants to royalty was the Catholic Church. I'm probably gonna trigger people talking about this but will not respond to it and only stick to the matter concerning the OP's inquiry. People out there like to give the Church a lot of flak and make assumptions of their corruptness which may have some credence. But it was the Catholic Church that united European whites. It spawned Kings such as Charlemagne who led the defense of Europe in the early centuries. The Church established about 80 universities throughout Europe prior to the Reformation. And it was here that Europeans had the opportunity to study Classics, Philosophy, Science and Arithmetic that was taught from the Greeks and Zoroastrians. The Moslems had an earlier form of it in Tunisia or Morocco but were relegated to religious study of the Koran.

when the Renaissance reached Europe in the 1400s it was here that compelled them to try and re-establish the civilization that the ancient Greeks...


he said aggressiveness AND iq
arabs and nigs are violent but they're dumb


created. The Renaissance saw the apex of Western "white" art and architecture, and emerged scientists, writers, philosophers...

but if we are to gauge exactly the point that turned history toward European white's favor which made them the "Alpha" race of the world, I'd say it had to be their goal to reach beyond Europe, the Middle East and North Africa which had been the main focus of civilization for millennia, and that was the global exploration of the world which would eventually discover the New World. No civilization or race in Man's history was able to do this until the European Renaissance. With command of the seas, trade expanded beyond the Old World. This created wealth. Whomever garnered that had, by default, the power to dictate terms and society. As a result of this, it created a new way of governing a body of people than what we once had with the old aristocrat-serfdom template that had existed since the Babylonians. European global exploration gave Man a higher outlook of what life can be aside from servitude or being labeled into a class under a monarchy.

we're qts